Marketplace Encrypted Files - Unlock or Remove Encryption including Premium and Deluxe Aircraft

Why do you care about what versions people ask something about? You’re not FBW (or any other) customer service or are you? That’s up to them to decide if it’s too early or not, they are not forced to do anything.

Besides that, the sim itself was released far too early.

Edit: I’m glad people spend their time trying to make this a great/better sim.

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and it was known that jets and airliners were a work in progress subject to change when MSFS was released, which is hardly the best foundation for FBW to build on with out contributing to extra problems for people every time there is an update.

As if we needed an official reason, now’s this:

So MS suggests a workaround for people not wanting to fly with broken physics for weeks, but the workaround is of course NOT applicable to Deluxe and Premium Deluxe extra-paid aircraft since the file we have to modify is encrypted.


I love the Baron but needs improving. Decrypt, decrypt please!!


Nobody forcing you to use FBW or any other MOD for that matter !
Go fly the ■■■■■■ default A320
This has got to be the “worst” comment I have ever read !
I think you only here to troll…



Common sense no support is given for modded content, except that by mod creator.


Since we’re being told that we have to edit the files on our own this is now much more important.

We paid extra for the content that Asobo feels they can keep us from modifying…not a great situation.


Some points I think we can agree on:

  • There are many areas where these aircraft can be improved beyond what was shipped
  • Modders have been doing an excellent job with the unlocked planes
  • Delays and miscommunication with the WU3 patch have caused some tension between Asobo and the community
  • Patch regressions have been a continual source of problems (terrain spikes, “Press V to CTD”, now the flight model)
  • The latest regression would have an easy fix except that we are intentionally prevented from making it
  • People who bought the premium and deluxe versions (at double the base price) may be a smaller portion of customers, but would tend to be more invested in the product

Based on that, I think it’s an excellent opportunity for Asobo to unlock these airplanes as a “Customer Service Moment.” A bit of “thank you” a bit of “we’re sorry” and a bit of “let’s both make this better together”


it not about being anti mod or anti FBW specifically, its about the foundation still being in a state of flux and NOT yet being nailed down with respect to airliners and jets and the inevitable problems that arise with each update that cause mods then not to work or to cause problems.

just look at the amount of post that have centred on the FBW A320 causing problems after an update and the first question that has to be asked when a A320 problems gets posted - are you using the stock A320 or the FBW one and if the latter which variant.

which should be enough to tell people with the slightest bit of gumption that airliners etc are NOT yet ready to be reliable foundation.

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(post deleted by author)


At least give a reason not to grant access to the files. Based on the fiasco of this world update3, I suggest there seems more reason to open these files to the community than not.

It makes no sense that only the standard edition is editable while those of us that spent extra for this sim is not able to do with it, what others paid less for.


MS/Asobo deliberately left this whishlist item out of their list despite having a lot of votes. So I guess they do not plan do change this at all and not even talk about it.

Maybe we can put a question for the next Q&A to bring it up again.


Well these are people without “slightest bit of grumtion” I know that Asobo breaks FBW on every darn update and i do not post anything about it except go on discord to find out if it got fixed then and wait!

FBW is amazing couple days after update till the next update which tells that Asobo should back off and let the 3rd party fix the airliners. This update is no different fix 787 somewhat break everything else.
!! WOW !!!

Many here including myself bought Premium because of the 787, so whatever the price difference was i feel I was scammed of my money because I can see that 787 will never be good enough worth the extra money i spent and i will just end up buying 3rd party for $50+ whatever they will charge


sure you may not post on here when an update goes live and brakes the FBW A320, but many do.

I would hardly call it amazing that FBW fix something within a few days or a week given they are exclusively devoted to ONE thing of which they made the rod for their own back when they knew the foundation (the default A320) would be subject to continued flux for a year plus and many aspects of the SDK are not yet finalised.

you are sailing very very close to the line of being in the group without “slightest bit of gumption”

I asked about this and the other “Not Planned” features for the last Q&A, it did not get enough votes though. Hopefully, with this situation regarding the tweak for the lift effect, more people will realise that this encryption is becoming a problem, especially considering the Premium Deluxe aircraft are receiving improvements at a very slow rate while the FlyByWire and Working Title mods are setting the Standard aircraft even further apart in quality.


This topic is about unlocking the .fsarchives, how long will you continue to be offtopic? You said what you want so leave it or make your own topic.

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disagreeing with the unlocking of fsarchives etc at least in the short to mid-term until airliners for an example are in a better place to be a foundation with much less future change is very very much ON-TOPIC.

likewise is highlighting other inconvenient truths.

Not ALL the files in the Premium/Deluxe archive need to be removed from being encoded.
Just the .cfg files/

KEEP the Textures and Models ENCODED to any unauthorized copying/
The Textures and Models are the costly IP, and it is reasonable to keep these from being copied and ONLY used with DRM “Verified Ownership” , but really, why encode the cfg files that the community needs access to to correct issues that Asobo seem unable to address.


(post deleted by author)

Of COURSE it is — it’s what EVERYONE is talking about, requesting and wanting.

You may have said it 1st (in this particular post), but everyone else is agreeing with you and saying the same thing…

The more that comment, saying the “same thing”, the more likely the issue will get some attention form “Microsoft”.

Remember, it is most likely a MICROSOFT dictate – Asobo are just doing what they are told.

It is not clear to me who “CONTROLS” the Encryption – I assume it is directly Microsoft & the Microsoft Store, as 3rd party content is also being encrypted, so it is doubtful that Asobo is involved the the MS Store Marketplace,.

Unfortunately, I think they only read the title that Jayne transcribes to the wishlist and reply to that with little to no background on the issue. So whomever the decision-maker is on this, I have serious doubts they really understood what we asked for.