You don’t need to calibrate them there, true, but it’s just another tool to visualise what the pedals Dre doing I.e. do you have a full range of motion.
“Excessive tinkering leads to big problems.” I appreciate your input, but I haven’t tinkered with them. Out of the box they were just set in a position that was not comfortable for me. Having flown and been a pilot sitting more or less Flat footed was Acquard at best! I only adjusted the pedals to what felt somewhat comfortable to me. Then Calibrated them through MFGs software, which had to be done, then directly into MSFT2020 to setup, just checking sensitivity no adjustments and clicking done! The very first time without doing anything the left pedal would only start tracking about 1" away from its full travel, but at least it would start.
Now, after having the problem occur on a couple of attempts, I wrote to MFG and Milan answered " In general, our latest firmware which arrives in your pedals v5.09 solves most of calibration problems with autocalibration feature turned on
The rest of the problem may lie in windows calibration or msfs itself so check windows calibration after turning this feature on and read msfs forums about asigning axis to controls."…I’ve changed nothing in his reply!
You can see he advised me the problem may lay in “windows calibration itself so check windows calibration after turning this feature on.” So, after that request I have tried some nominal adjustments to see if that may solve the problem but not in windows calibration. I didn’t do any calibrating there!
I don’t know what the problem is and as you can see, I only received things to read from the manufacture no real suggestions nor any warnings about using the MSFT2020 software. Only thing I ever saw was don’t calibrate through Windows Calibration, which other that seeing if the pedals work in it properly, which they do, I have never done! Now, this thread is nearing 40 back and forth responses. If you look at my screen shots from beginning to end, you will see, what I have done and the suggestions I have been given, seems to over time to have improved the situation. The biggest problem I see now is the problem seems to move from the left pedal to the right pedal. Even with that the problem seems to be they are just not binding but everything is seeing them even MSFT2020. I know that because I start with blank inputs for both Left and Right pedals and after Validating them, they both show on the screen just the right pedal does nothing and the block that is white in the Left pedal is not in the Right pedal? But from my standpoint it seems like I am closer to solving the problem than I was when I started, not further away. I appreciate all the help I can get. One last thing what if after all this I only have left as Milan said it could lay in the Windows calibrating software, should I then consider maybe calibrating them there?
A long time ago there was a movie called “Don’t Eat the Daisie’s” which is a funnier way of saying, If I don’t tell you every possibility, I will come home, and you WILL have found the one thing I didn’t say not to do. It stuck with me so if someone with the knowledge, Say’s “don’t” I don’t. Then if someone who has the knowledge says “yes” I would only do it as a last resort!
Thank you
When in Sensitivity I have in the past used 1,2,3 pushes on each brake. I then do one of them for each break not mixing 1R with a 3L or anything like that, like for like. Then, I click done. I also, use the same hand. I don’t use the left hand for the left brake and the right hand for the right brake, because I don’t know what difference’s there might be. I’m having enough problems without finding it was because I am weaker on one side than the other.
Now, I use the same procedure in the Binding window. You can’t go any further if you don’t Validate them, So I do every time. Every time, because I don’t want to miss the one time it might take! Why, is the brake that is working the only break I would bind, until yesterday I think it was the right brake that wasn’t working now it is the left. The changing of sides is for me the confusing part.
The majority of the time I use 3 complete pushes of the brake on each side for the binding process letting completely go between each push. Any since I have of a mistake on my part I start over. Now, when I start over, I clear the previous setting first.
As far as the X axis I push straight down, but wouldn’t that be true for the Y axis also? Why, would the problem I have happen only on the side that currently has the problem, I have never had both brakes not bind.
Thank you
Instead of trying to have the sim detect what you are doing, try manually assigning the joystick x-axis to the sim left brake axis and the joystick y-axis to the sim right brake axis using the “Select an Input” dropdown instead of scan. Then you can avoid any potential for error.
What does the L in the “joystick L- axis x- MEAN”? Where do I put the Rudder controls?
Thank you
I think it is a way of disambiguating between multiple joysticks. On my setup, my extra joystick for mosewheel steering tiller shows up as R while my yoke and pedals show up as L. You should set the Left and Right brake axes to Joystick L Axis-X and Joystick L Axis-R respectively. Be sure that you actually select the MFG Crosswind profile before you try to set the axes.
And if unsure which is which, just give the axis a wiggle, like pumping the toe brakes, and you will see the white bar moving around. Now you can see if it is bound right or not.
Hi and I am truly sorry!
First, let me say how nice it was to have someone who had enough empathy to stick with it to the finish!! The question about the L is not doing what I hoped it would. A light went off when you said to “try manually assigning the joystick x-axis” It was getting past me when trying to assign it in the binding window but when you went to manual I could find [joystick L- axis x] but I could not find [joystick R- axis y] and believe me it took a while for me to realize there isn’t such a thing that they are both under joystick L.
