Local Legend I: Junkers Ju 52

Also 1939 version for me. And in default config (so almost empty)

I’m sure I saw something like this too going downwind and trying to slow down for a landing, and it wouldn’t slow down after cutting throttle. I was wondering what to do and ended up coming in fast.
The Retrofitted one seemed to be different and slowed down after cutting throttle. Will need to go back and try this again.

No idea, you would think the crosswind would just cause you to drift sideways but not effect the heading hold to be honest ?

Or maybe it is something else, the first time I tested and had issues there were three factors different, live weather with a 30 knot crosswind, I was in an online multiplayer streamed session with about 30 other people also in ju52 and also I had a flight plan loaded.

I shall do more testing. Definitely today it was working fine.

Yup, that solved the problem. Thanks, ThreeGuide! :slight_smile:

If you look at the POH on page 212 (or chapter 7 page 41) it’s number 7. Not sure how it’s actually labeled, not in the sim right now.

The switch needs to be “Aus” to allow full throttle. “Aus” means off, “Ein” means on.

I can give it a try later tonight (California hours) and report back if nobody has tried it by then.

@anon50268670 it would limit the MAP yes, because you couldn’t fully open the throttle.

The trim axis is backwards on this plane, like a few others that flipped because of SU5.


Exactly. That’s how heading mode works.

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Just to make sure; WCA is about navigation and has nothing to do with the above mentioned aerodynamics, performance and handling.

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Could the crosswind be sufficiently strong as to “defeat” the AP? Perhaps not a steady wind, but an exceptional gusty wind, where the AP would just disconnect, because it can’t maintain the heading?

I think it’s maybe more the difference between heading and course. Rudimentary AP/Heading hold will hold a heading, but not a course necessarily. Whereas even hand-flying a heading to a VOR will keep you on that course because it’s not only relative to you.

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On some aircraft turbulence can easily force the AP to disengage automatically.

The CRJ was really bad in turbulence. It could bank up to 30°- 40° (when it was supposed to keep the wings level) and then suddenly disengage.

That’s not rudimentary, that’s excactly what the heading mode is supposed to do, nothing else.

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I used rudimentary to refer to AP, as I’m not sure if a heading hold is really ‘ap’ in the common sense, especially in the context of this plane.


Tried numerous times to buy it only to see the purchase failed notification??



What does the lever on the right of the pilot seat called “wobble pump” do ?

Just did an experiment. This time I set exact weight same as yesterday’s Retrofit, but on the 1939 version. SMOOTH CLIMB OUT OF PARO!!! So
 to me, something seems goofy with climb performance on Retrofit.

This exactly, when I bought the Top Rudder Solo 103 (also by Asobo) I stalled out, dropped a wing, and crashed the first several times I tried to take off, until I learned I needed to make a conscious effort to hold the nose down until it had built up enough speed.