Complete lukla airport has disappeared has become the default please fix it
It’s default scenery, why does it need to be downloaded separately?
There can be a variety of reasons why it may not be installed. Human error, bug, whatever. The reason why a single user would not have it in the sim is that it’s not downloaded/installed. The way to fix it isn’t asking Asobo, but downloading/installing it.
@ Abriael
Human factor, download??? How can I imagine that? This means that I select with Game download what I can have in game???
don’t understand to your answer, can you pls use some better translator? Very appreciated…
pls all and especially Abriael, if you answer to some posts, pls think twice and better more times prior write some total chaotic infos…
I reinstalled the whole sim as I changed the path. All of my additional content was left uninstalled after the core download. I had to download all of it myself. So there are indeed situations when it‘s human error or at least human interaction. Just go in that content manager and downlod it. It‘s there.
In fact it is there! LUKLA airport has not disappeared. One simple example how childish people can behave…claim something without checking and blame others…just hilarious
With all due respect, Abriael is not the one having a hard-to-understand way of writing.
So also Moderators started to be defend not helpful and chaotic answers??? Ooooh where this world is comming, very sry…
Same thing happened with me. I had D drive hosting the sim right from day 1, ran into CTDs post 1.9.3 and started debugging. As part of the process, uninstalled and reinstalled the sim.
Interestingly, even though I had D drive selected this time round as well, only mandatory content (80 Gb approx) was downloaded. This is a KNOWN ISSUE published on forum pages as well. Which is something that may have been introduced recently as it worked seamlessly during its first installation.
“Only 2 aircraft”
Installing the base sim using a different installation folder than the default folder will only download the mandatory content. To install the non-mandatory content, please do the following:
- Step 1: Go to Profile > Content Manager
- Step 2: Select the content you want to see in the sim
- Step 3: Download and install the content you selected
- Step 3: Reboot your computer
- Step 4: Launch Microsoft Flight Simulator
His answer is both helpful and not chaotic.
no problem, hope he will solve his problem with that infos. I have different opinion.
I’ve experieced exactly the same after a reinstall.
A forum search for the right answer, which is exactly like yours, and the problerm was solved .
the good thing: I was able to leave the airliners uninstalled and save some space and the sim didn’t add them automatically as it used to do before LOL
Caro amigo Omico voce deve estar nervoso com nao sei o que compreendo que com alguns problemas que este FS 2020 da de inicio é natural que esteja nervoso estamos todos nós agora esta no forum com muitas pessoas respeite com educaçao porque ninguem o tratou mal aqui e quero agradecer a sua ajuda que foi muito preciosa…
Muito obrigado pela atendimento eu ja fiz de tudo mas vou tentar fazer o me esta dizendo mas o problema preciste só estou triste mais nada,mas há sempre alguem que entende sempre tudo para mal enfim obrigado pela ajuda
Quanto me referi que o aeroporto desapareceu o conteúdo desapareceu simplesmente mas a base esta la claro. Só que foi na parte Content Manenger instalei tudo o que esta la e problema continuo por isso pedi ajuda se alguem sabe com resolver pode me ajudar?
When I mentioned that the airport disappeared, the content simply disappeared but the base is clear. But it was in the Content Manenger part, I installed everything that is there and the problem continues so I asked for help if anyone knows how to solve it can help me?
Thank you very much for the service I already did everything but I will try to do what you are telling me but the problem exists I am just sad no more, but there is always someone who always understands everything so finally thanks for the help