March 9, 2023 Development Update Discussion

Is this the piece you were looking for:

Once WASM on Xbox support is available, this addon will install automatically when Microsoft Flight Simulator is launched on Xbox.

Sounds like it is automagic.


With football season over, no doubt vegas is taking odds on this kind of thing now.


Asked a question about this in the upcoming dev QA questions section only to be shot down by a mod because it was not related to SU12. It’s sad to see that the DX12 bugs are not addressed since su10. They tied some highly advertised features like DLSS3 and FSR2 with DX12, yet DX12 is still not prioritised to be polished and brought out of beta. I think they should have put the effort to cover the last mile, DX12 is good but still have that feeling of beta.


After reading this article, I personally don’t think it bodes well.

QA testing is now essentially left to the Developer?

The Shovelware problem will only get worse and MS won’t be able to catch issues on the good products.

Our impatience is going to cost us in the long run.

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It can actually work. Because, if someone is serious about where they want to spend their money, i assume they are going to do a bit of looking around for reviews. And eventually one will have a good idea about which developer puts out what quality content. But this doesnt penalize the legit developers and their users for purchasing from the marketplace by delayed updates.

This model have been working in other marketplaces as well like orbx, aerosoft, just flight simmarket etc. You just gotta do your research before spending the money.

And i don’t think Microsoft actually QA tests the aircraft as the developers intended. For example in a plane with deep systems simulation, the dev will probably have a lot of tests they do before releasing. What Microsoft probably does is check if the add-on works on a basic level or not. Microsoft probably doesn’t test if a particular system is simulated properly or not. This is a speculation ofcourse. And if with current testing, products like captain sim c130 can make it to the marketplace, then you can imagine the level of testing that goes on.

Edit: Aircraft is just an example, i meant to say any addon.


AFAIK they did some “basic(?)” tests in the past.
Was told by a dev that MS contacted him because the tester could not find the switch to lower flaps.
What the tester did not know: The particular plane has no switch to lower flaps!
The flaps (and slats) position is controlled by the Flight Computer and if the landig gear is up or down.
So yes, the dev is the better solution to test the aircraft.


Exactly, basically they can probably test it to a default aircraft standard. On the other hand they probably don’t test Hjet’s vnav system or auto throttle system.

Fantastic weekly update. Love all the different updates!


…and maybe they wanted to show us that WASM is really coming this time :slight_smile:

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Excellent positive attitude!

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Just a question to raise: why is this update called SU12? I have seen in the latest beta builds a lot of aircraft upgrades… shouldn’t that be for an AAU? I have a feeling I don’t see much improvement over the 3 month period since the last SU…just fixing what’s broken. .
So I don’t consider it an UPDATE… It’s a UC… that is, a Update Correction. joke aside but it makes me wonder… where is the DX12 implemented?

I’ve always been somewhat perplexed by this one, too!
Seems to me that a more apt description would be "Noted - under investigation. :+1:
Or “Got it. More to follow…”

I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand your question? Sim Updates have always been about bug fixing (a couple that’s all they were), and adding sim functionality. World Updates have always been scenery updates.

If you’re wondering why they chose the bugs they are fixing vs the ones you want fixed… sorry. Be assured they have reasons that make sense to them. Also be assured many bugs will be fixed. Sadly, they can’t fix all of them at once. You can see the release notes of what they’re doing in the Beta forum and the Devsupport forum.

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For those people that are in Beta, they will be able to test it first. But that also means getting a WASM addon in the Marketplace for Beta.

Did anyone else notice this about the -700 sure its a typo

Do you mean because it says available on Xbox? The PMDG 737-700 for MSFS product page says “This purchase cannot be transferred to the Xbox platform” - so unless WASM for Xbox changes that, then a mistake?

They’ve made the same mistake before, for example, they once put the Xbox logo on the BAE 146 “card” in a dev update

No it says updated for xbox yes

Pretty much the perfect argument for why, with a policy of absolutely no refunds on Marketplace purchases, Microsoft and Asobo should absolutely not be putting testing solely in the hands of the developers who stand to profit from those purchases: The just-launched Boeing 314 Clipper can fly without fuel, levitate above the water when barely moving, and make itself wear a hat made out of ocean, but its developer will happily take your money for their product before it even exits the alpha-testing phase and with no notification that it’s a pre-release preview:

I really hope Microsoft/Asobo rethink this until they have instituted a robust policy of refunds for at least 1-3 days after purchase. There’s no reason not to do so, as they’re already encrypting Marketplace purchases and so permission to use a refunded addon can easily be revoked.


I agree there should be a proper refund option.

I don’t think the testing that MS did was all that helpful, plenty of stuff got through that didn’t work, and it’s clear that the current publishing delays are causing financial harm to good developers and frustrating much of the customer base, so the change is for the better even with those caveats.