Local Legend I: Junkers Ju 52

No 3 seconds is too short but I won’t be surprised if it is able to lift-off quicker than a C152 when empty, full power before brake release and trying to unstick immediately. You won’t find a video off this (I hope), you need to be suicidal trying to lift-off below Vmca in real life…

To add another 50 cent to the starting performance discussion…
As a RL PPL pilot and from seeing the Tante Ju many times in Switzerland, I’d also expect a general performance somehow similar to a GA airplane. Which is IMHO clearly not the case in the current MSFS model. Not only the short rolling distance, but also the immediate pitch and incredible lifting feels very unnatural to me.
In addition, once in the air, it feels like a feather instead of a 6-10t vehicle. E.g. default circuit in my local aerodrome: A DR400 requires ~50% throttle when in downwind and even after approaching glide. In the MSFS Ju-52, I fly with 0% throttle in downwind, base and final and still am too fast for landing. That’s a better performance than any glider, quite amazing for a 1930 aunt :slight_smile:

Hope this gets fixed, in all other aspects I’m fully in love with the Ju.

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Have you gone through the steps in the zendesk help article? It is posted by me earlier in this thread and solved my purchase failed messages. I had to stop launching the sim in Admin mode to allow Xbox live and the sim to authenticate my credentials for the purchase. Dumb design that using the sim in admin mode would impact purchases like this but that was the problem. Others have had to sync their system time setting as any small discrepancy there can also be a problem. Good luck, I hope you get it sorted out. Here’s the article again:

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To some extend, yes. But atleast a very short manual explaining some uncommon things would have been nice and avoided some guessing and speculations. :slight_smile:

A checklist would have been nice too, as id guess the creators would have their hands on oce, so it wouldn had been a big effort to put it in a PDF.


0% throttle in downwind? I feel like i have to put quite some throttle to keep it on a glideslope, it fell quite quickly when not applying a very good amount of throttle. Same goes for level flight.

Altho, i was using about 50-70% of the MTOW, were you flying it at the default payload/fuel?

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For everyone searching a manual for the BMW 132 A/3 engines, you can find one on the official bmw website. Just click on the picture and you can download the PDF. It is in German but you can find the performance sheets so called Tafel XI to Tafel XIV and Tafel XX at the end of the pdf.


You can find the full manual here but it is in German: https://stephentaylorhistorian.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/ju52-betriebsanleitung-1939.pdf

What you are looking for is in chapter 10 page 15 (pdf page 342 following). It basically states:
Start: 1min 2050RPM, 30min 1950/RPM below 900m and 2050 above. At 10t 300m runway needed and 580m to reach +20m. Takeoff speed is 110 with flaps 25° (flaps 3).
Climb: 140km/h with flaps 10° (flaps 1) @30min power setting.
Max Oil inlet temp 80°C best 60°C min 40°C
Cruise: 1925 RPM or lower. At 1925RMP 240km/h@ 1km 220km/h @2.5km and 175km/h @5km
Landing: Flaps 20°-25° and on short final 30°. 150km/h max speed with flaps 30°. 10t landing speed is 105km/h and approach 125km/h.

Startup is equal to the ingame checklist but shutdown is different since you need to cool the engines.


Yeah, seen that. But i like to fly the retrofitted one and that has quite some different engines, so im might be different.

Also, this manual states Flaps 25 for takeoff, when you start on the runway, the default flap setting in the retrofitted one is 10, even when it says “Start 25” flaps on the flap indicator. Might be a “wrong” setting in the sim.

Really enjoying this aircraft. Did a group flight with TwoToneMurphy last night, and we counted a total of 36 JU52’s out of about 45ish people. One of the most chilled out flights I’ve done yet.

The dev who assisted/worked for microsoft (oliXsim / Oliver Moser) has released a Ju-52 (also vintage and retrofit) for X-Plane11 as well, its available on simmarket and this one has a manual. So it would be nice if we could get it here too.

No, not unless you can afford the court costs.

Ah well, case closed.

That’s strange since i need a good amount of throttle to maintain glide slope / airspeed. With 0% it slows down very fast even with only 10° flaps. Especially at final and around 120 kph i have to be very carefull with throttle input to not lose to much speed and altitude. It feels prety unstable at that speed with flaps in and there’s a thin line between airspeed and lift. Not hard to maintain glideslope by any means, but definately challenging, especially with some winds and turbelence from tree’s or whatever.

I agree with the take off roll and light feeling in general. But on the otherhand, the wings are prety huge. And turning the aircraft in the air also feels believable.


Which version is that? I only tried 1939 original yet, and can confirm that this thing don’t want to slow down. Something suspicious here. With 25 flaps and 0 throttle it just glides almost indefinetely at 110-120 km/h. I really have troubles to bring her to the ground, she eats runnway as no other (considering the breaking is also sketchy and any attempt to push the tail down results in jumping up in the air again). With that annoying trees on the thresholds I really have trouble to land her enywhere in smallish fields.

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I fly the retrofit version mostly. Did try the 1939 version earlier but i’ll have to try again to see if i can replicate your findings.

Will let you know👍

I fly it like the DC-6 when landing. I try to maintain 125km/h with flaps 30° and aim for a somewhat soft landing with -1 / -2 m/min. After the main gear hits the ground, I wait for around 40km/h then retract the flaps and apply brakes softly while adding some back pressure. I landed on some short grassy runway and it worked out just fine… (1939 version)

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I noticed the same. The 39 model feels very floaty on landing, and it was hard to get the tail to come down on the runway. Needed to brake very carefully to not end up on my nose.

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I have revised my opinion on the Autopilot in the 1939.

Providing there is no significant crosswind (not sure of the threshold here but maybe less than 10 knots) the AP works as expected. I was even able to change course by 90 degrees by winding the crank and it tracked, overshot slightly and then corrected back to the selected heading.

I will do some further testing.


I have noticed this as well, it seems the same lift causing early take-offs is also causing the plane to float a lot on landings. Asobo said they are looking into it, so we will just have to wait until they check if there is indeed an issue or if this is intended.

This wouldn’t make sense since (steady) wind doesn’t have any effect on an aircraft in flight.
From an aerodynamic, performance or handling POV, e.g. crosswind doesn’t exist as soon as the wheels have left the runway.