Low FPS and high VRAM and RAM

The game is finally back, and the long wait is over! Before I dive into my main topic, I want to mention that the game looks significantly better than it did in 2020. The runway textures have improved, and the overall visuals from the air are much improved.

However, I’m facing a dilemma: I changed my settings from low to high and ultra, but I haven’t noticed any significant difference in FPS— it dropped from 29 FPS on low (sometimes it hit low 30s) to just 25 FPS on ultra. This doesn’t make much sense unless there’s some memory leak occurring. I am playing the default game without any add-ons. Now I understand why the game recommends 64 GB of RAM; while playing in the middle of nowhere, my RAM usage hit 29 GB out of 32 GB, and my 4070 Ti fully utilizes its 12 GB of VRAM. I will need a 5000 series card to run add-ons at this level.

I’m playing on my Quest 3 via cable link in VR, and it’s playable on medium settings. I can push it to high, but I start experiencing some blurriness. Interestingly, VR seems better optimized than playing on a monitor, which makes no sense. Perhaps I should consider reinstalling the game?

In summary, this game needs better optimization. Do you have any idea if I might be doing something wrong? I also have two monitors.


I don’t think the current performance is very accurate with all the bugs and issues the game currently has. I think it’s safer to wait till the mayor bugs are ironed out and the game runs stable to determine what the real performance is.


Beta testers gonna test. We are that monkey.

Why this wasnt all seen in their own testing is beyond my wildest imagination.


Ive lost around 30-40% performance in VR.


3090 here on Ultra. 24GB VRam, 64GB Ram. Non VR. 2 x monitors. Everything feels as good as it did in 2020.

4090, Quest 3 and 64GB RAM here. In VR I’ve seen up to 19GB VRAM used but never more than 32GB RAM used, even with two browsers with 15+ tabs each and a bunch of MSFS supporting apps running. FPS is about the same as 2020 with similar settings but is much smoother in 2024.

Are you using TAA ?
i found out there is something seriously wrong with TAA in VR. Changing settings to ultrahigh or ultralow does not change Performance as it should be. Frametimes are always around 30ms. When using DLSS i get nearly the same Performance levels as in 2020.
for more details: What has your VR experience been like in Microsoft 2024 so far? - #142 by Hellfish303


I am using TAA. I did try DLSS but, like with 2020, it’s like someone smeared vasoline over everything and yes, the FPS are much higher. Even TAA at 80% render resolution is much sharper than DLSS Quality, even with the latest DLSS version.

you may want to try DLSS with Steam Super Sampling set to something between 150%-200% which resuls in an image quality comparable to TAA but with much better performance. Sadly for me with DLSS there are horrible artifacts on the horizon which seem to be caused by the smudgy/scratched windscreen of the 172 i tested. This is a mess and hopefully gets sorted out soon

i9-12900K / RTX 3090 ti / 64GB RAM
Without VR everything runs like normal with 75 frames on Ultra and looks great.
In VR with Q3 and link cable the frames drop to around 26-30 in TAA.
With DLSS there is about 36 fps but then everything is so blurry that it looks like s…hit…

7800x3d/4090/64gb/Pimax light

Interesting. The variation between users and performance is puzzling.

In VR ive lost 30-40% performance across the board, DLSS and TAA.


What were you getting in 2020 in VR at those settings?

I downloaded the latest DSS version, but I will try TAA to see if I see better performance. It’s wild to know that everyone is different, with even similar systems. I have an i9-12900F and 4070ti. It’s not the ultimate system, but it is close to a high-end one. I should be getting two monitors at least 50fps. I am happy getting 30 - 35 fps in VR as long as it is clear.

I’m running a now-aging i7-11700KF alongside an RTX 4070 Ti Super (16GB). The sim feels great to me at 1440p / TAA and a mix of High-End and Ultra settings. Last night around NYC I was flying GA stuff with SamScene3D‘s NY scenery streaming, KJKF there just a few miles away, MK Studio’s KLGA in my Community folder, RK Bridger’s NY bridges stored locally, tons of real-world AI traffic and multiplayer set to All. Between the AI planes, the MP aircraft and the dozens of ships, boats and ferries, and even with heavily overcast skies, I was getting 35 - 55 fps without framegen, and a creamy smooth 70 - 110 with framegen enabled. I didn’t pay much attention to PC memory, but my VRAM usage hovered beteen 10.5 -11.5GB.

Substantially worse FPS than in the Alpha, and i even upgraded to a 9800X3D since then. Alo drastically worse FPS than in MSFS.

Yes, its a mess. Especially if you compare native frames, and not FG and DLSS “frames”.

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They clearly didn’t test sh*t in VR, nothing, nada, zilch. They must’ve let someone with a blindfold code the VR part and shipped it away.

How else could they POSSIBLY miss the non-functional VR Toolbar and the cockpit mouse bug that stops you clicking anything? It truly boggles the mind, it’s almost satirical.

I hope we get some hotfixes very very soon.


Testing department consisted of Jorg on a G2 in a cold and dark Cessna believing his own marketing for five minutes.

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does anyone know why 2024 seems to be absolutely hammering my gpu? its running hot even when the load is low and even if i put a hard cap on the frames
its hot!
the fans are blasting… feels like something is going to pop
2020 doesnt do this (went back to check, gpu runs smooth and cool as always)
i fire up 2024 and the temperature goes straight to 80º
it seems as if its making the gpu work on something even if its not rendering frames

found it, it was hags

EDIT: except it wasn’t hags…
with hags off my gpu use % went way down but it’s still running hot, so im guessing it hasn’t really gone down… this is weird

Remember that a GPU’s function is not just to generate frames. I’m suspecting that Asobo is using the GPUs ability to run AI pipelines to generate some of the image objects. It is after all what GPUs are supposed to be good at. If that’s the case at least finally something is using my 4090 for what it was intended for.

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Doubt it, pretty sure any AI would still be cloud-based.