Local Legend I: Junkers Ju 52

Almost a year has pasted since the release and they still haven’t fixed the missing supercharger. That’s quite sad. Especially as it would be such an easy fix. Without the encryption I could fix it myself in about 10 seconds.


Yeah, support for this aircraft is not good.
Support for Savoia-Marchetti S.55 is competelety different - developers reply on official discussion, provide hints…
I do not understand why pay-crafts released by MS/Asobo have differencies in quality, documentation and support.


It certainly doesn’t seem like there is a common expected support agreement between MS and the developers or if there is then it must be quite thinly worded.

Then again, even MS/Asobo haven’t done the finest job keeping their own aircraft maintained and modeled systems functioning. The 747 has no oil pressure, the PC-6 has cold & dark switches already turned on, for instance, etc.


Well at least the Ju 52 got patched, not like the Dornier Do J by the same developper.
The new Junkers F13 just released today is also by same dev.

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For the Junkers F-13, please use this topic:

Me too, is disgusting that thing mate, totally agree on that, they even made a forum post missing somewhere to make them add the supercharger…

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They’re modeled since SU 5 or 7 I believe…

And it says bug-logged since forever in the appropriate bug post. Junkers 52 retrofit full power cannot be reached - #6 by orthi This was the last local legend I have bought because of this


I hope the dev will now have time to get back to that plane.

I don’t know if xml/cfg files will be un-drm’ed with SU10 for that plane. Fixes (like the one on trim) could be possible by the community.

Im in the same spot as you, indecised into buying another one, cause of that terrible quality

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Not perfect I can understand. I disagree with the statement that the plane is terrible.


Well, the small details are the ones that makes perfection, so yeah, but sorry, the supercharger, on a radial, is a must… is like missing part of the real specs of that plane, I will call that a big failure…
I get also that the support or the updates can be none given the price, but yeah, thats why I dont buy local legends or Asobo planes, I look out for other experiences while I fly.


I can’t change the frequency in the Ju52 (Modern) since the last update. Does anybody else encounter this?
Thank you!

At least to me the modernized version cannot be trimmed for level flight if empty due to lack of power. This makes it terrible in my book


Supercharger should have no effect at low altitudes. Just saying.

That’s why nearly every car to win a Grand Prix between 1923 and 1951 had one…

In all seriousness, WW2 piston engine fighters had to be throttled at low altitudes to not exceed maximum manifold pressure, and where therefore not limited by supercharger performance at that altitude (see perhaps the best YouTube channel in existence: https://www.youtube.com/c/GregsAirplanesandAutomobiles)
I do not know, however, whether this applies to lesser stressed older engines, too.


Cars generally have superchargers to improve performance. Aircraft (mainly) have superchargers to maintain sea level performance at altitude. However I have no idea about pre WWII designs, maybe they actually were for enhanced performance at sea level.

That’s not entirely correct. Takeoff power in the Ju-52 is 38" inHG but in the sim (without the supercharger) you can only set 30" inHG for takeoff. You can imagine that this has a considerable impact on the takeoff roll and the initial climb rate. Yes, when you set climb or cruise power and fly below 3000ft you won’t notice the missing supercharger. But if you climb above 3000ft the manifold pressure will quickly drop and your climb performance as well. So in order to fly the Ju-52 “by the numbers” you need a functioning supercharger.


So Gentlemen, I call Mr. Moser, one of the developer of this pretty Ju52. I send him also a mail with a link of this thread and told me the problems of the Sunglass in the 39 variante and the to strong lift. There will check this thread.

If you got some, post it quickly and lets hope there will fix it in the future :slight_smile:


Wow, thanks for that!! But I am quite surprised he wasn’t aware of that, specially when many of these problems were oficially reported in Zendesk.

Maybe he could also now fix the starting from cold and dark with the Dornier J Wal.

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