Longterm for XBox

Not to continue off topic but it truly is a space issue. I don’t live in a place where I have room for a dedicated desk space/office with monitors and the like. And I’m not looking for top of the line performance running this sim. Again it’s more about the add ons.

God as my witness, I would prefer to just use MSFS on XBox. I really would. The first thing that got me worried about the platform though was bush trips. We all know that bush trips broke before SU6. They were fixed in SU7, but if you were on a leg and it saved that leg badly, the ONLY way for you to complete the bush trip was to restart the bush trip. Great for PC users, all they have to do is remove the save file on their harddrive. Boom, they have restarted the bush trip. XBox, you can’t do that. I tried inquiring if you could just delete the Reserved Space, if that would restart it. Nope. For XBox, the bush save files are in the cloud. Nothing you ever do will ever effect them. So essentially, on XBox if something bad happens, you can forever be locked out that content. And that has made me scared to even DO a bush trip on XBox. So, the only compromise I could come up with is, to create a SECOND XBox account, through home sharing share the game with that content, and on that account, PURCHASE the content again.

So as you can see, I have an XBox account JUST for bush trips, which were purchased twice mind you, just so I have peace of mind that I can do the bush trip, but never be forever locked out the content if something bad happen. And its not as nice as if I did it with my main account, because the main account, it has all the airports. So I don’t get to enjoy that content I have purchased while doing the bush trip. All because I am scared and unsure and don’t want to be forever stuck. That isn’t a good feeling.

So that ALREADY had me having doubts about staying with XBox. Then comes all the addons that now are broken on XBox that no one can figure out what is wrong, or how to fix it. INTERESTINGLY enough, you notice one of those packages is Voyager, which I have purchased not once, but TWICE, and now it works on neither account on XBox until someone can figure out why.

Like I said, I have purchased almost every single package that is on the XBox marketplace on my main account. I didn’t realize the Carenado planes also had XBox specific problems, so this morning, now I’m going through every single addon, trying to take inventory of what works, and what doesn’t. When there is that much instability, and developers are just helpless to support you, and you feel like you have to have second accounts to use addons to protect against being forever locked out of content, I’m sorry, but that doesn’t leave me feeling safe. Not in the slightest. Yes, there are cooler things you can have on PC. I would forego all those things just to be able to play comfortably in my recliner with the heat and massage going. But the plain fact is, I just don’t. Not at all.


My jaw hit the floor.

I’m just stunned that this is the compromise you’ve had to come up with to feel “safe” operating the sim on the Xbox.

This is so not right on so many levels. I, usually not at a loss for words, don’t know what to say.

Great so we’re making second Xbox accounts just for work arounds to 3rd party add ons. Never heard of that one before but I guess nothing surprises me anymore with this sim on Xbox.

I really hope someone at MS/Asobo is reading this and in the same amount of shock as I am.

So yeah, its not a matter of the enhanced functionality on PC that is making me switch, its that I just don’t feel safe. It started when I had to figure out a way I could not be locked out a bush trip if things went bad. Then things started breaking on only XBox, and as a customer you should be annoyed or mad, but instead you talk to the developer to find out a status, and they are feeling hopeless, so you end up in a position where you are having to give THEM a pep talk. That makes you feel even worse about the environment.

And then I’ve been trying to trace down the whole issue with CTDs. They are related. Everyone is crashing when they hit Fly, or first spawn on the runway. There is some API call that both ORBX and DRZewiecki call that, if there is a conflict anywhere in the world, that causes a CTD. I don’t know enough about what specific function both ORBX and DRZewiecki call at the start of flight, and I don’t know enough about what would possibly be scanning your Content, but on XBox, that causes a crash. It obviously is either a sim or OS level issue, but since its XBox, developers point to Asobo, Asobo says they don’t support addons, and no one is tying all of these together to trace down the specific on what is going on.

There are just so many thing all at once that have just totally shaken my cofidence. I just don’t feel safe in the slightest on XBox anymore. So now that I have made my decision, now I can look forward to all the cool things I will be able to do. But the decision to jump platforms never ever was driven by that. I truly wanted to just be able to play in my recliner. But the sheer fact I don’t feel safe, and the feeling like I have to go and figure things out, and drive things, because no one will help us if we don’t help ourselves, and talking to developers that feel hopeless, its made my decision.

