Thanks. will start testing… seems like progress but all quite complex… worryingly no word on whether we got through to Seb that nobody wants Low Power mode in flight!
As I download SU10 beta here my 3080 is at 40% load and 85Watts (17 standard 5W lights) showing a black screen (for reference, I have VSYNC in game set to 30FPS). In fairness this high load might be because the card is underlocking itself.
I dont like the name Low Power mode and the behaviour is a bit confusing, the other suggestions on this forum are more sensible and simpler to implement.
With VSync off and Low Power mode on now gives very high frame rates which keeps the GPU at a pretty high load 40%. Bizarre for a low power mode that it doesn’t cap to monitor or 20FPS. Yes I should turn on Vsync but very confusing that Low Power pumps over 200FPS!
Question is why would low power mode to push more frames than my monitor can display, why would this ever be helpful? All my other games cap out at the monitor refresh rate regardless of VSync.
With VSync on and Low Power mode on GPU load drops to 15% / 20%, again just showing a menu this seems very high for a 3080.
The change to the VSync menus to the title to say “Half monitor refresh rate” instead of 30FPS is a welcome fix.
Lastly @Jummivana I do not see a 20FPS limit you mentioned when I have VSync on, and when I minimize NVidia overlay says its running at 40fps.
Please can you consider ditching this confusing Low Power Mode and instead have 3 much clearer options
Menu Frame Rate = 5FPS / 20FPS / Same as Game (default) Simple Menus = Off (default) / On
when VSync is off show Maximum Frame Rate = Monitor Refresh Rate (default) / Unlimited
Notes: Simple Menus = On turns off the 3D hangar
Keep the half framerate when minimized, but this should always be on and should apply in game and in menu
Change the current default of unlimited framerate to match monitor refresh rate.
Can I also point out that you aren’t bothering to use the Description field, which would be a good place to describe what its doing?
yep… the main point seems fixed “the useless background hangar rendering” in menues.
All the other stuff the developers gave us “on top for free”. But it seems users assume now is a fps-cap implemented. So far I understood is that not the case. These LPM plays with the VSync-rates dynamicly, thus users have to Enable VSync ( good idea in general if no external fps limit which match with monitors max ).
May be users should ask that the gpu driver manufactors and there advertising department. Also why they produce useless monitors with 300fps , etc… The truth is, that most users think that they need 200fps and more and so the advertising works and therefore may be also the gpu drivers have’nt a usefull default “max-fps = monitors fps” … As long as the drivers not set these automaticly, you can simplest set this by your self ( and there are more usefull settings like a max-background fps ).
But as we mentioned already: fps is not necesarly a a 1to1 indicator of power consume. The main point is that nothing is rendered in background, because this is a point we can not fix ( in constrast to a simple max fps setting ).
@MichaMMA every game I have caps at monitor refresh rate regardless of vsync settings, I have checked 4 so far. And yes I can do all of this myself in NVidia control panel etc etc, I am luckily a power user.
In terms of why would you want a high refresh rate monitor, I run at 120FPS and would never go back to 60FPS… above 120… well there are some tests that show for FPS games this can improve twitch times (Linus did a good youtube video on this). Of course for a flight sim you are right.
A game should not be responsible for that system-setting-stuff. Why should each game developer implement such limits if the OS and/or the GPU driver can easy do that and set the default max-fps to monitors fps ? But the fps lobby behind is to big as that we get per default usefully values. ( and also Ad-channels like Linus are part of these ). With usefully system default no user must be a power-user and game-developers can focus on the game content, and not a fps-limit.
It is 100% the game (developers) responsibility and has nothing to to do with the OS or even GPU driver. There are many scenarios where rendering more frames than a monitor can show might be required (video rendering, twitch FPS games etc). So sorry you are very much mistaken, a few lines of directX code is all that is required to implement this and prevent the game from hammering customers GFX cards and wasting electricity.
