Low GPU usage after a while

When I start a flight, my FPS are normal (like 55-60 fps in clear skies). During flight and until I restart the sim, the FPS drops do 30-40 fps, and GPU usage goes to 50-60% in Task Manager.

Interestingly, when I press ESC to main menu, the GPU usage goes high again and FPS becomes the same during the start of flight. When I quit the menu, it drops again. (During the beginning of flight, the FPS are the same both on menu as in flight).

The problem is happening in every aircraft, both on DX11 as DX12, even with Traffic off and TLOD at 10.

My spec:

  • NVIDIA RTX 3090
  • 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900K
  • 32.0 GB
  • Windows 11

During flight after the bug

In menu

Task manager

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I think this is mostly associated with 3rd party mods/apps that need updating although the occasional glitch in the matrix has caught me out with no mods involved, very rarely though.

The same problem happens even with the community folder empty and stock planes

Then maybe a hardware or drive issue e.g virtual memory; make sure drives are not too full and are regularly optimized/defragmented. Unfortunately I can’t actually see inside your PC. You probably should test full vanilla to completely rule out 3rd party mods and apps but that’s a real PITA so try other stuff first.

PS. 77°C @ only 58% usage … your gpu temps look high to me so keep an eye on that.

at first we should ask for Screenshot from Taskmanager which shows the Core-Load :wink:

In menu we can see, there is no issue… looks like normal vsync-target.

@lucasrmdm in Taskmanager, please press right mouse on the CPU diagramm and change the diagramm type to " show logical processors".

I assume we are, as usually, by " limited by mainthread " or by the existing topics like

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Here is the logical processors view

at least we see two cores in a high load ( P5 and P6 with its virt. hyperthreading )… in your former image the turbo-speed was higher, so I assume there was only one core in high load. So, I assume its just the mentioned limited by mainthread thing. Of course, cant be sure here :slight_smile:

You can try to cleanup the rolling-cache, app-data-folder, etc. and also check hints within the other topic I have linked, e.g. dependency to installed mods.

And of course, have an eye on the temps, like @DensestSnail693 mentioned.

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Thanks, will try. What exactly would be this “app-data-folder”?

its for ms-store users following location:


we have some topics about cleanup for ms-store users. I own “Steam version”, thus I cant tell exactly in your case.