I’m cautiously optimistic because for VR to be an enjoyable experience means you need to have high frame rates.
New feature launches and updates in MSFS have never had a good history so we’ll have to wait and see if it’s gonna be worth using or if we’ll get cyberpunked.
Honestly you should be fine. VR should stress the GPU more. I have a 3700X with a 3080 which is marginally better in gaming perf than the 6700K and I also have CPU related stutters, so I hope VR stresses the GPU more
yes with me also so - new 3090RTX, new installation, everything smooth as butter - and that’s my concern - hope that remains after the update also so …looking forward to VR - but currently runs the SIM so good …and when I read at MSFS “Update” - I make the eyes closed and cross the fingers at the first start !
I do hope so, games like Cyberpunk 2077 are a breeze in 4K on the highest possible settings including ray-tracing. But I do have some stuttering issues with Half-Life Alyx in VR (only on my Quest 2, not on my CV1) and X-Plane 11 isn’t smooth in VR also, so I’m afraid high resolution games in VR are a bit of a problem for my PC.
I think we should hope for the best but brace ourselves for the worst.
Asobo aren’t afraid to release software prior to it being fully optimised and given what this sim does, VR will need to be 100% to have a chance of performing ok on anything other than the very top tier PCs.
Implementation… menu interactions etc, is another aspect that I suspect won’t be great at first.
I just think we should keep our expectation in check with this, and also not be too disappointed if those expectations aren’t met, Asobo fortunately also seem committed to improvements.
Don’t worry about XP VR when thinking about MSFS in VR, in my experience XP is optimized wayyy worse than MSFS, my 3700X bottlenecked my old RX580 in XP while in MSFS the GPU usage was pegged at 100, as it should be
Don’t have VR - on the fence as family life gets in the way of shutting out the world to that extent, but excited for the update anyway. Anything improving the sim and getting more simmers involved is a good thing in my book. Plus sim update 2 has quite a few other things included too.