Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Announced

And you are assuming, somehow the number stopped at 10 million users? No royalties from 3rd party developers (i.e. Orbix, etc.) also? I read an article about a year ago that stated this is at minimum a $2 to $3 billion industry so I am sure there is plenty of money in there for Asobo and MSFT to produce a good product…

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There are several issues that remain outstanding with MSFS2020 on the simulation front. Which now most likely will be ignored in MSFS 2024 as Asobo’s is more going to focus on the arcade aspect of the game.

I guess the lack of ATC realism for example doesn’t matter as long as you can fly scripted missions right?


perhaps that extra zero makes a difference lol.

But yeah, my point I think is emphasized.

On a positive tip, MSFS 2020 seemed like a fairly good deal. I got a lot of fun hours in however I also can say I had to deal with more bugs/issues than I ever have.

I gravited to PC strictly for MSFS 2020 as I was sold it would be improving for 10 years. I stopped playing console sport games because every year they come out with a new game that is virtually the same as previous versions. MSFS coming out with another one so soon, worries me.

If my natural instinct was to be happy, I would, but if my “hold on a minute” radar is strong with this announcment, I am shelving my excitement.

On a positive note MLB The Show 10 for PS3 I ordered on Amazon arrived today.

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Explain to me, then, how this is tantamount to theft. Bugs that have existed since launch are nothing to do with your perception that some sort of crime against the community is being committed. MS/Asobo are inviting to treat, and we as consumers can either accept or shop elsewhere.


Ummm so multiple AAU updates that increases the fidelity of various default aircraft and avionics to unprecedented levels, complex CFD driven atmospheric airflow simulation and flight models, etc etc sure don’t sound like “dumbing down” to me. Yes they are also releasing more casual/fun stuff like the Dune DLC, so that MSFS can be multiple things at once to multiple audiences… that’s goodness overall.

And as already confirmed by Phil Spencer, the new 2024 release will improve core weather, graphics, flight dynamics, etc in addition to all the missions. So no, the “hardcore flight sim base” not being distanced lol.


Spenser’s words are just that, words. What he deems as improvements at this point leaves too much open for speculation. I would love to have the question answered “And how exactly has weather, graphics and dynamics been improved?” By adding a tornado is that weather improvement, doesn’t do a lot of good if the weather radar in a plane doesn’t work. But that is my opinion, and maybe it’s different than Phil’s.

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And yes, those questions will very likely be answered in detail in the coming days by Asobo (I’m guessing definitely by FSExpo time later this month, which they may be intentionally saving all details for). We’re only into the second day since this teaser trailer dropped. The tornado being simulated rather then being canned/scripted obviously means there have been some non-trivial changes to the weather… I hardly think the only weather improvement are tornadoes, as that would be… well that’d be silly. We also don’t know what if any improvements are coming to the SDK/APIs to allow for fuller featured weather radars, etc. But even if the weather radar functionality stayed at the current MSFS 2020 levels, I’ll gladly take all other improvements in a 2024 release.

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It is entirely possible that it just wasn’t possible to update the current sim to provide ATC and seasons and weather. A couple Q&A sessions ago, Jorg was asked when we can expect seasons or ATC. His answer was that they were complicated to put in the sim, and that we shouldn’t expect to see them for a year. Which I found interesting at the time, because surely one might have been possible to deliver this year. But we saw the promo with what is implemented as it is right now. Meaning, they have a new UI. They have the shell enough to present some of these things in the promo.

For those of you that then feel cheated that these fixes are in the new sim, the new sim will be available day 1 via GamePass. All your current content will still work in the new sim. But you paid for the Premium Deluxe version of 2020. Ok, so if you don’t want to pay for 2024, just use GamePass, copy your Premium Deluxe planes from the OneStore directory of your 2020 install, and place them in the 2024 OneStore directory. You don’t lose anything. You don’t have to pay for the new version if you don’t want to. You get the graphics advances. You get seasons and extreme weather. I don’t know if they will have a revamped ATC or not, that is to be confirmed as yet. But just because you paid $100+ for Premium Deluxe and they didn’t fix these things in 2020 but instead 2024, you can still carry forward your investment into 2024. If you want the new Premium Deluxe version of 2024, well best of all worlds, you can have your old Premium Deluxe and your new Premium Deluxe, advanced graphics, weather, etc.

And yes, I know the next thing people will complain about is “There will be bugs at first release”. Ok. Wait until 2024 becomes stable. It really doesn’t have to be as big a deal as people are making things. This will be a revamped UI capable of handling some of the things people have been requesting. There is a migration path should you choose it. No promises are being broken. No one is requiring you to reinvest if you don’t want to.

Frankly, I was terribly disappointed when I upgraded my CPU that it didn’t really mean great gains in MSFS. With the new version, I am fully anticipating that I finally will see gains from that investment. I am nothing but excited for this.


So you’re saying that the reason MSFS is being developed is because Microsoft is releasing a Series S with a bigger SSD and a different colour case, but identical internal architecture…

That’s some twisted logic there.


Agree 100%, 2nd day only leaves a lot open for us simmers to do what we do best; speculate and complain about things we don’t have enough info about. So in a weird way, we got just what we like.

I do hope the Expo sheds some more light on things.


Not exactly, just timely announcement and release, is called marketing, I thought I just let people in the discussion to know about this product, don’t read too much into it.

According to Phil Spencer on a Giant Bomb interview, Tornadoes in the sim can be created dynamically if the weather is correct

There’s also advances in aerodynamics.

Helisimmer’s very insightful thoughts on the announcement and trailer:


I was at a city meeting this afternoon, and a lot of it had nothing to do with why I was there, so I was cruising the Internet and found a MSFS 2024 FAQ page… probably from this site…

Anyway, the FAQ’s tell us that all of the aircraft we buy now will still work - specifically if they are through the in game process of acquiring them, and a few other good points… let me see if I can find that link… Ah, here it is!

Sergio always seems to deliver a levelheaded viewpoint on things.


When r were expected pre orders so we can know prices??

You missed the part in the FAQ that the word “virtually” is before the “all”. This to me leaves a big gap and does not mean 100%. That said, I’m not stirring the pot, just saying the FAQ is vague and leads a lot open to word interpretation.


By very few exceptions, I mean add-ons that involve systems like Parallel 42, and I believe that airplanes and airports are not a problem for compatibility.

Totally. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement and the rest of your post. 100%.


Flight Simulator 1.0
− Released in November 1982

Flight Simulator 2.0
− Released in 1984

Flight Simulator 3.0
− Released in mid-1988

Flight Simulator 4.0
− Released in late 1989

Flight Simulator 5.0
− Released in late 1993

Flight Simulator for Windows 95
− Released in late-1996

Flight Simulator 98
− Released on September 16, 1997

Flight Simulator 2000
− Released in late 1999

Flight Simulator 2002
− Released in October 2001

Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight
− Released in July 2003

Flight Simulator X
− Released in October 2006