Microsoft Flight Simulator - "Game Of The Year"

There are always people who perform a beyond compare of the files before and after. I am really curious if you are right here.

My experience has been just the opposite. MSFS has been doing better and better with every update.

I did not install WU9 and yet I went to try a flight this morning and could not get past the initial splash screens before CTD and back to Xbox home. Tried four times and every time CTD.

Something is severely messed up with SU9/WU9 and Xbox. It’s to the point where it won’t even load the game , that to me is critical and needs attention ASAP.

We’ve had DLC incompatibility for awhile now, there is even a thread/spread sheet that’s been created. But this latest fiasco has finally punched Asobo/MS square on the chin. They are going to have to put resources forward to fix this sim.

I went from a great game experience one day to unplayable game the next day.

Please get this sorted ASAP,

Frustrated User

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Considering this update is also causing MSFS on Cloud to ■■■■ the bed much like it’s doing for many Xbox and PC users, I think we can pretty safely blame the update and not end users, their systems or their add-ons. Microsobo seem scrambling like never before to try to solve this. I’d be willing to wager we see an actual hotfix for this (vs a patch 2-3 weeks later) sometime next week at the latest.


Thanks, yes - I saw this last night and have DMed her.

Hopefully this helps, and I’m definitely not complaining - the fact is FS2020 is one of the most complex pieces of software around at the moment and the fact that we can enjoy it on console is fantastic. When it works (which is most of the time) there’s nothing else quite like it. :grinning:

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Same here I purchased the Carenado Piper Seminole PA44 day before SU9 and have not been able fly her fully.

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I get CTD’s “infrequently” (by the new Asobo standards), maybe one in ten flights. This morning after updating everything I got two CTD’s on two attempted simple 30 minute flights in the “new Italy” using the A5. Two out of two in the span of 30 minutes. I’m just not shocked or surprised anymore.

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Well, other than things like the Large Hadron Collider, the process for chip manufacturing, detecting gravitational waves, and maybe real flight software, none of which are “too complicated to test” (a frequent myth I see around here regarding MSFS 2020).


With respect, how do you know it’s a ‘tiny fraction?’ Not every disaffected person uses these forums. You’re extrapolating an assumption from what is undoubtedly a very small proportion of the total user base.

Now I’m not as affected by some of the diabolical issues affecting some on here, but I can still have respect and empathy for people who are clearly beyond frustration.


I used to be one of those users without any issues. Now my game won’t even load past the splash screen.

Beyond frustrating


I definitely empathise, mate. I have CTD’s (some days more than others) and it’s frustrating. Not experiencing problems on your level but I think constructive criticism/venting is perfectly acceptable in these instances.


Not good. Obviously you’re going to need to reinstall once the new fix is released. You can’t even boot the game to download any files.

It’s always great to see such walls of text raging on nearly every AAA title after some update hit.

Sometimes I wish it was 2003 again at which time someone had to live with bugs not being fixed as a title received just 3 updates and there were just a handful of places people could complain :smiley:

Yes, the situation on Xbox is not okay but still it’s a (fairly complex) game with the next hotfix scheduled. It’s not 2003 so you will get a running sim again - just let the devs look into their 100000 endpoint connections to other services around the globe to tackle the issue which may or may not be directly related to the sim itself (as Windows had a patch day some days ago which brought some issues I’d not be surprised if Asobos building tools were not affected or some Xbox related services :wink: )

On PC SU9 for me is the most stable update when it comes to performance and CTDs (had not a single one since - also including WU9) so I suspect it’s some underlying issue which is not directly related to the update itself (server side or on the build process for XBX).

The really frustrating part is that the sim was running perfectly smooth and free of any CTD on Monday. I avoided any downloading on Tuesday and read all the issues so did not even boot up MSFS yesterday.
This more I decided to try a flight but not download the WU9. Didn’t even get that far and CTD at splash screen four times.

It makes no sense?!?!


This smacks of ‘well I’m not having any problems so why should I care about yours’.

Your entire post does, really. Hopefully I’ve taken it out of context and that isn’t your prevailing attitude, as I don’t think that’s particularly helpful or constructive, at all.


Very odd indeed. I’ve just decided to wait it out until a fix is available. It will have to come at some point.

Yeah, I’d had hardly any apart from a conflict when using the Southend dlc airport - this one does feel a bit different. There’s no pause beforehand as if the software was ‘thinking about it’ and no sound - it just drops quickly back to the dashboard at the same point every time, about three quarters loaded.

Yeah, still waiting on the LHC add-on for xbox - I’ve assured my neighbours in a 20 mile radius that I’ll try to keep any disruption to a minimum when it releases, so now it’s just a waiting game…:grinning::+1:


Yep, it’s taken out of context - read it again with the attitude of: the build itself seems to be good but it looks like the build process for Xbox is defect.

Both builds should include the same content but optimized for different environments.

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Fair enough. I apologise for the assumption.

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