Do you remember the old saying “you can’t teach old dog’s new tricks”. It takes a while for them to let go of that bone.
Why isn’t there a: joystick L- axis x
and: joystick R- axis y
If you remember anything at all remember this:
+If at first you don’t succeed READ THE MANUAL.
If you can find it?
I now have what you have and thank you again for sticking with it!
Thank you everyone who tried to help me through this awful process!! I found the answer with the help of several of you. I am old enough to know, however incomplete the manual is you should read it first. Or at least when you run into a problem. I still don’t know if it would have solved this problem. So, I am going to force myself to try to read it.
Short answer I didn’t know there wasn’t a joystick r axis there is only a joystick L for both axis. So, not only have I wasted my time of a little over 2 weeks and I think 4 or 5 times of completely undoing my whole computer and the reinstalling all the software I have much to my dismay wasted your valuable time trying to solve my stupidity! I will say it again, Thank you all, because if you hadn’t taken the time, I would still be pulling what is left of my hair out. Although I can afford it as far as my hair goes, I can’t impose on the knowledge that could have been used better.
Thank you
Yay! Glad to hear that you are flying! Hope you enjoy your MFG-Crosswinds that much more since you had to work for them! Don’t feel bad, we are happy to help and most of us that have been involved with computers for any length of time have been in a similar situation. I once spent something like three days trying to figure out an Intel x64 binary instruction encoding because I was making an incorrect assumption that was causing me to badly overthink what I was reading in the manual.
The good news is that your time wasn’t wasted. In going through the process, I would imagine that you have learned a great deal about how control binding in MSFS works. If and when you fly multiple aircraft with different control profiles and decide to start using Axis and Ohs, Spad.Next, Mobi-Flight or FSUIPC to handle your binds since they all save multiple profiles and automatically bring up the right one for the aircraft you are flying, any of those tools should make far more sense to you now. Cheers!
I calibrated my crosswind pedals only with MFG configurator in the MSFS I did nothing and it works fine.
Me to.
Thank you
Glad to hear you solved the problem. I bought the pedals for X-Plane, I have never adjusted anything in MSFS, I don’t really trust their software, it’s really buggy overall. I tried to change some the assigments in the Bravo Throttle switches, it kept freezing, even the ESC key would not work. Their servers keep dropping connections and is the source of many problems. My side is fiber service 1Gb/s, so is not me.
I think that most of us are hypnotized by the scenery, but the quality of the flight model, and the modeling of each plane in every package is mediocre, half or one third of what they show does not work, so for me I keep coming back to X-Plane for serious flying and use a very simple plane in MSFS for enjoying the scenery.
I’m going to get Xplane 12 when it comes out. If the problem hadn’t been solved the very next thing was Xplane 11 and was the only option, I had left I knew it couldn’t be my fault. I’ve flown MSFT2020 not knowing how to set it up by running of the runway until I built up enough speed. My wife is from Bermuda, so I have spent all of my time just circling the island. I have not been impressed with what I see of the island, I can’t seem to find anything that looks anything like what it should. The buildings are a farce even for a mockup they should look better than that. There are docking areas near the main city of Hamilton and 10 times around at 500’ or lower I haven’t seen them I know I haven’t been able to see as well as YouTube videos I have seen. The homes are completely made of Bermuda limestone, they shouldn’t look like stick built. You should be able to find the harbor! I put boats vessels to 100%. I get some yachts, no ships no ports. One of the yachts was running into the island and didn’t seem to want to stop! So, now I get to star for real.
Thank you
I purchased My V3 pedals about 5 years ago. I have serial number 3256
I just downloaded the new configurator and firmware V217 and none of it works for Me.
Configurator will not run on My PC and I tried admin and other things to no avail…
There is an older version on the site I think 2.15. You might try that. Once I learned a little bit about what I was doing I didn’t have any problems with the update. Is auto checked you can uncheck it and manually calibrate the rudder pedals. I believe he has a guide on the site which helped me.
Thank You for all of this really great info !
I have slow internet 800 KBps and now that DCS World is having
another sale, I knew that neither the F4U nor the F4 Phantom II
would come out until after the sale is over on the 18th of Feb.
I bought the MSFS2020 Corsair with 4 Prop blades ( I mention this because I hope DCS has the choice to have a 4 blade version) and I cannot install MSFS2020 that I purchased online and it came with xbox stuff and I have a high end PC.
I was hoping to at least get used to the controls and flying
characteristics, although I know DCS with have much better.
Thank You for any help
Clear Skies