Or you could use the default NVCP which does it better.
Take into account not everyone runs 30xx boards. This wish counts for many users. On my laptop, I set vsync 20 on both MSFS options and NVidia options. In the MSFS main menu, I get a running fan, whch gets louder on the globe and on the Content manager, while MSFS is downloading. And any @Asobo developers if you read this… please switch off the MSFS music during downloads…
Clicking away from the window stops the music. I expected this last update to be a long one, so I did what I’ve done before: minimise the window to its smallest size, then click away from it. No music, 40C on the GPU.
Imagine my surprise when it finished in 10-15 minutes.
Maybe they are working on it ? I haven’t seen anything about it in SU-5 or Hotfix release notes… I’ve noticed less fan during the WU-6 update itself, but Content Manager did not improve, and I don’t notice a difference on main menu when focus goes elsewhere. I did not try minimizing with _, I normally just push another window over it, when I go elsewhere. I’ll try _ minimizing tonight.
Sorry, by minimise I meant grab the bottom right corner, and drag the window to its smallest size, but still visible on the desktop. The second I click on the desktop, or any other open window the music stops.
Interesting. I never did THAT ! I’ll try it, thx for the tip let’s get this baby silent
When I saw that there was a long topic already about this I thought, well maybe there is a solution… but it looks like we are still there.
So, first update after upgrading my PC to a 3070 + Ryzen 7… and I’m consuming (measured) 200W to leave the PC for hours (thanks to the 24mbit line) just downloading 42GB?
I could really not even figure out what is consuming so many resources, there is a blurried static background with a progress bar…
If you look through this thread there are a couple of things you can do to reduce the load.
Drag the window so that it is is as small as you can make it.
Cap the FPS of MSFS to <=60.
If you’re running the sim in 4K the frame rate cap barely helps. The GPU will still use 200+ watts. Can’t really fathom why a company like Microsoft who claims to care for the climate can let this go on for a year now.
well, they are not really famous for optimization
Dragging the window size to the smallest I could get it stopped MSFS from thrashing my GPU at 100% load even though it was minimized in the background… It’s now only using 25% load for a minimized window… /sigh
I was playing CIV6 while the update downloaded in the background, and became aware of my GPU fan noise way louder than it should be since it was pegged at 100% load.
Yep, I saw that. I have just tried, GPU stays at 66% in that way, I’m saving 50W…
I’m doing the update when solar panels are producing
Is this problem on their roadmap already?
this is so ridiculous, we need a system-friendly UI immediately.
As my monitor (well TV really) only has a refresh rate of 60Hz I just set the frame limits in both NVCP sections to 60fps and background apps too … not that I can actually reach that fps in normal flight on ultra settings so it’s not “damaging” my experience whatsoever.
going easy on hardware: menu, loading screens: set VSYNC ON during them
Using the Steam Version, developer mode is inactive.
Since the latest update the game causes >77-85% GPU-Usage while in the main menu,
CPU usage according to task manager is (depending on each logical processing unit) ~50% - ~75%.
GPU and CPU temperatures are higher than before due to this. (GPU ~70°C, CPU 50°C, temperatures i usually only get during “high- to medium-high”-usage scenarios)
According to GPU-Tweak II (GPU Monitoring) GPU clock speeds instantly jump to their maximum respective values.
All this did not happen before the update. CPU temp was usually around ~10°C lower, GPU ~20-30°C lower.
No settings have been altered (compared to pre-update), 3D-Hangar Background always has been enabled, GPU-driver is version 472.12, same as before the update.
Game executable is Version
Intel i9 9900k
Win10 Pro 21H1
What is the “bug” you are reporting as such though?
The differences you are seeing may simply be a result of underlying changes that improve performance in the sim environment. Are you seeing really high frame rates while just in the menu? If so you could consider capping the frame rate in the nvidia control panel.
No higher framerates, just very unusual, very high resource usage when it seems not to be necessary. I’m just idling in the main menu, doing literally nothing except looking at it, not even downloading scenery from the market place.
CPU/GPU Temps/Clocks/general behaviour in the main menu suddenly (also instantly when I start the game) is as if I was flying/taxiing on a busy HQ-handcrafted airport with tons of stuff going on.
Since the game didn’t show this behavior at all before the new update, it really seems like something didn’t go as planned with this update. It’s not how the main menu should behave at all.
Nothing else on my machine changed between the updates, i literally quit the game, downloaded the clientupdate via Steam, started the game, downloaded the 8GB in-gameupdate. Even during the 8GB in-game download the high resource usage occured.
Oh man, thanks for that! didn’t ever think of even trying that… nothing else in these 500 posts in here did anything to help, but this also dropped me down to 60%.
I have found an interesting thing.
With the window as small as possible, it still consumes a ridicolous amount of resources:
But if I click on the window’s title bar and hold the mouse down…:
Obviously it’s not a long term solution (but a piece of tape on the mouse could work ), but it shows what needless waste of power the donwload is causing. The only thing that is stopping is the update of the window, the download keeps going on as it’s clearly visible by the network usage on the control panel.
even better, right click does the same
It looks like that, once the file being downloaded finishes, you need to let it go for a moment to proceed with the next one.