I assume you’ve uninstalled all your add-ones and tested to see if the CTDs go away?

Not that that solves the issue, but more or less helps with the process of elimination.

Of course, based on your initial posts, you’ve got a ton of content and that would take a fair amount of time to reinstall if they aren’t the cause of the issue in the end.

Yes, if you see in the one thread I linked very early on, I have removed conflicts, and CTD went away. I’ve then readded back conflicts, and am able to replicate the CTD. It’s some base functionality that is being called when near an area of one of these developers packages, because you will note, it also occurred attempting to start flight from a default airport near Chicago.

The conflicts are not anywhere near Chicago. So its something that is scanning the list of addons when a flight is invoked.

Hi, thanks for your response. My grandson is aircraft mad, I set him up on a PC years ago with FS9, he is more into jets. He was invited to sit in the cockpit of Red 5, a few years back, when the Red Arrows were staying locally. I hope you don’t think I am to old to use a “games console!” It is used solely for FS2020 a flight SIMULATOR, not a video game!! Being £250 with FS2020 Standard Edition free with it, a lot cheaper than a high spec PC to run it with what appears many many bugs, & conflicts you get with a Windows machine. Thanks for your time commenting.

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Hi there, thanks for commenting. I have had a mouse issue on intermittent occasions. Upto yet, the Xbox Standard Edition is ideal for my flying hobby. I have been a member of BCA, Brittanic Charter Airways, for many years, where you have to complete at least one flight monthly. I did fly with Vatsim occasionally, but not for some time now. I use a 24” tv with the XBox. Thanks again.


I also have been contacting MSFS Support for a number of issues.
I have not heard (in all Twitch Community Updates I watched) nor read that it was on a TOP-10 list.

Reported Issues

  1. CRITICAL : T.Flight HOTAS One Sensivity Settings - *hint : they should be saveable
  2. EASY : It should be possible for Xbox users to import a Flight Plan (.PLN) from OneDrive

Anyone has anything on these matters?? I kinda grow tired of asking and speaking to myself.


What is pretty crazy about this sim in general is how we all use it quite differently.

Some are totally devoted to airliners, others fly small VFR aircraft, others are into the activities like the bush trips or landing challenges, etc. etc.

I’ve not even loaded a bush trip up to poke at it yet. Much of my initial time was re-familiarizing myself with flying in general — I’d had such a prolonged break from simming.

I was onto these forums straight away after I purchased MSFS and saw posts talking about the broken bush trips, so I’ve continued to avoid them even though they intrigue me.

I guess where I’m going with this is how daunting the entirely of the test process is here. However, that test process should have been able to be anticipated and a monumental process like that requires a monumental communication process with the user base.

I’m pretty sure you’d be willing to hold on bush trips if you had some sense of the timeline for fixing them, no? Right now you’re in the can-someone-please-put-up-a-hand-and-say-they’ve-got-this stage of the communication process, no?

That’s definitely how I’m feeling about the things I’ve logged here.

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Agreed. Great post.

In addition, I think the new bug list should be “impact weighted” so that a factor is applied to each bug depending on how big an impact it has. For instance, wind. Wind effects EVERY flight. Every single one. Whereas a bug with a specific geographic tie only effects those flying in that area. Or, a bug with a specific plane only effects those flying that plane.

Zendesk tickets can be used to factor impact as well. 50 Zendesk tickets vs 20. Huge incentive to get users to submit Zendesk tickets.

They have stats on what planes get flown the most. They’ve shown some stats on which plane is most flown, which airport, etc. Factor that in as well.

There is a LOT of room for improvement.

And, the Wish List should be archived and sat aside for a year or two until the Core Sim functionality is much more stable than it is now. If they can’t make progress on the bug list, what good is a wish list? And, yes, I know there is a big Bug Fix Only patch coming up.


Here are the tickets I opened - all are marked as “SOLVED” although they never were

  1. 129143
  2. 126734
  3. 129142
  4. 129107
  5. 117592

Based on other posts where this is mentioned, it is an unfortunate function of Zendesk whereby issues that have been logged are marked as solved.

