Lvfr a320 ceo

Ouch, first flight ok no issues❤️ second flight ctd on arrival at about 3000ft. (Barcelona - LVFR) that hurted much because that was the first one since weeks with 3rd party. Someone could try el Prat with this plane after a 2h flight?

Really nice to read this! I just hope they fix external ambient sounds, mainly rain, for A319ceo and A321neo too. They are so insanely loud to the point of rain noise being enabled even when we aren’t exactly under rain, but just near. So annoying.

By the way, the sound is exactly like when flying the default Asobo A320neo? Or somehow still louder?

Just a question haven’t got xbox turned on. Is the tcas switch supposed to be off right hand side of console near rptg switch. Can’t remember on stock A320

Me too works like a dream - could do with some 4K cockpit enhancements but that’s window dressing - this is great step up

They are up or down by clicking on the top of the shade you can select

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I think what he is looking for is moving them to the left or right as well.

Oh that figures :wink:

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Haven’t arrived at LEBL in this aircraft yet, but did so numerous times in the A321, A319 etc without issues.

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No, just removing them is perfect for me. :slight_smile: And I saw it in a video that it can be done, so it’s all good. :+1:

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How do you remove them and what video?

Click at the top or the bottom where they hook onto the frame

It is possible to remove/hide cup of coffe and that bottle of water? I dont like this kind of “decorating” in cockpit…

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Does the aircraft show a TOD marker at all?


Yes, I forgot to turn it off. I shared this picture, because I laughed so loud when I first time look how the plane flies. :rofl: :joy:


No. Perhaps they can make that option available.

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To those who have purchased the aircraft: are the default camera views misaligned? I’ve watched a few YouTube videos and literally all of them show some misaligned, twisted camera views. It may be that the respective players put their cameras in strange places, but it’s strange to see nevertheless. I haven’t seen the default camera views we’re used to in previous LVFR planes.

Is it just me being content with using the default cameras or are they not the same as in the other Airbuses? For comparison, this is the view I use in the A319:

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I always custom set all my own camera angles. I don’t think the sim in general sets correct views.


They plan on transferring all the updates to their previous released models.

It is louder than the stock 320neo but to me seems quieter than the 321/319/318

Just a thought, I had the same problem, until I realized I did not turn on the fuel pumps. APU has been working as good as the 318, 319, default 320neo, and the 321.

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