Massive FPS drops and stutters over LA

Sure enough I got stutters there🍻
Also Grand Bahama International (MYGF) crawls and stutters just as bad climbing out.
So much for my “island hopping runs butter smooth” theory…:rofl:

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I’ve had the stuttering in the middle of South America, far from any controlled airspaces.

But on a recent trip across western China, I never saw the stuttering once, in a near two hour flight.

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That’s the frustrating part, meanwhile I can run smooth out of Rio De Janeiro in VR which has to render/load two airports and has some densely packed vast cityscape toward the west.
I guess it really is the City of God in this sim🤣

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Still stutters in LA after last night update (in general I do got 10 FPS plus) but still not enjoyable to fly around there :frowning:

This patch wasn’t a performance boosting patch, it was a performance restoring patch. If you had low frame rates in given areas before SU3, you’ll still have them now. Only now you won’t suffer the additional performance hit from whatever they did wrong last time.

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