Loading gets stuck at 68%

Great find! This works for me too!

I have an i5-4670K and a 1070 GPU. I have MSFS 2024, with 1.3.10 beta installed. Following your instructions by setting Riva Tuner to 30 FPS, I’m able to completely load in about 7 minutes.

I’ve successfully loaded 5 times in a row now…something I could never do before.

Thanks for the help!


Chewwy94 please take note – there is a workaround!


Yep, the Rivatuner thing works! Great!

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It’s looking like the workaround has been found, as it’s working for others, too (and great for me!)

Big thanks to everyone in this thread, and a massive round of applause for SquatterHippo69 for thinking of trying Riva tuner! Definitely not something I’d have thought of!

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I finally managed to launch it with Riva after the formatting, but for me, it takes around an hour. The memory reaches up to 12,000; it starts at around 6,000 very quickly, and from there, it rises slowly or even drops at times. Once the game loads, it runs without issues. Thank you very much for finding a solution!

I have found another workaround, not the definitive solution, but it always works for me.
In the folder C:\Users<usename>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache each time before start MSFS2024 I have deleted the file ROLLINGCACHE.CCC and always MSFS2024 started with no problems. This startup is slower but it works and my library remains the same. I have tested to start without deleting the file and it stuck at 68%, abort MSFS, delete the file and start again with no problems or errors.
Hope it works for all of you too.

After two months of nightmare stuck at 68%, trying every tips from the forums, by accident, today, i tried to launch the game trough NvidiaApp, and…Boooom.
Started like a charm.

So… If your MSFS2024 is recognized by NvidiaApp, just go to NvidiaApp, next go to Graphics, click on the 3 dots near where you Optimize the game( a green rectangle), and hit PLAY. The game start from there.
I don`t know why it is not loading from every shortcut I´ve created, from Xbox, and from the application folder.
I noticed that were no suspend or terminated services run on Task Manager.

I hope that this help
It worked for me

I tried all these fixes. The clearing of the cache does often work, but not always for me. Also, the use of RivaTuner (which always works) makes the load time much, much faster, so I’m not sure why you’d want a different work-around currently. Does the rivatuner solution not work for you?

as others have reported, the use of the NVidia app can have a negative effect on performance (I don’t think it’s just for this game, either), so I just deleted it.
e.g. We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app (Updated) | Tom's Hardware

However, it seems you can still have the app installed and no performance hit if you disable filters and photo-mode:

" Update: Nvidia sent us a statement: “We are aware of a reported performance issue related to Game Filters and are actively looking into it. You can turn off Game Filters from the NVIDIA App Settings > Features > Overlay > Game Filters and Photo Mode, and then relaunch your game.”

We have tested this and confirmed that disabling the Game Filters and Photo Mode does indeed work. The problem appears to stem from the filters causing a performance loss, even when they’re not being actively used . (With GeForce Experience, if you didn’t have any game filters enabled, it didn’t affect performance.) So, if you’re only after the video capture features or game optimizations offered by the Nvidia App, you can get ‘normal’ performance by disabling the filters and photo modes."

You are right. It didn’t work the following times. It only worked that time, then it came back the same way
I´m going to try the Riva Tuner.
Thank you

The Riva Tuner worked.
Thank you once again

Unfortunately, the Overlays in the NVIDIA App were one of the first thing I disabled, so I don’t feel this is a solution. However, I experience no hangups since I set up the Riva Tuner, so whatever floats the boat…

I’ve looked into this some more, and I believe the issue is being caused by the opening loading video, which is saturating the CPU. If I check task manager when Flight Simulator is loading, the opening video is taking 50% of my RTX 4060 GPU and this is just playing the opening MP4 file over and over, which is ridiculous. If I play a MP4 file outside of the sim, VLC program takes up 0.6% and the GPU runs at 4%, so why on earth is the Flight Sim Opening video using so much resources.

So by Limiting the Frame Rate with Riva Tuner, we drop our GPU usage to 24% to 27% which in turn is freeing up CPU Time which is critical during the loading procedure as the sim is downloading and processing files.

They seem to have a bug with that opening video just using too much resource of the GPU, which in turns tanks older CPU’s and leaves no free CPU time to handle the processing of the files.

It’s probably why this thread doesn’t get a lot of attention, as a majority of gamers are using Very Latest Spec CPU’s, which will not be as sensitive to this issue.

Without Riva Tuner, my CPU Runs at 100% for the Game and the GPU 54%

With Riva Tuner, my CPU runs between 68% to 72% and the GPU at 27%

That opening video is the issue.


