Really enjoying the sim, but I’m all over the place right now with assignments for camera views.
I mapped out the number pad so I can just press a number key (just like in X-plane) for all my main views, which makes sense going from one sim to the other. That’s working fine!
I know there are some cinematic default outside views (under the wing and so on) but I can’t understand how to get them. I’ve changed a few other keyboard shortcuts as well and notice that if you change them then the original path seems to vanish from the menu. I was also getting 2 things happening on the same key press, but have worked out how to sort that.
Any help on how to get these special outside views would be really appreciated…thanks!
Try clicking on the camera icon at the top of the screen, then chose showcase, you then have a choice of free or fixed for the drone camera. With free you move it around, with fixed there are a list of fixed positions just below. With free, I use an xbox controller, sometimes easier to reduce the speed of movement.
Great got those views thanks!..wonder if there is a way to assign them to the keyboard…
You should be able to bind Camera commands to any controller including the keyboard. Note that you can assign multiple Camera View commands to the same input (like the Hat switch). Here are a couple of references that might help:
[GUIDE] Camera Overview: Basic Concepts, User Interface, and FAQ
Squirrel’s YT Tutorial
Many thanks for those links!..
I’m pretty much only using the drone camera for the externals and using my RC radio in joystick mode to control it, with mappings similar to a real one so I get what I’m used to