Live weather still not working?

I was under the impression live weather has been fixed?

Tonight I flew from Amsterdam to Heathrow & I had clear skies all the way. 29.92in all the way. I had a 3kt headwind at FL240.

At the time the real world weather was mostly cloudy at both airports. Even the Flight simulator world map showed the clouds?

If you just encounter into this right now in the past period, consider yourself lucky.
We still have this problem unfortunately

The furthest I can go with the live weather is:
Have a good first flight
Load the second leg in the sim, at the departure I have a proper weather from the first flight, but at the destination is “- -”

As btdc00 posted above, we already have a thread about this showing the problem. Go place your vote there instead of fragmenting it into another thread about the same thing. The more votes we can get on that thread, the more likely it is Asobo will give a ■■■■ enough to look into this.

Duplicate Topic.