I agree with what some in the chat said. I think the issue has been, perhaps, lost in translation. Lowering the frame rate is kind of like putting a sticking plaster on a broken leg.
The reason why the resources in use are high is because it renders this in the background.
You can even see the hangar doors closing behind the camera. This is what needs to be addressed, not lowering frame rates as a dev. mode option. Turn off the hangar view entirely.
I imagine this could be an issue if you then click on “My Hangar”, but perhaps not because it gets turned off on the “Content Manager” view.
So my simple proposal is this.
Whatever code turns off the fancy 3D rendered hangar in the background when in “Content Manager”, that causes my GPU usage to drop from 22% to 1%, enable that code on every single menu except the “My Hangar” page.
That is an actual fix, rather than a fudge.
After further playing around, I can see that some trickery is at work. If you actually go to “My Hangar”, and enabled the Developer camera, for a split second you can move the camera, then its locked down. I’m sure this used to be unlocked, which would be a good way to illustrate the problem. You can see this tiny, brief movement of the camera by holding the ALT key down while left mouse dragging even on the main menu.
This isn’t just a hangar rendering issue though. The GPU is running full tilt during the load screens as well. Including during the sometimes lengthy install / updates. I don’t know, but hearing my GPU fans sounding like a turboprop at takeoff thrust and running 80+ºC the entirety of a lengthy 2 hour update is an issue. It’s a pointless use of electricity and puts undue strain on my GPU.
True, but the 3D hangar is definitely one of them. I went through all the Options pages, as well as the Profile page. The only one with lowered GPU usage is the “Content Manager” page, and that is the only one where you don’t have the 3D rendered plane, and hangar.
Turn that off just like in “Content Manager”, and the menu problems are solved.
As for the loading issue, that may well be the same thing. Another test to run. As the sim launches, watch the GPU usage. The dev. menu appears shortly after the sim is launched, and before the main menu appears. Does GPU usage spike when the dev. menu at the top of the screen appears? I’m willing to bet it does.
It does indeed. During the intro screens, I’m seeing over 1000 fps. During installs / updates, the GPU cooks itself the entire time as well.
So yes, the hangar is most definitely an issue. But experience here tells me if we don’t identify ALL the issues, Asobo will put some partial hack solution in place that doesn’t really solve the problem at all.
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yes, thats exactly what I meant as I wrote “It sounds like a more complex solution as just offer a setting where can disabling all effects in menus…”
But I hope what devs implement goes a step furture, and if its works fine we get also less cpu consumption, etc.
Related to this I would think thats pretty normal. The recommendation is to allways set a max fps limit, at least to your monitors max. In that way users have a chance to avoid also extrem power-spikes. But the high load because useless 3d rendering in a main menu, can we not avoid ( also with an already limit to 37fps does my 2080ti consume to much power for simple nothing , I only have a menu open
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And it effects both Windows and Linux. On Linux watching the output of Mangohud I can see that on my system it’s about halfway through the loading bar every single time when the 1000 fps issues start to hit and that enabling fps limiters prevents the game from going above the set limits and resolves that issue.
I can also confirm with the Mangohud output that the framerate and graphics stabilize when in the Content Manager.
Because of that it makes me wonder if it starts to render the hangar during the loading screen even though we can’t see it yet because I get about the same fluxuations in Mangohud output from halfway through the loading screen until I go to the Content Manager or start a flight.
Note that Linux isn’t a solution. This isn’t one of those games that magically runs faster in Proton or Wine. I was just curious if all the odd fps jumps were game specific or could be tied to the OS, drivers, or something else. Anecdotally, it’s the game.
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So thank you @Jummivana for raising (again), and I agree with other posters it seems there was something lost in translation. It was interesting that both Martial and you both seemed to get it, hopefully the actual issue was explained to Seb later.
So my feedback is
- Nobody is asking for a low power mode (even bound to a key) and especially not in flight
- Would like to lower resource usage in menus and update/loading screens permenantly
There are 4 solutions I can see
- Disable 3D hangar rendering in all menus/loading screens (BEST FOR PLANET)
- Provide an option to disable 3D hangar rendering in menus/loading screens (unless I select My Hangar)
- Provide a separate FPS cap for Menus (15fps would be fine)
- Provide a separate GFX render scaling slider for menus (most like Seb’s solution)
As mentioned previously, there is a bug which I think is making this issue worse for some folks. That is if you have a 120FPS capable monitor/setup then FPS Limit of 60FPS will actually (bug) only limit you to 120FPS. You need to set it to 30FPS to get a 60FPS cap.
This bug might be why Seb (who maybe runs at 60FPS) doesn’t see heavy resource usage. I have set my FPS cap to 30FPS and it limits menus to 60FPS which means it only uses 40% of my 3080 in menus, still ridiculous as it has 23.8 billion transistors!
So, additionally on top of the request above, there are 2 serious related bugs
- FPS Cap should work properly for monitors running above 60FPS
- The game should never render more frames than the monitor refresh rate (@MichaMMA post above) so for users who haven’t set a cap shouldn’t see menu framerates at 1000FPS
1, and 2 would be my choice. 2 might be best as it allows the user to decide whether they want the background 3D stuff rendered.
