Losing mouse control on Xbox Series S/X

Unfortunately for me the hub was no solution

Not sure if this is similar to a mouse issue I saw. I was using a keyboard with a inbuilt touchpad, but wasn’t using it much. When using the XBox controller to toggle switches and input commands in the FD in the cockpit, the sim framrate would slow, the touchpad mouse would not respond and the XBox controller seemed to be struggling for UI control with the touchpad. I solved this buy getting a dedicated KB and a separate optical mouse, and I don’t have these issues now. I use the HOTAS One for controlling the plane, keyboard for shortcuts and mouse for all cockpit button/view interations. XBox controller is now largely powered off and I don’t use it much in FS2020. Everything works, is stable and as it should be.

Completely different issue, I have a keyboard, mouse, hotas one and xbox controller, the keyboard and mouse and the hotas one are connect through a usb hub on the front port, i also tried to use the mouse alone on the back usb port and on tne front usb port alone still same issue. I think the problem has to do withthe xbox controller freezing up the mouse but not sure if that is causing it

Ditch either the mouse or the XBox controller. I had a severe issue when using a keyboard with an integrated touchpad in conjunction with XBox controller. They seem to (in the cockpit mainly, not external views) fight for UI control with each other which led to bad framerate slowdowns and things inside the cockpit not responding/working.
I resolved the issue by ditching my XBox controller and leaving it turned off. (I have a Hotas One to fly with) and have a dedicated wireless KB and separate wireless optical mouse & it’s all a very stable & usable environment for me now.

I do have the controller turned off still same issue that is why I said not sure that is causing it


That sounds similar to me. My touchpad wasn’t responding and the UI was slowed to a treacle in cockpit when I was using XBox controller. I have Hotas One on a long USB cable to rear of XBox X and a wireless dongle for KB and optical mouse on the front USB. It may just have been the KB with integrated touchpad that was the issue and I haven’t tried to replicate issue with the new separate mouse, but I’m not using XBox controller much and generally leave it powered down most of the time now. The mouse never loses control now.

ok. fair do’s. Your original post does say "when using keyboard and mouse along side Xbox Series X Controller "
Have you tried with different mice? Minus USB splitter? Different USB ports?

Tried it all no solution unfortunatly, tried all usb ports, tried 4 different mice issue remains, even did a complete xbox console reset andco pletely reinstalled the sim.

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That sounds weird. It should work. Are the controllers all set to ‘default’? FS seems to be a bit flakey with holding on to custom profiles. It has remembered a custom keyboard binding on my one, but the with the HOTAS it never remembers custom sesitivities. Also have you tried only plugging in the KB/Mouse once FS is runnning. It will pop up and ask you to whether to use default profiles for anything it sees.
Other than that maybe try different USB (3.0) cables and try using just one USB device at a time to rule out USB device interactions. Sort of debug with a simplification/elimination strategy.

Like I said me and others tried it all for a lot of us nothing is a solution to the problem and I cant try different cables as they are hard wired to the mouse and keyboard.

There has been an Xbox controller update today. Wonder if anyone has felt anything different?

I was in the middle of a flight when I wanted to use the Xbox home button. When I pressed it. It just paused the game. Tried it a few times and it did the same thing then a min later it gave me a error and said try again later and gave me this massage a few times also. Then I went away from the game and now my mouse won’t select anything.

Didnt change anything for me, hope that would have fixed the mouse issue but no

This bug is really annoying. Hope they fix it soon. XBOX mouse support needs to work correctly. This should have been tested before launching the simulator.


Still ongoing for me also. On the one hand I’ve gotten really good at the thumbstick controls, but on the other hand there are just some things that you cannot do on a controller. :frowning:

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Same for me, i hope it gets fixed fast

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Same issues here I was getting ready to pull my hair out I spent around 6 hours trying to figure it out and finally gave up and just let the auto pilot fly for a flight. As I really want to be able to use my mouse for instrument panels while flying and not having to get confused on what device to use as I have had good use of the thrustmaster hotas but frustrated on not being able to get full immersion yet on series x, changing settings I found didn’t really help either. Hoping for a fix or update soon as we all are.

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Seriously. I have a stable as anything experience with Keyboard+Mouse+Hotas and XBox controller turned OFF. Just do this if you want that stable exerience too. Look on the XBox controller as something to be used all on it’s own. There appears to be too many conflicts with mice and cockpit interactions otherwise with UI fighting for control.
You can sit around and wait for a fix, or just do the above because it all works perfectly. It’s intuitive, like operating a PC. I never have any control conflicts now.

As said before a lot of us already tried that with no luck at all, so this is not a solution for everyone

BUT we all supposedly have the same hardware (XBox) all have the same firmware/patches (FS2020, Xbox, Controller), so the only difference (other than FS editions and add ons) is what peripherals we use, in what combination and what USB ports we plug them into.
All USB ports should be the same. Perhaps some mice work better than others, I can’t think why right now but from my findings I could easily see conflicts going on between XBox controller and touchpad mouse so tried different wireless keyboard / mouse setup (a very basic one I should add) and the setup works well minus the XBox controller.
I don’t see how this in any way says it isn’t a solution as it is for me, a very stable one, that is surely repeatable elsewhere. Unless of course you are making the point that your XBox and controller are somehow acting differently (or defectively?) from mine?