If you click the service mode checkbox in the mfg-configurator do you get raw input changes when you move the left brake pedal? Assuming you do, then you are still in a bad state re: calibration. With the new firmware, did you try clicking on “Show Default” and then “Apply” in the configurator? That should put you back in the default state.
I don’t know if you can get in a bad state using the bootloader–I’d ask MFG if you are worried about it.
I went into the bootloader and refreshed the firmware. When I got done it looked like everything was working while I calibrated the pedals again. When I went back to MSFT2020 I had the same problem. my left brake only gets just over 500 or so. so, now both your program and MSFT2020 are reporting about the same movement 530 on yours and about up to the tip of the first box in MFST.
After a day starting a 6:45AM now almost 10PM The pedals have decided to change now the right brake does nothing and the left brake is perfect. I am about to go crazy over these things. I’ve done everything at least twice and I still have no idea of what I am doing. The MFG configurator refused to open for the last two hours I somehow got it back and now this. The problem changes places!
It’s not all that different, except for one toe brake seemingly resting half depressed. The main difference is you have some extremity dead zones set, which means you will get to full deflection quicker than I would.
If that was unwanted, you can just press the “Reset” button under each axis to set them to default. Just make sure to reset things like rudder sensitivity to what you want. That won’t clear the toe brake issue though, as that looks like either a calibration issue, or a hardware issue with that hall effect sensor perhaps.
Did you run the above checklist? That should tell you if the problem is with calibration or hardware. You already know that the problem isn’t in the game, so start with step 2.
The left brake works as it should the right brake does nothing at all.
This is what I am seeing from the beginning of MFG Calibration to the end of validating final screen. Everything I see is what I think I should see. Until the last page where it doesn’t make since to me. I haven’t made any changes in the software or the hardware. I have never really changed anything much. Other than being asked to try something. As you can see it is now the right brake with the problem. As far as the steps I have went through them. Is there a way to reset MSFT2020 back to the beginning? Why is validation messing up the left brake?
First, I really appreciate your help! I just posted screen shots of what
I am seeing. I tried to do all of the things asked. I just reset the program not realizing reset without saving my data basically wipes everything. I thought that was uninstall but now waiting on the first 95 gigs to load and after that I think it is another 45gigs or so. So, I will not be able to try anything more for 6 or so hours. I have a 50 Meg download speed.
Thank you
Just to confirm, you are now getting 0-8192 range of motion in the MFG Calibrator for both pedals correct? If so, then the hardware is working and it is properly calibrated. You should also confirm in DIView that you see the full range of movement. Finally, make sure you are seeing the correct range of movement in the Windows Game Controllers panel. The latter can be reset under the settings tab–try that if you aren’t getting full range of motion. Are you getting the expected range of motion in all of those places?
If it is true that you are getting full range of motion outside MSFS, then the problem would be within MSFS itself. That is, the raw values aren’t getting properly converted in-sim. If that is the case, I’d try deleting all profiles for the MFG crosswind in the simulator, unplug, shut down the sim, plug the pedals back in and restart the sim. At that point you should have the default profile and hopefully it will set up properly. The other datapoint that might be useful would be to download FSUIPC (it is free, you don’t need to register) and see if you can get the pedals working with it.
The screen shots are from MFG calibration until MSFT2020 Validate screen. The first 2 lower left show both pedals range of 0-8192. DIView I see the full range of movement full left to full right. Windows Game Controllers panel Left brake all the way to the right, right brake all the way down and back up. no glitches in any movement.
Right now, I am in the middle of resetting MSFT2020 to original about 65% through the first 95 Gigs of download and after that it is about 45 more. So, it will be a few hours before it is up again.
When it is I will finish you last suggestion. FSUIPC, I downloaded it but not really sure how to use it? I’m going to look through it to see what I can about it until the game is gone.
Thank you
I am just going through a reinstall of the Sim so nothing, I hope, nothing will be in the way. If that doesn’t fix the problem, I don’t know what will! Let you know when I get back up.
Thank you
Thank you, I want to apologize as I am not very computer savvy. Especially when it comes to new programs. Most of the last 10 or more years I have just been Amazon shopping or something easier.
When I go to validate the brakes, I use the first r axis value and the first L axis value presented to me. Is there something else I should choose?
Thank you
For some reason it will not let me post a screen shot to a reply to you. So, I have one in reply to topic.
Any reason it will not turn on the break it seems to see it. Left brake works fine Right brake doesn’t move.
Thank you
You have bound the z axis on the right brake. You have to be careful when scanning because the x axis may move when you push the pedal. Make sure you bind the y axis.
If I’m not mistaken, MFG recommend never to use Windows to calibrate their unit, only the MFG software, and MSFS can be used for the sensitivity if you need it. I have never adjusted my MFG’s with anything else, I only used the axis in MSFS for setup and that was all. I have version 2 and I have never had a single adjustment to make. They work as they supposed to do with every plane in MSFS and X-Plane. Excessive tinkering leads to big problems.