There was an option in 2020 like power saving or smth similar, when sim did not rendered 3d graphics in menus, instead there was a statick background.
We need similar thing for 2024.
Best way is to get rid of that annoying camera fly out of cockpit and start to fly in circles, maybe even increasing the load. Just leave us with some static image.
If that is too radical and too much to ask, at least stop moving same camera in the blurry background while we are in the menus (settings)!
If i need to go AFK, i don’t want my PC to keep working hard (or even harder, due to constant rotation) just for that blurry mess in the background of menus.
I remember that, and was one of the people requesting it. They had an animated hangar that sat in the background using resources. I explained they already had it disabled on some menu pages, and simply asked for it to be disabled on all the other as well.
The problem with 2024 is, on the map screen itself, is they can’t really get rid of the animated globe as that is now the same world we fly in, and was one of the methods they employed to get the sim to start flights faster. Before it had to unload what it was running at the time, then load the world for flying it. Now there is only one world.
It doesn’t need to exist on any on menu screen though, but perhaps it can’t be unloaded as we go back to what it was like in 2020.
please an option to disable all the animations please
Bro they don’t even have a frame cap in the menus. The entire games industry remembers Doom bricking GPUs over this, and here we are again. If they can’t add an interface frame cap what hope do we have of this?
Not only that, there are about a million missing graphical settings in this game. TAA is the only native resolution AA option… So I go back to, if they can’t get that right, what hope do we have of this?
In a normal game with a competent studio, this could maybe be a priority. With MS/Asobo, it is all but a certainty that even if they wanted to do this, they never will get to it because they can’t fix anything, and constantly break it instead.
Look at how comprehensive the Call of Duty options are for this…
And FS2024 has literally nothing.
What makes it even worse is that the long start up times actually discourage you from closing it when not in use.
Ohh, so THIS is why my fans are in full takeoff thrust during loading!
And i was wondering why activating packages is so CPU-intensive task! ))
Am I the only one that finds the FS24 boot up video a bit awkward?
It’s becoming very repetitive and consumes valuable computer resources, that may slow the startup.
That video exists on disk, so in theory it could be replaced…but I’ve not tried that. But have you tried playing it with something like VLC? I don’t think its going to slow the boot process down, as it uses very little CPU.
But in theory you could try replacing that file with a 0 length one with a matching name.
On any system that meets the minimum requirements, the video should be hardware-decoded by the GPU, which means minimal resource and power usage. It is likely not the problem here.
There was a theory about FS2020 that it wasn’t using a true 2D mode for the loading screens, which would increase the 3D load on the GPU. This is probably the case with FS2024 as well, and deleting or replacing the video file will probably not fully disable 3D rendering.
High CPU usage when “Activating packages” seems normal as it is probably decompressing them. I imagine they’re using more advanced compression techniques nowadays (which helps with the thin client initiative), which would make the decompression cost higher.
One issue I’m seeing is that the splash screens (Xbox, Asobo and partner logos) will not respect the in-game V-Sync setting. They’re rendering at 200 FPS, which is the global FRTC limit I’ve set, and when I’m tabbed out it’s running at unlimited FPS, causing maximum GPU usage and awful coil whine. This wasn’t a problem in FS2020 so I hope they’ll look into it.
On a side note, engaging the Low Power mode in FS2020 was supposed to limit the frame rate to 20 FPS when the window is not in focus. For me, that never worked properly when in fullscreen mode, only in windowed.