Ive had an issue since the release of MSFS 2024 where my live weather will randomly turn off with no warning. i cant seem to figure out when it happens but it does and I cant figure out why. my internet is stable and i have no binds that should be turning it off. It will just randomly turn off live weather causing my speed to drop slowly
Hi @AhwaJay ,
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I have not seen similar reports, let´s see if some users have faced the same issue.
That cannot be the issue since there is no binding to enable/disable Live Weather.
I also have the Problem. I notice it when suddenly the Plane looses speed without any technical issiues. Also the Plane gets on a completly wrong hight or overspeed suddenly. Then i noticed that the Live wheater was suddenly off. You cant complete the Flight then cause the Plane slowly looses Speed then and stalls. Connects to the Problem here: Planes speed decreasing in cruise - #2 by AhwaJay. Also the Problem from msfs2020 continues in 24 that the Weather changes bring the plane out of control.
still happens to me almost every flight. I have no clue why but it does. anyone else?
I see this happening too. It seems to be random whether live weather switch is enabled or not. I’ve had to get into the habit with fs2024 in each sim session of checking the live weather toggle switch in the weather panel before every flight. Definitely bugged. There’s no reason I can see for it turning off between sim sessions.
Not a user issue I don’t think. Just another fs2024 quirk.
I think what you are reporting refers to this known issue: Flight Conditions settings change every flight
Issue reported by OP is:
From what I understand it happens during the flight.
@AhwaJay : could you confirm if Live Weather is automatically turned off in the Online settings:
Or in the Weather panel ?:
Title altered to reflect issue happens during the flight
Yes this sounds like what I am sometimes seeing. It doesn’t turn off mid flight for me, just occasionally when starting a new flight. I thought that was what was being described by OP too, but maybe not.
For me It will happen during the flight but when it does ive only checked it through the weather panel where it shows as off and then I have to switch it on. Mind you this can happen more then once per flight. Ive never checked the live weather option in the settings menu when it happens but its always on when I check before flights.
Personally I have no idea when it turns itself off. I just know I don’t do it. I always want it on, therefore why would I turn it off. I just happen to discover it is off when I notice windsocks are limp. Then I find out that it is back to off again. Really annoying.
Seems this bug report: Weather sudden change to default weather is the same than the issue reported in this topic.
still happens in the Su1 beta. im not sure how this is till in user support when its clearly a bug
The the report provided in my above post is in Bug Reporting Hub , you can contribute there.
For me it’s even worse. The “live weather” will revert to “custom” immediately. If I leave the screen up, it will stay on “live” but if I close it down then reopen it, it is back to “custom”. Since I have no idea what “custom” means perhaps this is the way its supposed to work-- but I doubt it.
Are you experiencing this issue during a flight or in the main menu ?
If in the menu then that is a different issue than reported in this topic, see: Flight Conditions settings change every flight
During a flight. Note too I have general setting set to live weather.
Yes, live weather in General/Online is checked. When my game starts up it shows live weather. Only when I enter the cockpit then check the weather using the cloud icon does it show custom. I’m beginning to think this is a minor bug in the display, and the live weather is still working since the winds seem to change over time. On the other hand I’m beginning not to trust anything I see in this game. To me it is a badly designed hodge podge of uncoordinated elements. In other words, not user friendlly. (Yes, my grumpiness is increasing.)
Could be, another user reported the same, seeing Live Weather disabled in the Weather window but seems Live Weather was still active during the flight:
for now im going to say I found a solution. so far this seems to work for me. before you start your flight you need to make sure that live weather is enabled. make sure you do this after you have selected your spawn point and then make sure live weather is enabled. If your live weather is off when you start the flight you might encounter this issue. please mind that the live weather toggle doesn’t always stay enabled.