Maintenance Costs Too High

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The maintenance costs are really high and punitive. I did about 15 flights in a new 737 MAX in career mode and now by engines show WORN TURBINES and cost 18 million to repair. That’s like 9 flights to re-soup that lost maintenance cost.

I normally pick 8-10 mil base payout missions for airliners so a good middle would be 9 mil x 15 flights = 135 mil without any bonuses, it should only take you 2 flights to get that money back.

One thing you can do is go in the engine details and make sure the turbines need maintenance, it’ll tell you it needs it at like half bar, you can actually squeeze in a few more flights.

Where are the 8-10 mil missions with the 737 MAX? I am stuck in Europe now and very few are > 3 mil. The transfer money back to the USA is 8 million!!!

My engines were almost fully worn. I wonder if I maintained them earlier, I could have saves $$$

You should be able to find the long missions at any major airport in Europe, I try to stay on western edge of europe so I can get missions going to New York and back which usually pay well.

10 mil flight like 10 hours ? how im gonna do that with 2 hours play a day max ???

I skip cruise… ain’t nobody got time for dat

Agree, no way I can fly a mission without skipping the cruise. Some of us have to work! I devote 2 hours a day to flying at most. That is good for 6 missions that are 5-7 hours in the 737. That is good for 20-30 million /day. I am trying to get to a billion, at 280 million now.

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I agree, they need to do something regarding the credits missed out on for skipping. Seriously, who has time to sit and do 10 hour flights. For most people, it’s just not practical.

You do lose career points big time with skipping. I mean flying at 8X acceleration is an option but does lead to failures, so skipping the level flight seems perfect for me.

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I’m at 1.3 billion mainly flying passenger airline missions, try to use sim rate when you skip cruise because it sometimes puts you 150 miles away which can take a while. You can manually control the plane at 3x, anything above that is too unstable to fly manually.

so the point here i skip what ever i can ? right ?

well, skipping depends on the plane. Some planes like the PC24 will fail if you skip. The 737 is OK to skip the cruise

thank you all i will try this

Even having flown 20 flights it should not require millions of credits worth in maintenance especially to extremely low wear items like the airframe, flaps, etc. Brake and tire wear would be the highest maintenance items on an airliner and that shouldn’t cost more than a few hundred thousand credits once every 30 - 50 flights at best.

after skipping the cruise i can’t control the aircraft droping from the sky with 70KTS its there steps to folllow ?

I agree, the costs are too high and don’t make sense realistically as far as I’m aware (parts deteriorate way too fast). Also, its not very much fun to actually go and do the maintenance when you get multiple aircraft with a crew on. Give us an option to just let a mechanic to manage all of it and charge you. Or,… make a mini game out of maintaining aircraft, but don’t make it mandatory because really it is not adding anything to the career experience after you’ve done it a few times.

Is someone putting this on the “Wish list” or Bug list?? Does just highlighting this make it noticable by Asobo or any other relevant developer? You seem to have a good knowledge base about the planes, please can you raise this with them.

Not always. I tried to skip once. And my 737 appeared in the middle of nowhere, without route on computer, with deployed flaps and zero speed. So it started falling down, sped up, I was penalized for flaps overspeed and passengers were complaining as well. After that, I will not skip anymore :neutral_face:

Zoom in to the airport where your airplane stays, wait for a few seconds and click on the airport. There you will see a list of the missions for a certain airport and there will be a lot of missions. (Usually 20-30 destinations). Some of them are 10+ hours long and they are well-paid.