Making the switch from XBOX to PC

Do you have any peripherals, i.e. Yoke / Throttle Quadrant / Rudder Pedals / HOTAS / Streamdeck?

If you want to move beyond being a ‘mouser’ then I’d advise adding SPAD.NExT, Axes & Ohs, or Mobiflight to your software toolkit. They all have a learning curve, but allow you to do a deep dive into control bindings, and have some additional benefits.

I personally have a Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo (Yoke/TQ), an MFG Crosswind rudder, and a Streamdeck XL that I program using SPAD. There’s a hardware mod out there that let’s you add 4 encoder knobs controlled by an Arduino to the Streamdeck XL. I’m strongly considering building it for my modest cockpit.

I won’t get into which Yoke/TQ/Rudder/HOTAS is best for you. A lot depends on what type aircraft you like to fly, as well as budget, and there are a ton of discussions on this forum regarding all the possible pieces of the puzzle.

As for software, I recommend Riva Statistics Tuner, Reshade, and Shift+Z Stats.
Also, check out this thread for other popular mods.

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