Local Legend 17: Curtiss C-46 Commando

Still not as strange as two 6‘s on the altimeter. AH Connaisseurs know what they get.


No. The two (center and right ones) are RMI gauges with one needle to point to a VOR station and the other is ADF. The two are identical. The left one is ADF only.

I flew it and tested on a couple of flights.

Hi @DementedCorn327

I can see you have closed this bug report.

Can you please provide some explanation as to why? I believe it will help the community to uderstand treatment of the bug reports and reasons behind closing them.

Thank you.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

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So why does the jeep have markings then ? Screenshot from the official trailer

My guess is that it is better entered as a wishlist item. It’s more of a missing feature than a bug or something that is broken.

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Hi @Apollon0011 ,

A generic definition for bug could be “a problem in the software that causes it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly.”
Since the “turn & slip coordinator” instrument is not part of the manual means it is not missing but more likely a decision of the devs of this aircraft to not include it in the version they released, so it is not a bug. If the instrument was listed in the manual but missing in the aircraft in that case it would have been considered as a bug. So that is why I merged your topic to the main C-46 thread that I know devs are reviewing to get feedback from the users. Your request can be considered as an enhancement and if you wish you can always create a new topic in the Wishlist category. Hope I have answered your question. Cheers.


Ok, noted. Thank you for clarification.


I still think that an aircraft without a turn & slip coordinator is a bug rather than a feature…
…but understand others might have a different opinion.

Hopefully AH or MS will give it a second thought :+1:


FAA required instruments for IFR.


If someone could provide a photo of the real aircraft showing where that instrument is located it would be great and help the devs to consider it in a future release. Also maybe not all C-46 versions have it installed by default.



Thank you for providing those screenshots. So it would be interesting to get an input from the devs to understand why they took the decision to put a radio compass instead of a turn & slip coordinator instrument. Maybe some C-46 versions were equipped with one instrument and others with another one.

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This is from AAF Manual 50-16 - Pilot Training Manual - C-46

The entire document is available here

I guess there were many cockpit layouts along the production time span.


OK, just finished logging three bugs:

Prop hubs semi-transparent when engines running
C-46 Commando: Propeller Hub semi-transparent when engines running - Bug Reporting Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Middle RMI compass rose misaligned
C-46 Commando: middle RMI compass rose misaligned - Bug Reporting Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

VOR needle on both RMI gauges not correctly pointing when no signal
C-46 Commando: VOR needle on both RMI gauges not correctly pointing when no signal - Bug Reporting Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Please vote if you share my views and once you have a minute. Thanks! :+1:

It is a bit of an odd one. When the 307 released (also an AH development), it didn’t have a Whiskey compass. They subsequently swapped out some instrumentation in the following update to the aircraft to add one (two actually).


I like the plane and have had some fun flying over the Hump. Cycling the cross feed switches I can get it to drain fuel from left, right or both sides’s tanks. If I turn off the left fuel pump the left engine will be starved in any phase of flight no matter the cross feed setting. Anyone getting this as well?

Because they had it on there before and had to remove it? And either forgot this, or this is an old picture.

i think,this will removed next update :joy:
this is important to fix,i think,rest can wait :grimacing:

so save the textures :wink:

Flying in cloud without a turn and slip would be fatal…

Why? The Artificial Horizon still provides you with attitude indication.