Longitude Mod 1.8 incompatible with new upgrade

FlyingsCool, thanks for reading the previous posts in this thread. As I ’m sure you know, the fix we were discussing, using the layout generator tool, would fix any missing commas and clear up any bad references so I’m sure you are making your suggestion rhetorically.

As the previous poster was mentioning, this did not fix his problem. It’s a mystery why some of us are affected by this and others are not.

Perhaps what I should have said was, rather than relying on the generator, logical errors can sometimes be found by reviewing the layout.json by hand. Tedious to be sure, but, it’s gotta be sumptin’.

Like I said, if a single panel.cfg etc file is incorrectly referenced between it and the aircraft.cfg, the plane may not show up, especially if you guys are fooling with the OneStore package.

Isn’t the Longitude reliant on the G3000? Is it possible there’s a conflict with that, or maybe it’s installed incorrectly or out of order? I’m pretty sure the G3000 needs to be last in the content.xml file, but, maybe not in this case?

Perhaps it’s an issue with the content.xml file? That would explain why some people have the problem and others don’t. I’ve found the content.xml file doesn’t always reorder as expected.

I’d start by doing a winmerge on the two layout.json files and find the differences and go from there, maybe replacing the difference lines one at a time till it shows up. And of course check all the file paths. Some people have weird Community directory paths, or characters in them that mess things up.

Well you do make an important point. NormalAlmond, I am not using the OnAir version. Just the normal version of the Longitude. Which one are you installing?

I use the normal version, not the airliner version, even though I don’t know the difference.

Well, as I said, since it seems as though the difference is the layout.json file in the OneStore main directory, I’d download the program called “WinMerge” and compare the two files, and see if you can figure out what the difference is that is causing your problem. It’s likely a pathname I would guess to a file it can’t find. And it would only be in the lines that are different. Which hopefully isn’t too many :wink:

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Tried that already, there are no lines changed that I can see.
(That’s probably how I got the Layout file mixed up)
All the dates are changed, and there are some sections which were removed between the two versions, but none that point to a different spot.

Wait… if no lines are changed, why is there a need to change the file??? Now I’m SUPER confused.

Personally, I don’t understand why anything is being done to the default install, especially since it’s a premium plane and many of the files are encrypted. Just asking for trouble. But I imagine there’s a reason.

Guess I should try to install the thing.

There is a reason. It has to do with how the virtual file system works

That only makes sense if there’s a difference between the original and the file that’s replacing it.

There is a difference

Sorry, I hope you understand my frustration here… I’m at work, so I can’t check out the files myself until tonight.

Dude, did you READ this thread before you posted? I have no idea why the OP is having their problem. Many people are using the Longitude mod with no issues.

I tried helping but I’ve run out of what I can do remotely

EDIT: I suppose I can try downloading the mod again and see if there are any differences

It will all be evident in the install instructions.
Some file references are removed from the default so they don’t interfere with the mod

Above, you said there are no differences in the Layout.json between the default one that is being replaced and the addon version being put in the default directory (which I’ve voiced I hate that the file is being replaced, but, it is what it is). And yet, for some reason the install instructions have you replace the file with the same file that it is, and somehow that causes problems with the plane. That makes zero sense.

If there are no differences, then that is the problem. Because there are supposed to

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I mentioned in a post above, there are no differences other than some sections have been removed.
All remaining parts are identical.(except the dates)
The files are not identical.

I’ll compare the current mod with my version after work today

So… your problem lies somewhere in those differences. A file that is critical to MSFS is likely missing now.

Perhaps related to a path issue… Maybe a new dependency is required now. Like, recently, the panel.cfg and panel.xml files became required for liveries. That wasn’t always the case in the past. But that’s just an example of a required dependency.

Check the aircraft.cfg file. The Aviator’s livery is a good example to follow. We now have examples of how to create liveries of all default planes through the Aviator liveries. Which I imagine is the reason they were created. It gives you an example of a Longitude aircraft.cfg file from which you can learn things. You can compare the layout.json of the aviator livery with the default layout.json with the addon “default” layout.json, and the layout.json in the community directory mod files and aircraft.cfg files.

It could also be a difference in paths. Peoples’ community directories are all over the place these days. I know some configurations end up with filepaths that are too long. Some people think nothing of using special language characters in pathnames. A lot of times that’s not an issue. MSFS, not so much for whatever reason. Stuff like that. It could be a matter of a couple of ..\..'s somewhere, like in the texture.xml.

Somewhere, you’ll find an inconsistency between those files and others in your installation that are all working.

In the end, we’ll laugh at how simple the problem was…

Your theory doesn’t explain why an “old” download of the current version of the mod works fine (mine) but a recent download does not. Note: both are the current version of the mod.

It absolutely does explain it. Asobo changes their dependencies all the time with each update. Look at the tortured path Liveries have taken keeping them working.

It’s obviously a problem with the replacement layout.json, as the plane appears without it, but doesn’t with it. As I said, a critical file is missing from the json that MSFS needs. That can happen because of a bad path construction, or a needed file is just missing, given the format of the json is supposedly good.

There are multiple ways files can be missing.