Massive FPS drop because of SU9

I’m not MainThread limited by clouds, but thanks for the advice.

What is limiting the sim then in the dev mode FPS counter? Something has to be. Is it doing this in vanilla state? Is it an aircraft/add on/plugin needing updated? Eg. FBWA320NX had a SU9 update last night, someone else reported a reinstall of their dev version helped with performance too. Others add ons may require updates too. Did you clear your cache?
I mean I’d start with vanilla FS, and tweak graphics settings to remove whatever limit is there first then gradually add add ons back in. Even marketplace ones.
I’m running FS at 4K, locked at 30FPS/60Hz and have not seen any issues performance wise with SU9, but I also don’t run with a TLOD of 300-400 or more as some users do.
If anything this update is running better/smoother than SU8 did on my PC.
I even added all my community mods back in in their entirety and it’s working well, nothing is broken so far, and the sim loads faster than it used to too.


For me, it’s always been photogrammetry, LOD, and sometimes server-side issues. This has been an issue ever since the sim has been released, and I don’t expect anything to change.

TLOD is directly related to CPU load though, so would imply a mainthread limiting situation if set too high. There has been a lot of issues around TLOD since they added in the option for 300-400. I think they should have labelled that slider with a warning or just called it a “CPU load” slider instead.


Yeah, someone suggested labeling it “CPU MainThread Limiter” or something funny like that.

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I’m also using the latest NVidia drivers 512.59 on windows 11 and haven’t seen any issues yet with them for what it’s worth. I would try to optimise your system around a vanilla sim though. Any sim updates won’t be able to fix everyone’s sim given the myriad of different hardware/driver combinations coupled with a myriad of different graphics settings, so everyone will as a result have a different SU experience. If they did another ‘SU5’ type downgrade to improve everyone’s performance, there would also be a huge outcry.

let me tell you that you can…i’m playing mid-high with a rtx3090 at 20fps, before updating 50 fps FWB on any addon airport. So yes, thats not normal


Don’t believe you, sorry.

ps Can I ask why you bought a 3090 to run a game like this on a mixture of medium & high settings?

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I actually am having some improvement over SU8 in terms of fps (from 20-30 up to 40-50) in Paris, Rome … but this is only with Terrain LOD much lower than it was before, most other settings on Ultra … but MANY stutters, and still low threshold for CTD (especially if I have screen overlays, like RTSS table, or maybe even the new SDK tree feature) … on I7 9700k and RTX 2070 Super and 64G DDR4 2333 …

And later, decreased Render Scaling, turned on V-Sync, and set FPS limit at 30 … while monitoring CPU and GPU utilizations …

With the exception of the Working Title G1000 NXi, which is the only addon I have installed, my sim is as vanilla as it gets. There is no further optimizing my 16-thread CPU, which is limited by the poor efficiency of the code, and that’s all there is to it.

Like I say, I can’t say I notice any big difference in the MainThread limitation ever since the sim was released. It’s always been my bottleneck, and until some components of the sim undergoes a major re-write, it always will be.


VR, and i din’t said i fly always on med-high, i said even on those settings i have very bad performance.

Well your vanilla sim is evidently not as optimised as it should be. If you are mainthread limited then you will likely see continual issues without dialing back the CPU loaders - TLOD, clouds, & traffic. You also have to keep the GPU busy enough to minimise any stutters.
You can either tune your system now or wait for some magical in game tuning tool to appear (I really wish devs would consider doing this) or wait with fingers crossed for novel technologies like DLSS to appear, or fundamental code to be rewritten, but you could still be waiting around for years for that to come to fruition. So it’s surly better to optimise what you have already?

No mods, no addons. All default , even the A320


It’s what I have been saying all along. Any further optimization is in the developer’s hands, not mine. I am not going to discuss this any further with you. You can keep trying to pretend like this is my problem, but being a programmer myself, I know where the true problem lies, and it’s not with my system.


The crucial thing you’re missing there are screens with exactly the same conditions under SU8. Without that, as far as comparing the two goes, they’re of no use at all.

SU9 maybe takes 1 or 2 frames but no way is it 60-70% of your previous performance.

Here are some direct comparisons…

No ‘huge performance loss’ evident, exactly my experience. In the beta forums people reported higher MainThread load (which is something that really needs addressing) which was having a detrimental effect on their performance, but I don’t recall anyone saying their perf had tanked by that much. I went between SU8 and SU9 myself 3 times and towards the end of the beta saw virtually no difference.

I agree with you that’s it likely has not optimised / or perhaps regurgitated single thread FSX code in places. What I don’t agree with is expectation of devs fixing this anytime soon because you don’t agree with their code reuse. We live with the sim as is (no change to that code in 2 years) and likely will do for the rest of it’s current lifespan. It very likely isn’t going to change anytime soon. It may still be easily mainthread limited by 2030. It’s relatively easy to optimise around/with, it may not be as simple as some would like (like an in game optimiser tool), but the alternative is to produce many threads essentially all about the same thing with no obvious end game or enjoyment, just endless statements of “SU{version} broke my sim”. Seems like an obvious choice really.



to my tests of performance, I compare some reference first days of sim on same place every time and same clouds settings with C172 G1000 at 12:00 local time. With previous Upd8 now I have lost 3 FPS, also sometimes looks to me weather is loading little bit longer if I f.ex. set it from upper bar weather settings (to Live weather from Clear skies). I see little stutters also but really I’m not sure about precise report of exact differencies, simply I have performance still +/- same. I have Graphics settings inside sim same as day 1.

What setting do you have your clouds at?

For my tests I have sit on same airp at same place/rwy and set everytime from Clouds type - Broken. This is good enough to me in my opinion for tests because Broken set is also enough frontal/big/massive to have good impact to performance.

Sorry, I mean are they Ultra/High/Medium etc.