Looking forward to the 22nd - VR!

Does anybody know how it will work? Do we have to install sth. like STEAM VR to get VR ready?

I weirdly found out, that I need Steam VR for Aerofly FS2 and DCS ‘desktop versions’
(but did not yet get them to work with my new HP Reverb G2 which was delivered this week)

looks like there was an update but not vr?

I already saw the game pop up in Steam VR. So that should work… bu tdon’t know for sure…

I believe it will work with SteamVR and WMR. Just depends where you bought the game I think.

I got the update. Its downloading in the microsoft store

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Had to get my Index out of the closet for today.

Got it on Steam! Restart Steam and it will download.


lets gooo!!

Yessss. Restarting Steam worked.
Updateing now!!!

I only got a patch that was 5 mb, hbu?

For me it was 306.2 MB

i think u have to update it inside what u bought the game in not inside the actual game

Started MSFS 2020 and have 13.67GiB to download.

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i did that, I guess ill just restart the game.

yeah, that should work

I think I might have started the game too early lol

VR update is available now!
First a Steam update and then 13.7Gb in-game update.

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For me it is 10.22 GB