Lower Resources in the Menu, Downloading, and Minimized. FPS cap?

This only works if you have a VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) display too or have certain other buffering options switched on :wink:

I’m a big fan of G-SYNC/FREESYNC, you get the best of both worlds.

yes, of course… but these both are for fps below the Monitors-Max-Fps and not for FPS above the monitor can handle :slight_smile: … Therefore mentioned to also enable VSync or try the mentioned trick.

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FPS limiting tactics aside, I would like a ‘while in menus’ FPS limiter built into MSFS. I’d set it somewhere between 20-30 FPS and leave low power mode disabled.

I like seeing the hangar lol :sunglasses: :airplane:

ah… but that limiter you can also configure outside of MSFS, just e.g in nvidia control panel ( just only for MSFS ). The problem with the hangar was, that also a 2080TI runs in near full load to reach 37fps (near 4K). Therefore I like the low power mode much :slight_smile:

But if you limit the FPS in NvCP, that is the limit for both menus and flying! And you can’t change the limit without restarting the game.

I want 20FPS for menus and 119FPS while flying :wink:

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yep… that currently only the LPM mode and needs vsync enabled too for all features.

I need a basic menu, without all that gamer-bling-bling and so I not have that kind of problems since the LPM exists :rofl: :laughing:

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Today I noticed coil whine while beeing in the msfs menu. When looking at the fps I saw the reason :slight_smile:

Has there ever been a built in frame rate limiter in the menu in the past or is it just me noticing for the first time uncapped fps in the menu?

till the Low-Power-Mode arrived, there was never a limiter. You can enable vsync and set a max-fps in e.g. NCP ( both in generally a good idea ). The other problem was, that e.g. in 4K most GPU runs in near 100% load to render the hangar and not even reached the vsync target. Also that fixed the LPM ( it disabled the useless hangar ).

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Mine shows something different

Uh huh … and you forgot to take out the trash :wink:

I don’t know what that means.

Your Recycle Bin isn’t empty.

I see this still hasn’t been sorted, pressing escape to pause a tutorial and go into the menu, my Nvidia Geforce 1070 card fans are still blasting away (yes FPS is capped). Energy is pretty expensive nowadays in Europe, and there is a little thing called global warming some may have heard of.

may I ask something again about this problem…
where do I set the 30 FPS limiter for background application, under global or MSFS2020 programmes?

i have the same problem, in the main menu my cpu fan revs up because the temps. go up to about 75 ° degrees celsius, as soon as i load the flight the fan speed drops and also the cpu temps.<

In MSFS I fly with FPS locked to 60 with DLSS and FG “on”.

many thanks for feedback

Hi, you can do either depending on what you want to achieve:

  • If you set it for the MSFS2020 program, the 30FPS limiter will only apply to MSFS.
  • If you set it under Global, it will apply to all applications and programs that have their individual background FPS limiter option set to default.

Please bear in mind that this limit will only apply when MSFS is not the ‘active window’ / ‘focus’.

If you want to set the ‘foreground’ framerate limiter for MSFS in Nvidia Control Panel (instead of using VSYNC in-sim) for while you’re flying, that’s a different setting :slight_smile:

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many thanks to your… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Despite Asobo’s ‘best’ efforts to address this, it’s still an issue.

Due to FS failing to start after the last update I was forced to reinstall all the content. I actually nearly posted in this thread to compliment Asobo on the update process running at 50FPS and not using any noticeable GPU resources over the system idle - ~16W on my 4090. It was at about 90% when I went to bed.

However, I got up this morning and the heat and noise were immediately noticeable as soon as I walked in the room. After the update had finished, FS had been sitting at the main menu with GPU use at 200W.

Checked the options menu, and ‘low power mode’ was clearly ON.

In hindsight I could’ve used NVCP or Riva Tuner to make sure the FPS remained low. I obviously made the mistake in assuming that the low power use during the update meant things were working as intended.

I still think that minimal power use should be the absolute default state of things, without the user having to change options in the sim or use third party tools to achieve this.

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Moderators. FS24 has an FPS control in graphic settings.

If that is sufficient, this becomes a 2020 wish.

You’re missing the point.

This is actually worse in 2024 that it is in 2020. I get that flight sims - as well as all gaming - can use a lot of energy, but Asobo could at least give some consideration to minimising it where possible. Instead they just ignore the issue completely, which I find pretty reprehensible.

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And the very first cinematic during loading turn at full speed (> 400fps for me) without any vsync, and have tearing. Only when the first menu appear, Accessibility and Start, the vsync option kick ON…