Los Angeles Bank-Tower 4CA1 Helipad

Guys, i need Help. A While ago i was able to choose the US-Bank-Tower in LA as a Heli-starting point. it doesnt show up in the world-screen anymore. I am still able to land on top of this building but it does look a bit different than it did when i was able to choose it as a heliport. I have checked, that all USA Updates are installed. did i miss something ?

Best regards

Moved to User Support Hub Scenery & Airports that is more appropriate for community support. Helipad identifier added to the title for easier search.

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Hi @Migulein72
I haven’t been able to duplicate the issue. At first I searched for the pad, and it showed up there. Exited that search and made sure my WM setting showed helo pads, and then just zoomed in to the area where it’s at and it showed up there (on the WM). Set it as my departure point, and then hit “fly” and it set me on the tower.
I’ve also attached a copy of the tower I started on, and you can see if it’s different than what you’re seeing.
I don’t have anything in my community folder. Any chance you added anything since the last time it was working (even if it 's from the marketplace) or are running another program in the background? Sometimes the oddest things cause a conflict.
Did you have a chance to restart the sim and see if it worked right after that action?
If all else fails, start the sim in safe mode and see if it works right then. If so, then there’s a conflict with something in/associated with the sim.

thank you for your answer. yes, it definetly looks different. I will check later and start the sim without community folder

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i have renamed my community folder and restarted the sim. sim created a new, empty folder. The Helipad still doesnt show up. if i search for 4CA1 it doesnt find it.other Helipads do show up tho. do you think it could help to delete the USA updates and reinstall them ?

Best regards

An addon conflict could also be from any other Marketplace purchase.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be just from addons in the Community Folder.

To echo @TheSevenflyer, I’d start it in safe mode to see if there’s anything conflicting. Since you’ve already tried without the community folder, the next most likely problem is a conflict with something from the marketplace, or an add-on program (weather/traffic/etc) that’s connecting to MSFS.

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Hi @Migulein72,
FYI, I’m seeing the same as @Habu2u2. No problem selecting the pad in the World Map:

And the sim spawns the helicopter on the pad after loading:

Partial Specs & current settings:
Build: SU15 (v1.37.19.0)
3rd-Party Addons: None, Community Addons: None
MSFS Version: MS-Store, Standard, plus All World and City Updates

thanks for your input guys, i have just startet in Safe Mode and the Helipad still didnt show up.
i will now delete an reinstall the USA Updates . Maybe this will help ?


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Always worth to try reinstalling USA Updates but not sure it will help since 4CA1 Helipad was part of Sim Update 11: Release Notes for 40th Anniversary Edition/Sim Update 11 ( Now Available

Not sure either if it is part of the 40th Anniversary POI package, you can always try to delete and reinstall it:

Have you checked that nothing is pending to be updated in your content manager ?

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ok, i think the 40th anniversary POIs are the solution. I have deleted them a few weeks ago to free up some space on my harddrive. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!