Be glad that they have been marked solved, as it means they have been acknowledged.

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Me personally. I want to help my fellow XBoxers while I am still on the platform. But my confidence has been shaken so much with so much stuff, that I want to be able to be back enjoying exploring again, and feel safe doing it. On PC I will be able to do bush trips, and not worry about forever being locked out if something bad happens. If a purchase I make has an issue, the developer is confident they can come up with a fix, and I get to be a customer again. Right now if I report something XBox specific, I feel like I am in the same therapy group they are in. I love the sim. I’m obviously committed to it. I just don’t really like feeling like this. I want the confidence to know that if something goes wrong, I can take care of it, or someone has the situation in hand. And right now on XBox I get “sorry, thats just the way it is” or “I really don’t know” too much. I get that that isn’t the average consumer view, because the average XBox user doesn’t purchase as much stuff as I do. Me, I love exploring. I love bush trips. I love seeing places. I want it as real as possible. I’m more in the 5-10% flying planes, and 90-95% exploration type bracket. So for me, knowing I can do bush trips is important. Knowing my purchases of content is important. Did I buy the DC-6? Yes. Am I fine with that delay? Sure. Chances are even if it was working, I might only have pulled it out 2-4 in the time the delay would be. But for how I use the sim, no, I’m not feeling safe now at all. I am extremely patient if something needs to be fixed, and I know people have a handle on it. What I can’t live with is the possibility of being locked out my content and people just going “Yeah, sorry, thats just the way it is” like that is an acceptable answer, or support not having a clue about what to do for you. I have a huge investment in content which just keeps growing. The only place I feel safety right now would be on PC, and thats a darn shame because the preferred platform I would want to use it on would be XBox.


@tgbushman ”they” really, really, really need to be reading this and taking it to heart.

Thanks, again, for taking the time to express all this here.

This is def what I’m working up to be doing more of. Like I said, I’ve been so focused on honing my VFR “flightcraft”, so that I can be well skilled for working with real world paper charts and plotting back country trips and exploration. I’ve got that Carenado C170B Tundra ready for my bush tripping.

We ought to have a separate conversation about the bush trip thing, I’d love to get your insights and whatnot about doing them.

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SU6 was mainly a bug fix too, but they introduced the infamous night lighting bug which required hotfixing (its that constant fire fighting mode thing again).
I really hope they start beta testing SU’s going forward like they are doing with the hotfix, I’d prefer maybe max of 2 sim updates a year max, a few smaller bug correcting hot fix updates here and there and new content on a much lower priority until sim is fixed.

Trouble is bug fixing doesn’t make snazzy marketing headlines. Expanding your franchise reach around the world and rolling out new features does.

I do agree though what good is a user wish list when many bugs are still present? Top of my wish list right now is for bugs to be gone. I do like your idea of some kind of weighted system for bugs and I do think startng from scratch with a poll is a better idea, as we now have new platforms and a wide user base. We need to move away from the loudest shouters getting attention on this forum though. Democracy needs to break out in the process.

XBox definitely needs it’s own bug list though, much like VR has. Console owners need to feel like an inclusive part of the FS community too and I say that as a now PC user who has sold my XBox.


I hear ya. I hope others do too. Personally I like flying the A320, I was happy enough with it, but WU6 (I think it was) broke the constraints on XBox version (they are all now set at 260, and still as far as I know are!) and there was zero official acknowledgement that the bug was introduced. There may be bug report now, and it may be going to be fixed, but it may also take until february and SU8 to do so. It was like the final nail for me. I had already installed and used FS on PC, but had a foot in both camps. When bugs start piling up, and get in the way of enjoyment AND there is no recognition/acknowledgement of those bugs and there’s not even an official XBox bug list you really do start losing hope as a user. The loss of mouse control was the main criteria for me (how hard is it to keep mouse UI working on an XBox?) but the mounting bugs and lack of bug list and complete silence for me was they key driver to ditch the console. I just lost patience and needed the weight off my mind. It hasn’t stopped me from caring about the XBox simmers experience though, but everything thats happened since selling my XBox has reaffirmed my choice.

There is an issue with the Neo on Xbox and hopefully some day it gets fixed. I use the 787 Dreamliner quite a bit and no issues.