You seem passionate about defending Asobo, which is interesting in itself, but I can promise you as a developer there is no reason why out of the box MSFS should be trying to render a menu at 1000FPS. Game developers, especially those building sims, do not just “focus on game content” they are building a reliable engine and platform for others to safely produce content for. To a large extent they have done a fantastic job, and it keeps getting better!
it’s a bit disappointing that users come with these sentence in case they have no longer arguments, and that destroy a nice discussion. May be you not followed the whole topic. If you had followed all the posts , you would may be find out that I not defend Asobo in any way, in special in that topic here. I also not attack Asobo, I simple try to discuss topics and mention facts where game-developers are forced to do some stuff because of a worst OS / gpu-driver design.
sorry, but I have a max fps set and that have nothing to do with video-rendering. My video-rendering-app ( DR ) renders the videos fast as it can , in constrast of the UI which is limited to max fps.
of course this was included in the term “game-content” I mentioned. I’am sorry that a non native english speaker not allways find the correct terms.
thats what I wrote. We got a fix for the issue which we can not self fix " background rendering caused a high gpu load ". Additional we got a goody that fps is “auto” managed in some situations with the V-sync levels. For that, users must have enabled V-sync ( no power-user knowledge necessary ). Users which not want enable V-sync, as which resaon ever, just must set a max-limit in e.g. NCP ( as in many other applications too ). There is allways space for optimizations, and yes I also understand that a game can itself lower the fps within a simple menu, but we should stay fair ( and the former point was the max fps limit ). Also what I mentioned, the amount of fps tell nothing about the load on the gpu and the resulting power-consume. Your daily windows is not running with 5fps , but it not let run your gpu in 100% load… also the OS limit the fps, so why not in generaly, why users must first set a max-fps. But anyway… I think I wrote what I mean… and that was not against anyone nor to protect anyone, just a discussion.
586 messages for a simple solution that Asobo should implement:
an option to disable the 3d-background of the menus: they could just put a static background-image instead. So no gpu while download an update during 1h… and maybe, speed up the start of the sim.
Yes, please reduce the GPU load when the simulator is in the welcome screen. I had not noticed this problem when I had outdated hardware. I recently updated to more decent GPU and CPU and to my unpleasant surprise, the power consumption of my GPU is at maximum while in the welcome screen, even higher than when flying in the sim. It makes no sense. Please fix this.
This is still an issue on SU10. I know I can set low power mode, but really I shouldn’t have to!
I was wondering why my fans and CPU were ramping up so high when the sim was simply loading. Had to use nVidia control panel to limit the frames to sort that one out for me.
There is NO reason to render 500+FPS whilst the sim is loading!
just set a max fps limit in your nvidia control panel ( if you own nvidia ) as we mentioned some times. These max setting, which should match with your monitor fps, is allways a good idea. Most, if not for all games, is the loading screen not limited in any way.
The LPM works seemingly good for what we got for now.
And also not forget, that parts of LPM plays with the vsync steps and you have seemingly no vsync enabled.
Several games implement a fairly high frame rate cap, usually ranging from 200 to 300 FPS, to prevent situations where the GPU is not rendering a 3D scene and gets maxed out pumping hundreds or thousands of frames.
Although an external frame limiter can do the same, I think it would be a good idea for Asobo to implement such a cap for users who are unaware this is happening. It would go really well with the new Low Power mode.
I always set one caps in Global settings of my Nvidia options, at 70fps.
My monitor is 60Hz only so why I would like to go above? I think everybody need to set one as a limit just in case some devs didn’t do their job. They are a bunch of games which start with Vsync OFF, go figure, and I don’t want to spend my PC power for nothing until I reach their graphics option to turn Vsync ON…
the most games starts with vsync off, because a lot of gamers mean, they can notice the possible 10ms input lag … some users , which dont like vsync use the trick and set max-fps = monitor-fps ( or 2-3fps less). Then you can avoid vsync usage and get no tearing and never see 500fps. ( but again: the LPW need vsync.on if you want getting all features )
Exactly, I have my framerate limiter in NvCP (Nvidia Control Panel) set to the same as my monitors max refresh rate. And if I’m using G-SYNC I go 2+ fps below my monitors max.
G-SYNC doesn’t like your fps being equal to or higher than your monitors refresh rate!
Having unlimited frames gets you nothing other than a big electricity bill. (unless you really want that 1ms latency reduction lol)