Live Weather - Surface Visibility Depictions inaccurate

I have been seeing a bunch of videos for the last 4 weeks, and I have a few suggestions regarding live weather:

  • Live weather does not appear to depict surface visibility well at all. This can be tested in locations such as New Delhi and Mumbai, where visibility never usually crosses above 3-5SM on a good day due to smog and humidity respectively. The skies in these places looked like we were flying in a small town out of Montana with >20SM visibility all around.
  • Is there a way for the developers to either implement smog/mist in live weather, or leave it to the user to limit surface visibility and upper visibility as was done by Active Sky for P3D? The former solution would be best!
  • Suggestion: Meteoblue has PM2.5, PM10 and other air quality metrics in their database. Can they use that to simulate visibility more authentically?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Live Weather Reports and Discussion