At a loss here why my system can’t seem to handle 1440p at Ultra. Does not seem to matter whether its an airliner or simple prop, same issues, regardless of airport. Even flying in the middle of no where, maybe 34fps.
V-sync set to 30fps to get rid of screen flicker with my Dell Freesync monitor (s3220dgf)
-Intel i9-10900k
-GeForce RTX 3080
-Corsair 96gb (2x16) (2x32)
-WD Blue SSD 2TB
-850w PSU
CPU does not get above 50 degrees C
GPU only reaches 80% usage
Just replaced motherboard when i got the 3080, performance seems to be identical to the setup i had with my 3070. (MSi Apro, i9-10900k, Corsair 32gb, WD Green SDD TB 650psu).
Ahh right OK sorry. It’s a beast, I can’t think how performance is that bad.
Fingers crossed for the reinstall. I’m only running a 7700K and 1080GTX with 32GB RAM and I’ve just taken the 172 for a spin out of EGNX at 60FPS on High
You’re CPU-limited on the main thread, probably. Things to try:
First, before you do ANYTHING turn on Developer Mode in options and enable the ‘display fps’ from the menu. This will show you both your frames per second count and detailed histograms of the rendering speed on each of the four primary CPU threads and the GPU, telling you which one of them is limiting your total frame rate.
Second, double-check your RAM setup. As mentioned earlier in this thread it sounds like you have a mismatched RAM configuration which might, or might not, work properly. You might have better results with just the 2x32 stick for 64 GB of total RAM.
On my Ryzen 7 3700X system, I also had to set the RAM speed correctly in the BIOS (it defaulted to DDR4 2166 but it’s DDR4 3200, and I got several fps increase when I loaded the XMP profile in the BIOS/UEFI setup screen). Double-check that this is correct if this is a home-built or heavily upgraded PC especially.
Consider turning settings from Ultra to High-end. Yes yes I know, Ultra is better! But Ultra also uses a lot more CPU power, in addition to loading the GPU, because it includes vast increases in draw distance so loads more and more detailed objects into the simulation which all have to be processed on the CPU before they get shipped into the GPU for rendering.
And honestly, 34fps sounds great already! I get 25-35 most of the time on my Ryzen system and as long as it’s closer to 30 than to 20 I’m pretty happy with it.
Without additional work from Asobo on making the core simulation code in the main thread farm more work out to secondary threads, there’s little more you as an end-user can do.
Appreciate the response and insight. Once i get the game redownloaded i will check out the dev mode. Mind you, this is ~30fps with everything maxed right out. EVERYTHING*. Its sounding like it is a CPU threading issue, which as you made mention, little i can do there.
Yes, with everything (graphics settings) maxed out getting ~30fps sounds about right in my experience with my machine and reading complaints by other users on this forum.
Folks who claim to get more seem to either very heavily tune many of their graphics and airport/road traffic settings to reduce CPU load, or are selective about what part of their fps range they report.
Yeah, but I think with maxed out render scaling your basically running on an 8K monitor or something like that. I don’t know the math off the top of my head. Which you can’t even tell the difference because you’re running at 1440. First thing I would do is reduce the Render scaling. If you go back to more normal settings, you’ll get your FPS back.
Then go out and get either a VR head set or spend $400 on a 55" 4K TV/Monitor (I run on a LG 55UN7300, I like it) and really enjoy stuff. At 100 Render scale.
What is your render scale? That is the súmmum of frames killer. If everything is maxed out this would be 200. That is way too much. Try reducing this slider only. I’m getting 30 FPS on airliners on 4K screen with render scale to 70. Not that much of a difference.
And I’m running a 2070 super in i5 10600k - 16gb ram.
When I fly GA I turn render scale up to 100 and get 30s also with GA.