Local Legend XI: Aero Vodochody Ae-45 and Ae-145

Please use this thread to post your impressions and feedback about the Aero Vodochody Ae-45 and Ae-145, available now from the in-sim Marketplace for USD $14.99.

If you have any bugs related to this plane to report, please create a new thread in the Bug Reports & Wishlist section of the forum with the tag aero-vodochody-45 or aero-vodochody-145.

Update (2023-08-24): Version 1.0.27 of the Ae-45/Ae-145 is now available from Content Manager. Please see the release notes below:

  • When turned on, the alternator will now charge the battery.
  • Czech Republic flag is now oriented correctly on the Ae-45.
  • Fixed some issues with checklists when completing them using Evaluation mode or Autocomplete.

Anyone know who developed this?

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Aeroplane Heaven.

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This is the most tempting Local Legend so far: a unique, historic, single pilot fast aircraft for virtual travelling - even with an optional autopilot, it seems.
However, with the Staggerwing, the V-tail Bonanza and the Bf 108 (my very favourite aircraft!), this niche is getting too crowded for me to purchase another aircraft. But then again, what other kind of aircraft do I want enough to buy?


I’m going to sit this one out until I’m sure what I’m getting into (or what I should avoid). After the Stratoliner even 10 bucks are too much to do a blind buy.


Nixon more cautious after the Stratoliner.


Ugh… the sad reality is that Carenado at this point is a much more solid developer than AH. NONE of their stuff that I have is that good (and I have all their Famous/Local legends, the Electra, and the C140)… They are just very rough around the edges, and the sound is just one problem. It’s the fidelity that’s the issue and none of them really perform as they should. So I am gonna sit this out and wait on the word about the quality of this bird. That hurts cause I have all the other Legends/Flyers and consider them to be official content and part of the MSFS2020 sim experience.


Awesome news is that the sounds on the Ae-45 and Ae-145 are great. The external sounds are a bit too quiet, but that seems to be Microsoft’s MO… sometimes their MO is also quiet internal sounds, but AH (or whoever they worked with) did a great job on the sounds of this one. Deep, bassy rumbling at idle that balances out nicely at higher RPMs to not be overwhelming. Good startup and shutdown sounds. Really happy with my purchase on this one. I can’t speak to the aircraft itself just yet. I know essentially nothing about how the real one should fly so I’ll reserve any judgement, but I’m enjoying it.

Edit: Sound is attenuated when opening and closing the canopy (and window in the 145)!


That’s promising, what is the general quality like other than the audio? Texturing look okay in game?

It’s definitely not Carenado-level texturing, but it’s not bad at all for the price. I’ll post some pics in a moment.

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145, since it’s what I happen to be in at the moment. Textures are a bit low res up close but the overall scene created is pleasant.


Having just taking her up for a testflight i noticed as soon as i started my taxi my frames dropped alot making it almost impossible to fly this aircraft.

Has anyone else had this happen ?


100%, yes! This has the ancient ground FX bug where your frames drop to 10 or less. I forgot that bug existed until now. I didn’t have it happen in the Ae-45 on a paved runway, but I definitely had it in the Ae-145 on a grass strip. Hopefully it can be patched quickly.


@SeedyL3205 We cannot submit bugs for this aircraft until there is a tag for it. There’s no tags for either variant yet. You can’t add your own, it must already exist.

So this is a issue with the aircraft ? I thought i was seeing things, how could this have passed through

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I am 99% sure it’s with this aircraft specifically. Once upon a time, this affected a number of other aircraft as well and each dev had to patch it. I’m guessing either this project used some old code from before that bug, and/or the developer had not tried taxing onto unpaved surfaces, which Microsoft might need to add to their testing requirements for devs if it doesn’t already exist there.


Hello @Stardrifter2232,

The tags aero-vodochody-45 and aero-vodochody-145 are created and were listed in the OP of this topic.



I noticed that, however I can’t add them to the bug reporting forum (Bug Reports > Aircraft & Systems)

I just double-checked the permissions on those two tags, and there were no restrictions that would prevent anyone from using them to submit a bug report. I reset and re-saved the tag permissions just in case. Please try again now and let me know.


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Really like it! Was going to report the grass field issue, but I see folks are working on trying to report it.

Otherwise, beautiful modeling, not sure how y’all can expect better-looking textures unless MSFS adds ray-tracing, flies convincingly (why does everyone harp on texture/sound and not talk about how airplanes fly?), and yep, the sounds are really good.