I cannot change the Time Date function to daytime missions to allow me to fly in the daytime. There is no problem if I try a light cargo mission on freelance or VIP Charter flights as It always automatically starts in daylight but Medium cargo missions always start in darkness regardless of what time I select in the Time Date function. Even when the light and medium missions are very close on the map light missions are daylight and medium are darkness. I don’t understand what’s wrong because I’ve completed multiple medium cargo missions and a few days ago it changed to only getting night missions. That in itself wouldn’t be a problem but there is no runway lighting to show where the runway is to help you land, even when the Airport is in a large city like Adelaide. I’ve wasted millions in credits transferring my Cessna Caravan around the globe trying to get daytime missions to no avail. What am I missing here? Can someone please help? I’ve deleted and reinstalled the game twice on Xbox Series X and made sure all settings are set to default but nothing’s working.
Moved to User Support Hub as OP is requesting community assistance.
That’s strange cuz as of right now and I think I speak for most people I don’t have the abitily to do a night mission of any fashion… even if it says it’s at night when the flight starts its daylight…I wish I could help you more…
I have the same issue here. All my medium cargo missions start in the nighttime despite changing the time to daytime. I’m in Australia, not sure if that matters. Last week it was the opposite and I couldn’t get a nighttime mission!
So when the flight starts is it actually dark out? Cuz all my flights that start at night just magically turn to day once the flight starts… in the hangar before the flight it even looks dark then when you hit fly bam it’s light out
this is fix with SU1
I think this is a bug. All my medium cargo missions are starting at midnight no matter where I choose to depart. I think this problem happens since I bought my first Cessna 208. Also, I’m in China, where the time zone is close to Australia.
I am also in Australia and having the same problem, even the Gold Mission in Japan was at night, that took a few goes. So frustrating that not only at night but no landing lights, third crash today coming in short, millions of credits down the drain. Back to the Cessna 172 and Light Cargo missions until this gets resolved. Come on guys, if you give us night, give us landing lights, we cannot see the runway. All that time on those missions totally wasted, so annoying.
What TF is wrong with missions in msfs2024. It feels like the whole mission system (cargo, resque etc) is extrem unstable
Sometimes al missions disappear or can be finished. With rescue missions, victims are on positions the can not be rescued or can not be found.
What is the purpose of the career route if asobo cant fix these things? Is it sever or cloud capacity?
Yeah been having the same problem for the last week., Also dose not help where the mission are and flying to no runway lights tree close to runway nothing. don’t get me wrong everyone likes a challenge but every mission ends up waste flight time and losing money when crash or damage plane makes it pointless