Looking forward to the 22nd - VR!

It’s here! :smiley:

Update is 13,67GIB. to VErsion

Where can you get that spitfire?

After VR the next update i will get incredibly hyped for will be the overhaul, fix or removal of the in-game content manager :slight_smile:

hope i can play the gamepass version with steamvr

13 GB on my system. Downloading now…

“I still feel that XP11 beats MSFS2020 for it’s core VR implementation…”
– VR Flight Sim Guy

Ok, I’ll keep XP11 installed for now. But super excited for FS2020 VR.

6.67 GB left…

First 2 launches after update results in FS2020 crashing to desktop :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Reboot and trying again…

have you emptied your community folder?

these updates take so long

Do you need to use/enable OpenXR if you use Steam VR? (Valve Index)

I’m downloading now. It needs a download from the store first, then start MFS and it download’s additional 13GB. Is there an official guide for using SteamVR with MFS ? I have the boxed deluxe version not the Steam version.

Download under way here in UK (1630 GMT) First lot seems to be 1.03GB. Downloading at my fastest speed too.

And now there is a brand new sub forum to discuss VR as well!

Enjoy the experience :grinning: