Not many clickable switches. Missing equiptment such as the extended range fuel tanks and the sperry autopilot in the southern cross. You can’t access the cabin with the cockpit camera. The sounds are underwhelming. IDK just not nearly as good in my opinion.
Trying out the single engine variant. You can turn on the engine with the fuel valves, battery and ‘engine master’ switch off. Just need to put the mixture up and magnetos on.
That is a drag.
On the switches, etc. I was disappointed with the Junkers having implemented working switches and knobs that weren’t actually connected to any functions.
If you stripped those out of the Junkers, would it be on par with the Fokker?
This one engine variant needs a lot of runway to get airborne! Just about managed it from YMBT which LNM tells me is 2700ft long
Spoke too soon. Couldn’t get over the trees a few hundred yards after the runway.
Other notes. Has no tailwheel, just a skid and is an absolute pain to turn whilst taxiing. I ended up using slew mode to turn around onto the runway
I really don’t like this Orbx logo on the bottom of the central panel. I know they wanna show off that they made the plane but this isn’t really the place to do it
Another note: the clickspot to hide the yoke is massive and I had to hide the yokes to be able to actually click on most of the things (that don’t really do much!) on the central panel to get rid of the annoying click spot.
This kind of thing really bums me out.
It is utterly disappointing to discover switches, controls, etc. are just placebos.
I want this to be a simulator that actually simulates not placates.
Now I’m having some weird engine issues where the RPM needle has completely maxed even if I pull the throttle back and the plane isn’t actually moving. This happened after I tried leaning the engine.
So basically it’s a car?
This one comes with Bush Trips (accessible from Custom Content in Activities)
I have the same issue. RPM is rising and rising above 15000 and engine sound disappears. And not moving.
It’s very buggy.
I didn’t manage to get the three engine version startet.
I’m on Xbox.
Yeah I’m getting the engine sounds cutting out too. It’s weird because my first few flights the engine worked fine but now I can’t get either the single or three engined variant working. I’m on PC so not an Xbox issue.
For everyone having issues, did you relaunch your sim after download? I know for a fact purchases can be buggy if not reloaded.
I did, restarting again though and to try again.
It does not surprise me the community would rip it to shreds like they do with everything. I bought it despite the bellyaching.
Reboot simulator after installing new aircraft? Is it a joke?
Restarted and got the engines working and am moving. Had a problem with the mixture though. There’s no mixture levers I can see on the 3 engined variant but the mixture is adjustable via controls.
I’m not seeing this. I’ve read some fair assessments of flaws.
How is having a legitimate issue with the plane not being able to move for some bizarre reason even though the RPM is going through the roof ‘bellyaching’? As I said the engines worked fine for my first few tries and then for some weird reason it wasn’t. RPM was pegged at max and I couldn’t change it with throttle controls and the plane absolutely refused to move. It’s worked now I’ve restarted again but there’s definitely some serious issues here.
This is a fantastic aircraft. The modeling is great and the internal sound are stunning in my opinion. The plane feels old and flies really slow. Landing isnt that easy without flaps. Really glad Asobo makes an effort to recreate these interesting planes around world updates. Keep up the great work.
How are the fuel valves on the SC variant supposed to work ? - (not tested the other variant).
They do not work as described in the manual.
Clicking on the right most, turns the two middle ones.
The lower valves act as starter motors.
There seems not to be any logic in their use.
I can trim the elevators with my trim assignments, but there is no trim wheel or handle in the cockpit.
Hardware mixture must be set to full for starting the engines, but there is no mixture lever in the cockpit.
What is simulated and what is not ?
We simply need more indepth description on how the various controls and systems are modelled.
I also see the issue with the RPM needles getting “stuck”.
Got the three engined bird up in the air. She’s quite a lumbering beast as is to be expected and I think it flies decently. Was definitely easier to take off with the extra two engines! I was messing around with the individual throttles and there is some effect, the plane yaws when one of the engines is throttled down which is nice to see. Had a bit of weirdness when I moved all the throttles back up with my actual physical throttle though, seemed the engines weren’t in sync but it sorted itself out after a bit. There’s some weirdness with the throttles on this.