March 2, 2023 Development Update Discussion

Well, SimCopter from Maxis on my Windows 98 PC back in the day has better quality helicopters compared to MSCENERY. :laughing:


Because it would mean granting access to Meteoblue data to the third parties. That’s a violation of the current contract.


I thought or was under the impression they had planned to have talks with MB in January regarding their contract and the possibility of 3rd party access. Was that never the case and simply wishful thinking and gossip or did that happen and there wasn’t an agreement?

Meteoblue could have demanded more money than is practical. Nothing is set in stone.


I already do that with guests - just install a second flight yoke and rudder pedals and you’ve got your shared cockpit experience, with a real live human being right there with you. Great way to introduce people to flying, let them use just the flight yoke until they get the hang of it (and you correct things with rudder, trim controls, etc). Then the rudder, then other aspects. It’s a solid investment to make in terms of money spent vs enjoyment gained.

Well, the sad fact remains that as long as MSCENERY continues to digitally vomit these “helicopters” or whatever second (or 5th) rate addons he’s peddling, Microsoft will ALWAYS be more than happy to have them on the MP because, unfortunately, they do sell.


That’s awesome, wish I had guests who’d want to flight sim with me!

I think if anything people are underestimating just how impactful shared-cockpit could be, especially for instruction. There will be huge demand for some of the big names. Shared cockpit also means shared passenger compartment – people will be lining up just to be passengers with some of the bigger Twitch streamers. It’ll be a huge boost for the sim if they get it right and performance and stability are good enough that it can be a workhorse feature and not just a novelty.


You could also give your controls a try which already supports a large amount of aircraft for shared controls.


Never really thought of this. So do you just duplicate all of the bindings to the second yoke? Any conflicts you’ve experienced with any axes fighting each other?

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“Shared cockpit” over the internet is not the same thing at all as “shared cockpit” in person with the other person sitting beside you. There are some things the internet can’t replace - one of them is in-person contact. The ability to put things on pause and go grab a bite together, walk the dogs together, or anything else together. It’s why the Wii Mario Cart game was so fun - 4 people “driving” with the screen split into 4 places - upper left, right, lower left, right.

Game makers are missing a huge market when they don’t support split screen. I won’t buy a game that doesn’t support at least two people at the same time (and there’s also other in the ecosystem also losing out on revenue from things like game controllers, and bigger/more screens to support 2 or more people in the same room at the same time. Pretty much every computer supports 4-8 displays nowadays with a pair of add-in cards.

Could totally remake the definition of a “family room.”


I mean wow, that is one big list of fixes and improvements. Fascinating how there is always stuff to fix in this sim. Not complaining!

The amount of content each developer can release on the marketplace per month should be restricted. It’s unacceptable that groups like MScenery flood the market (and therefore the testing team) with low quality pieces of content, while others have products in queue for 3-4 months now. Simply prioritizing aircraft over others doesn’t solve the issue because some developers just churn out cheap add-ons and hold back others in the process.

2-3 packs per month per developer would be more than enough. Quality developers don’t release things that quickly, and the cheap, low tier stuff should be held back.


Update of the chart.
Nothing new. I decided to not show the Captain Sim stuff anymore, but keep it in the chart.

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The JustFlight Fokker F28 /70 and 100 and also the AVRO RJ version.
bluebirds 757 and later on the 767.
PMDGs 777 / 747


Anyone know why the “horizon line is visible through mountains” bug has status “not planned”?

This really annoying bug has been there (at least in VR) since the very beginning. Anyone know why they don’t want to fix it?


In order to temper expectations, I’m guessing PMDG won’t get the 747 to PC until well into 2025.

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I think he asked about aircraft being in the pipeline meaning already submitted to the marketplace.


Added to what @HXArdito mentions,
how can one ignore the Majestic Q400?


Based on experience doing coding projects, for them to be that definitive that such a clear bug isn’t going to be fixed means it’s probably somewhere deep within the early code and fixing it would mean basically starting over.

We sort of saw a similar thing with the old Garmin approach turnaround bug – they jumped the gun and announced that it was fixed umpteen times before finally accepting that letting WT completely replace Asobo’s code was the only way to do it; Asobo’s original garmin code was unsalvageable. Difference between this and the horizon thing is that luckily the Garmins are a modularized part of the sim – the horizon bug probably dwells deep within the core of the basic code running the graphics and can’t just be replaced in the same way.


Because this error was made in a very early stage of development and to get it fixed they need to rip apart the whole rendering pipeline.
In their’s view this is not worth for just a minor “glitch” which is not permanently vissible.

Source: Martial in some of the 2022 DEV Q&A’s