Please perform the following test

without Riva Tuner

Navigate to the folder where the FlightSimulator2024.exe file is located.
If you have MSFS from Microsoft Store, FlightSimulator2024.exe file is by default in C:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Content

Once inside Content folder, open > Packages > fs-base-videos > Videos

In Videos folder, rename file PressStartVideo-4K.mp4 to PressStartVideo-4K.mp4_copy.

Next, open Windows Notepad and save blank window as PressStartVideo-4K.mp4. Be sure to save file in the folder where the copy of PressStartVideo-4K.mp4 is located.

After that, launch MSFS 2024 and monitor CPU usage from the moment

be patient …

Game didn’t load, waited for 20+ minutes. CPU Continued at near 100% Capacity and never calmed down. GPU, even with a black Screen with just the text showing (Same as your example screen above), still running between 7% and then peaking at 72% with average sitting around 35% to 42% in peaks, GPU never stayed steady. Thinking about the loading video, it also has to display the Progress Text as a overlay on top of the video, so maybe they have a problem in the routine that plays the video and does this.

If I Put the video back, and put Riva Tuner to 30 FPS, game loads every time, CPU hovers under 70% when loading, GPU between 27% to 34%.

I still think the start up video / The Progress Bar Overlay, or the code that’s running all that has a problem somewhere.

It’s strange that MSFS 2024 won’t load for you - it loads quickly on my end. Of course, because of the edited file, I have a black background.

MSFS 20204_beta

I tried something else. I replaced the video with a 2 second MP4 Video. Now what happens is, every 2 seconds, the Games loads a chunk and then pauses and then loads another chunk and so on and so on, and only does it after the video has gone through each 2 second cycle, so the delay definitely has something to do with the video loading scene. For example, when loading packages it said 5/1010. The video would go through and after 2 seconds, the 5/1010 would increase to 14/1010 and then pause. When the next 2 seconds of the video had played on loop, it would go to 59/1010 and so on, slowly increasing with each video loop. Don’t get me wrong, I can get into the Game with the Riva Tuner Trick, I’m only adding to this thread now in a hope that the Dev’s see it, and try and point them to what’s causing the slow loading times for some users with older CPU’s.

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Absolutely. Hopefully this will get back to the devs. I agree that it seems to be loading video related. Safe mode loading seems to interrupt the video more often to do some loading (so video stutters etc…). On a normal load, video seems to have higher priority so is silky smooth, but loading is much slower.

I’m not sure anyone from Asobo is looking at this thread, so I wonder if it’s worth you starting another one with your findings (so it doesn’t have a solution marked on it).

Thanks again for your work on this, it allowed me to actually play the game again!

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KK, why do you need RivaTuner?
What did you use before RivaTuner?
How did you limit FPS before you had RivaTuner?

The whole problem is this thread, was a bunch of people who couldn’t get the game to load. It was very very slow loading and the game was stuck at 68%

After doing some research into the problem myself, I found that by using Riva Tuner and setting the Max Frame Rate to 30FPS and then launching the game, the game loaded very fast and got past 68% and a bunch of people with the problem in this thread can now use the game.

I Didn’t limit anything before

After reading this thread, I started to look into what was causing the game not to load for people with older CPU’s as I had the same problem. When I was loading the game I noticed the following behaviour:

  1. The Game was very slow.
  2. My CPU Was Tanked at 100% when loading
  3. My RTX 4060 was running Permanently at 54% when the game loads

So the first thing I tried, was going into the NVidia Control Panel and setting the Max Frame Rate to 60.

Results from this were:

The Game now loaded quicker, but was still getting stuck at 68%, or if it got passed 68% it took at least 40 minutes to load.

I then checked my CPU when the Frame Rate was capped and noticed it had more overhead. It was running around 88% with Nvidia Max Frame Rate at 60FPS.

So the above got me thinking, that the game was getting stuck, purely because my machine was simply overloaded with something in the opening video routine.

I needed a way to change the Max Frame Rate on the Fly to test my theory, so installed Riva Tuner.

I changed the Max Frame rate in Riva Tuner to 30FPS and suddenly, the game loaded in 3 to 5 minutes, wow it was fast. When I checked my CPU, set at 30FPS, it was down to 68% and my GPU was running around 27% to 34%

By limiting the Frame Rate in Riva Tuner to 30FPS, you free up resources from your machine, and it fixes the slow loading problem.

This has made me conclude, that something in the Video Loading Routine of the Game, is hogging the CPU or GPU to the point where it is overloading the CPU and causing the game not to load.

The above is the message I’m trying to get to the DEVS. Slow loading or not loading at all, has something to do with the opening video and Text Overlay causing the machine to Max Out and slow loading times.

This does not affect those with Faster CPU’s as they already have the overhead, its why its not a well reported bug.