The whole problem is this thread, was a bunch of people who couldn’t get the game to load. It was very very slow loading and the game was stuck at 68%
After doing some research into the problem myself, I found that by using Riva Tuner and setting the Max Frame Rate to 30FPS and then launching the game, the game loaded very fast and got past 68% and a bunch of people with the problem in this thread can now use the game.
I Didn’t limit anything before
After reading this thread, I started to look into what was causing the game not to load for people with older CPU’s as I had the same problem. When I was loading the game I noticed the following behaviour:
- The Game was very slow.
- My CPU Was Tanked at 100% when loading
- My RTX 4060 was running Permanently at 54% when the game loads
So the first thing I tried, was going into the NVidia Control Panel and setting the Max Frame Rate to 60.
Results from this were:
The Game now loaded quicker, but was still getting stuck at 68%, or if it got passed 68% it took at least 40 minutes to load.
I then checked my CPU when the Frame Rate was capped and noticed it had more overhead. It was running around 88% with Nvidia Max Frame Rate at 60FPS.
So the above got me thinking, that the game was getting stuck, purely because my machine was simply overloaded with something in the opening video routine.
I needed a way to change the Max Frame Rate on the Fly to test my theory, so installed Riva Tuner.
I changed the Max Frame rate in Riva Tuner to 30FPS and suddenly, the game loaded in 3 to 5 minutes, wow it was fast. When I checked my CPU, set at 30FPS, it was down to 68% and my GPU was running around 27% to 34%
By limiting the Frame Rate in Riva Tuner to 30FPS, you free up resources from your machine, and it fixes the slow loading problem.
This has made me conclude, that something in the Video Loading Routine of the Game, is hogging the CPU or GPU to the point where it is overloading the CPU and causing the game not to load.
The above is the message I’m trying to get to the DEVS. Slow loading or not loading at all, has something to do with the opening video and Text Overlay causing the machine to Max Out and slow loading times.
This does not affect those with Faster CPU’s as they already have the overhead, its why its not a well reported bug.