For me, I would have a hybrid of sorts. Option 1 in all cases except the My Hanger screen. In other words, no 3D rendered background whatsoever unless it actually needs to be there, as in the My Hangar screen.
And before anyone suggests this might be hard to implement, they have already done this on the My Content page. No 3D background stuff, and 1% GPU load. They just need to reiterate that every else except My Hangar.
That reads like a “I’ll do it when I get back from the pub” job. 
a note about: thats not a real bug… Its only that these V-Sync setting is completely missleading and confuses the users since ages ( so, on other side… we can may be call it a bug
It not limits to the mentioned 60fps, it simple set V-Sync steps ( 60 fps means max vsync ). I can’t understand why also this ( such simple things ) will not be changed, in special in ages where also gaming TVs ( msfs is under the hood of xbox-game ) comes with 120fps and no longer only fixed to 60fps - or offer these super xbox consoles still only 60fps ? ( I think not )
Somehwere I mentioned that some games determined the possible steps at runtime and show you the resp. FPS you can set, depend on your monitor. If this is not possible, these setting should at least “renamed” so that users know whats behind… But that’s also a thing we mentioned two years ago ( also in ZenDesk ).
hmmm… not true for all players in the world 
A lot of games have no build-in limiter. Some have, some not. Such a limiter have nothing todo with vsync or what the monitor is able to show. The gpu can produce more fps as your monitor can show. It makes for most of us no sense to get more fps as our monitor, but some hardcore gamers swear by it. Also there might be a short moment of loading where the limiting is not active. To avoid all of that a simple limit in e.g. nvidia control panel can help here and so I allways recommend to set a limit ( not only MSFS ). Of course, the best and easiest would be a in-game-fps-limiter, which works fine in all situations ( to avoid tearing you need vsync ).
And not forget… also a limit to 37.5 maxed out my 2080ti related to background rendering.
Reminds me of the Amazon game New World, which bricked some 3090s because the menu has no framerate limit.
The New World beta in question did not implement a frame rate limiter in the menu system, which many released games include. That could cause a GPU to suddenly go from an in-game frame rate of 100 fps to roaring along at 800 fps. It’s akin to driving a car at full throttle going up hill and accidentally putting the car into neutral. If you don’t lift your foot, the engine revs into its redline.
Customers told EVGA that the cards died while in the game’s menu system or while loading the game. No customers have reported issues to EVGA since Amazon added frame rate limiters to the game.
good example too, there are lots of others ( e.g. new sniper elite… ). On other side, if a GPU die because there is no fps limit set, the cooling was not sufficent or there was a generaly failure in hardware design. I set these global limit to avoid useless high fps ( and so high power consumption ) where it is not needed ( and I need not more than my monitor can handle ). Of course this can not fix that my card run in full load if the menu-background-rendering is very demanding.
I find this issue really disappointing. Found my system running at max chickens yesterday whilst it should have been idling on the main menu. The room was noticeably warmer. Comes across as poor programming, I feel, and should be an easy fix - surely?
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Really quite straight forward.
And yea also the game caps the FPS to my monitor refresh even when FRAMERATE LIMIT is OFF.
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Simple fix for Nvidia
Then your fps will never go above your monitor’s refresh rate.
From the SU10 Beta Release Notes:
- Low power mode is now available for PC users via the Experimental option menu in game. While in the menu, this option now displays a blurred image instead of the hangar in the background. Other options and behaviors are available to reduce the sim’s power consumption: you can enable VSync, framerate is limited to 20FPS when you minimize the window, and it’s divided by 2 when you launch a download
Here is where the option exists now in the SU10 Beta:
Can we just get a fps cap please!? I shouldn’t have to turn on vsync or go into my GPU card settings to have to limit it. It is so much more convenient just being able to cap a frame rate to avoid fps stutters.
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not all at ones and we are here in “menu, downloading and minimized” topic 
And a note about Vsync… Why you feel bad with Vsync ? It is not realy same as a fps limiter, but at least it can works fine in that way. The theoretical latency-topic is for me “theoretical”… lot of users speak about because they read that, but can never notice that latency in a blind test.
I think Its important that the load in general can reduced, and e.g. the blurry hangar sounds like a good step into the right direction…
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This. It’s absolutely ridiculous to have a key to manually turn on or off something that should be automatic in the first place.
It’s SO easy.
menus? vsync = ON; !menus ? vsync = OFF
And get rid of the “FLY NOW” button please, why is it there anyway?
I never seen an application which do that and it also not much usefull. Not only do I not want “Tearing” in the menu, I also don’t want it while I’m flying. VSync is allways a setting a user can choose or not.
Asobo clearly read and implemented some of the recommendations we made on this matter, and I appreciate that. I still wish the sim would go into a lower power state when I pause it during a flight though. Limiting it to 20 FPS during minimize is helpful (and I’ve already done that in my graphics driver actually) but pausing rendering the world in the background would be even better.
One workaround I found someone else post; After pausing the flight, press load twice until a Windows open dialog box displays and suspends the busy threads.