Log Book Emptied

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Nothing changed between the time that it was working and now.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? NO

Brief description of the issue: I logged in and began a flight from World View. Part-way through the system said that I wasn’t up to date and that I had to update. I clicked on “yes” to check for updates but the system didn’t seem to be able to connect and I didn’t see any option to cancel the attempt so I used Task Manager to end the game. There was a pop-up that said that I had been logged out of Xbox Live so I logged in.
I rebooted, the game said that it was checking for updates but did not say that it found any. I looked around and found that all of the entries in my log book were missing. I quit to desktop and restarted the game, still no log book but found 11 updates needed when I looked in Content Manager. I allowed the system to install all of them. Still no logbook.
Another reboot, no change.
The log book is empty and my Pilot Profile says 0 hours on the opening window but, my statistics still show that I have over 300,000 (sec) of Total Flight Time. Any ideas for recovering my Logbook?

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Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

Can you access the Marketplace, and also can you see a list of servers you can connect to in the menu at the top right?

guess… if the logbook is gone… it is gone…

Possible you have a save-point on disk and can try to restore the local file… but think more like “no chance”.

These file is stored in the cloud. Interessting posts/thread which discuss the cloud-sync are ( but for another reason ! ) :
for Steam users: Steam - CTD on Startup (after splash screen) - #11 by eaglechlapf6920
form MS-Store users: CTD On StartUp - #8 by Crocodoc584

Actually I was wrong about the logbook. After the first successful start with then-again-working cloudsync logbook and keybinds were fully recovered.

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okay… so MS-Users have still not the choice in contrast to Steam-users which can choose which sync-way you want in case outdated data. ( pc->cloud, cloud->pc )

Possible you can give that hint also in the other thread ( or link it :slight_smile: ).

So… if the logbook is also cleaned within the cloud… hmmmmmmm…

Which makes sense, as you couldn’t download it from the cloud, which kind of suggests that no information is stored locally at all? I must confess, I’ve not tried opening MSFS with my network disconnected.