Manchester airport (EGCC): Building on taxiway

Since the patch 2, a building has appeared in the centre of the taxiway at Manchester international airport UK EGCC
Any one else affected?
It was not there pre patch as I have been using this airport to Barton airfield EGCB with an AI pilot to bench mark my settings regularly since launch.

Landed at Manchester Airport UK and was taxiing to parking - there was a house on the taxi route!!!
Aircraft could not get past the house:-(

Lol. Those abusive builders!!! No respect for aviators anymore…

Seems a building has grown on the taxiway


Haha, I’ve had that too…


Yeah me too! Looking forward to a payware version of this airport

Have you filed a bug report for it in Zendesk? It’s the best way to ensure that someone will look at it. If you can include a screenshot for the developers, all the better!

It’s back, must be an added feature in the last patch

Hi everyone,

Here’s a minor bug, a small shed appeared on the taxiway in EGCC.

Why don’t you report it on Zendesk so that it gets fixed. A forum post won’t make any difference, regardless of the replies you might get from fellow flightsimmers.

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seems to me you should go knock and see if there is anyone inside…


I think another problem is the taxi assist. How will you ever make that turn? :thinking:

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I did not attempt it, i was thinking that if i hit the shed, then it might stop the flight.

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I did. It’s full of coal!

On a more serious note, as can be seen from the OP’s screenshot, one of the ATC towers is missing! Skulduggery at Manchester Int.

Oh dear that’s a common issue. With GA planes thats easy but not with airliners although the A320 might do it but not a Boeing 747 or 787 :joy:

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I am sure the guy who lives in that shed must be deaf or something
Reminded me of the famous story with the runway split in 2 at Narita in Jpn…

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Dis anyone notice the little house on the Taxiway at Manchester Airport?

I hit it by mistake :)…vary bad position when active is 05L

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Yes, landed my first A320 flight from EGLL at night only to hit the building whilst taxying to the gate!

Just landed at EGCC and there is a house in the taxiway to the terminal.
