MFDs not working in various types after update 1.14.15

Is anyone else having the following issues after the 1.14.15 update:
Cessna 172 (G1000):

  • lefthand MFD is now blank
  • righthand MFD is now too dark to read

Cessna 208:
left and right MFDs now blank


Iā€™ve got the same problem with all Garmin screens

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From the known issues in the patch notes ; " * On rare occasions, Aircraft screens might not initialize correctly upon loading a flight. Please restart the flight to fix the issue."

Maybe worth a try in your situation.

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I restarted umpteen times alreadyā€¦all screens black in all glass cockpit aircrafts

Same issue on A320, no screens working at all, all blank. Also, engines fail when starting from the runway. Really frustratingā€¦

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Are you using the WT mods? Those are currently incompatible with the new update. Also it sounds like ASOBO finally implemented a feature to change screen brightness so make sure those are turned up

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Not using any mods.

So far I have found the DA62 is OK but the issue is also there with the Carenado Bonanza and the Zenith add-on.

I have now tried again with aircraft where I had an issue and the problem is indeed intermittent as each one has now worked at least once when I have done this.

Looks like this will need to be the approach until a fix is forthcoming.

Iā€™m having the same issue in the TBM (the mfd works but not the pfd) and the King Air (all panels totally non-functional.) I have no mods for either aircraft or for the Garmin panels.
Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me.

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I have exatly the same issue, dark RH, black LH, restarts and reboots no effect.

UPDATE: it looks like a few more restarts seems to have fixed itā€¦for now!

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Hi everyone,
And thank you Woodgnome96 for letting us know.

As mentionned in the release notes: ā€œOn rare occasions, Aircraft screens might not initialize correctly upon loading a flight. Please restart the flight to fix the issue.ā€ (thank you HawkMoth9135 for the reminder :slight_smile: )

If the issue persists after several restarts, please let us know here.

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I think the issue here is that for some of us it appears that the frequency of this issue doesnā€™t really equate to ā€˜on rare occasionsā€™. I guess itā€™s hard to establish how many people are affected by this but for those of us who are it is a bit of a game changer.

Three times in succession last night I set up a flight and each time having done that the gauges didnā€™t work - thatā€™s a fair bit of sim time used up going nowhere. In the end, in order to ā€˜flyā€™ the sim, I simply chose an aircraft without such guages but that does limit the experience somewhat.


Just to see how much my version is affected, I tried a handful of types (everything alphabetically up to and including the DA62) at the same airfield, doing the same flight.
All screens OK apart from:
Boeing 787 - a couple had ā€˜INFO. INOPā€™ on the screen
747: two MFDs blank
TBM.930 - every screen blank

A restart of the sim and this time the TBM930 worked fine so for me itā€™s very hit and miss.

Not a very scientific or statistically sound approach but at least it gives an idea how it affects my set-up.

New to the forum but been using FS2020 since it;s release ā€¦ Yes, since the last update ( ) I have lost all Glass MFDā€™s, just staring at dark blank screens on the A320neo and other assorted A/C. This morning tried flying the TBM and it didnā€™t even show up on the ramp , cockpit and outside views.

Can user roll back to previous version until someone can fix the update?

MSFS2020 Twitter
apparently servers were down
found out only after reinstalling everything
live and learn
all back up and happy again

Edit 2:
Next evening CTD.
Plain vanilla msfs 2020 and navigraph data. No other add-ons.
It was CTD before update 3, but now cant fly 10 min w/o CTD.
Makes the sim unusable.

Sadly no, you canā€™t, AFAIK.

Yes, no displays working for me after usual power up sequence

Cessna 172 Garmin screen blank, restart the flight and sometimes it will come on, sometimes not. Same with TBM. Asobos definition of rarely seems to be in the 50 percent region. 20 minutes ago I thought iā€™d try a short flight, no garmin screen on start, try to restart as per the advice, CTD, thatā€™s why Iā€™m here now rather than flying :wink: