i might be way off here, but i know that there was a bug recently where the assist options kept getting reset…so it might be that they’ve been turned back on to easy mode and when you’re using your yoke, you’re fighting against the assists? Took me ages to work out why my trim dial wasn’t working, and this turned out to be the reason.
I am using easy mode anyway. Everything works except the elevator ,ailerons and rudder move in the required direction but then flutter and return to neutral by themselves. I have fiddled with sensitivities but I have returned them back to 0 . Doesn’t help.Is there any way I can call Logitech ?Will they help me?
isn’t that kind of what easy mdoe does though?
try switch it to “true to life” mode, then you’ll have proper control.
Hi, after a bunch of tries now my Flight Sim Yoke works fine! I’ve saved a new profile, deleted ALL the axis/buttons, and remapped them one by one. USB 3.0 port directly from PC. 5 hours without any issue.
Hope it may helps