I am fed up with this bug… Always need to restart the game at least 4 to 5 times.
Can I get a refund?
I am fed up with this bug… Always need to restart the game at least 4 to 5 times.
Can I get a refund?
Bro you just remind me of something.
As you mentioned, this could be an issue with Xbox, rather than Asobo.
I also play FIFA on Xbox. Before each match, I need to choose my controller. And I can notice that there are always “ghost controllers” that I can neither use nor remove.
I guess this could be something similar with MSFS. Controller settings are messed up, causing the real controller (or K&M) lose function.
So far, the only solution that works for me is: To restart the console. This doesn’t mean to long press Xbox button on your controller, but to choose “Full shut-down” or “Restart now” from settings. By this way maybe the controller settings can be reset. My mouse can function normally, and “ghost controllers” in my FIFA game disappear as well.
I had the same issue. I found that plugging the mouse into the FRONT usb port and they keyboard in the back usb port and haven’t had issues since.
Already tried that but the issue remains
Tried a hard reset with them still plugged in?
Yes already tried that too
In the control options settings, do you have a mouse profile or is it on default?
Tried both, default and custom profile didnt fix it either.
So do I. I answered a topic concering non-Xbox controller issues.
Find it here : https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/xbox-series-x-anyone-having-problems/442422/32?u=xenius007
same here mouse not working.
Added to list. Thanks guys. XBOX Feedback and Improvements | OT - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
This is such an annoying bug. After 8 restarts of the game (with a console reboot after the second), I finally got to start a flight without the mouse cursor freezing on me. It’s always happened seemingly at random, but it’s never been that bad. Yikes. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, and I’m pretty interested in what the cause might be.
For me its happening more and more and sooner, now happens at the main menu already before even starting a flight most times. Really hope a fix is coming fast
Happens to me as well. It used to happen occassionally until today. Today I had to restart the sim 3 times, on the 4th time I just gave up for the day.
I have to use the mouse, since I can’t reset controller profile to the new default. Everytime I try the sim crashes back to dashboard. So as soon as I lose mouse control, I can’t go on with only controller.
This is making the sim unplayable rn on xbox series x.
Didn’t play on PC since SU5, so can’t tell if I had the same bug there.
Please fix urgently, it is gamebreaking.
Bug is only present on xbox, doesn’t happen on PC, really annoying bug it is for sure, I also need the mouse to control cockpit functions.
Does anyone know where is the page dedicated to MSFS community most desired fixing to be done ?
I have chance: I never experience issue with the mouse and keyboard on my Xbox Series X.
But may be, my installation is not affected by this bug. I want to share my experience, may be this can help.
OK, here is my devices connected to the Xbox:
I have the wired USB devices:
The three wired USB devices are plugged to an USB hub (lighted in blue on the photo, UH-005, a classic hub that can be externaly powered, but didn’t use this feature - the hub is powered by the Xbox). This USB hub is connected to the front connector of my Xbox.
I also used the wireless Xbox controller (I have two of them, sometime I use the original black, and sometimes I used the blue as seen on the photo).
I never experience mouse problem. Except one time, but it was my fault, I disconnected the hub while FS was running). Otherwise, the mouse work always, never lost the cursor, never freeze. But I should also say, that I never try to connect the mouse/keyboard/joystick separately on front/back USB connectors.
This configuration work quite fine for me.
Of course, the Xbox controller doesn’t stay ON permanently. After some minutes, it turn OFF, but this affect nothing on FS - I keep the control of the mouse/keyboard and joystick. And if I need to take a snapshot, I can quickly reconnect the Xbox controller by pressing its XBOX key, then press the capture (central) key.
I also change my default Xbox configuration:
I can’t affirm, but may be, connecting the devices thru a hub could temporary solve this issue. But sure, this can’t be a definitive solution.
Already tried that and no change issue remains, first I tried with a hub, then connected directly to the usb ports, nothing fixed it.
I tried it with a hub and it works. Mouse and Hotas one connected to the hub and the hub connected with the Xbox front USB port
Just wanted to bump this topic - although I’m on PC. Having the same bug - I just received the Honeycomb Bravo and had set some time aside to get my bindings in order. I can’t even bind anything as I lose the ability to click on any menu items within a minute or two. The actual cursor still moves, but clicking is disabled.
Extremely frustrating.
Is there any known work-around for this issue? I was really hoping to fly today.
Using a wired-usb mouse and keyboard (KB directly plugged into the PC, mouse is using a hub), have a Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo plugged in as well.