Great Plane, but I’m kinda getting tired of looking at the Porter for a half hour every time the sim loads. Anyone know the Name/Location of this image so I can replace it with something different for a while?
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.21.13.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Packages\fs-base-onboarding\images
Disclaimer: This is deep in the system folders and altering certain files may not only brick your sim, it could also brick your PC. Proceed with great caution.
Edit: If you’re running the pre-release test version, this path is invalid. You’ll need to change the version # in the path, and the location of the image may not be correct. I’m still running the stable version.
No so easy – complex permissions issues !!!
Mess with files and permission in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.21.13.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe at your peril – and risk having to end up doing a full re-install of MSFS !!
Yep - probably need at least Win 10 Pro to run permission changes. Doubt it can be done with Win 10 Home.
You can “take ownership” – but once you own it – you also own the issues you cause !!!
Some things are just better left alone – If it ain’t Broke, don’t fix it !!
Here’s a new wrinkle… I just found another copy of the same pic here:
After a bit of testing, I’ve determined that the deep untouchable file is used initially, and then when it switches to the image with the Game of the Year stuff superimposed, it’s using the Packages version. Of course, by the time you get to this part of the loading, you’re not going to see much of the image, since you’ll get all of the other stuff displayed over the top.
Does not appear to be a 2nd copy in the MS-STore version ?
BTW: neat search for file tool “Everything”
Wonder how I ever lived without it !!!
VERY fast searches
Is this really worth the effort, and possibly breaking something? Plus some microsoft software usually checks it’s files anyway and restores the original when something is altered (not sure if MSFS does that).
I just tap out and use the loading time for flight planning.
Btw this thread reminds me a bit of changing logo.sys to something inappropriate in windows 98 at school.
AHh , Thanks !! its a slightly different name – Yes, Its here in the MS-Store version
Fun things to play about with in Loading1.json
( I’m also a Pusher of one’s and zero’s )
Even better would be shutting off these time-consuming online-update-scans every single sim start.
I recommend browser tabbing instead of trying to insert a more interesting loading splash screen: ALT + Tab and watching YouTube videos, listening to audio books or Creepy Pastas and watch some Disney+ while loading the sim is more efficient to make time pass by faster.
A full Star Wars Book of Boba Fett episode and some animated short films should be possible to watch while the loading progress bar is slowly climbing to ~60%
Thanks for all the replies guys! Looks like its potentially more trouble than its worth LOL! With FSX all you had to do was find an image you wanted to use as a replacement and rename it to the splash screen image and place it in the root folder. Seems like this is not so simple and is potentially a problem causer… Guess I’ll just look at the porter, or go make a sandwich or something… HAHA! Thanks!
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