Milviz C310R Official Thread

New 310R update is live:

Version 1.9.6 – July 7 2023

New Feature

The FDE has been revised to not require quite so much power on final.
Load stations and CG have been modified to closer match the real aircraft.
Cameras have been modified to accomodate the revision of the CG.

You’ll notice the different camera view right away, the default pilot
view is further back and a bit lower, we’d like your feedback on this change.

The aircraft should be a little less stressful to land with considerably less power required to maintain speed on final. There’s slightly more lift during the flare. A side effect of these changes is that the nose wheel steering at higher speeds requires a bit more attention than before.


  • Elevator trim effectiveness has been adjusted to make each increment do less movement. This has the side effect of making the AP less effective in the pitch channel so big adjustments to pitch by the AP will take a bit longer to accomplish. Also, the indicator position has been moved up 20% to better reflect the actual setting.

  • Several relatively minor model fixes are also incorporated in this release.

  • Changes to the way the avionics suites are handled are included with this SP. Better integration with the latest WT changes to the base 530/430 and KAP-140 autopilot is a result. See “Notes on Avionics Configurations” below for more details.

Bug Fixes

Fixed: Brake damage is not saved and restored. (This affected other damage too.)
Fixed: Prop switching back to max fine setting after landing with feathered prop.
Fixed: Dirt is not accumulating on the airframe.
Fixed: After recovery from a stall the AP will no longer work.
Fixed: Engine does not actually fail when it should based on damage.

This release contains a code fix that addresses a potential timing issue that could be causing some of the save/restore state issues that have been reported. I was never able to reproduce this issue with any regularity so please if you’ve had problems with save/restore in ‘owned’ mode, see if they are any better or have gone away.

Notes on Avionics Configurations

Using External Controls for GNS530:

  1. Users that map GNS530/430 to external buttons need to assign the CDI button to a script. Here are suggested scripts:
  • 1 (>H:AS530_CDI_Push, Number)
  • 1 (>H:AS430_CDI_Push, Number)

Changes this update

  1. There is a GNS530 and a GNS430 available in the C310R. With this mod the units can be in unmatched CDI states - one in VLOC and one in GPS.
  2. The HSI and NAV2 CDI behavior code has been improved to use latest simvars and to provide correct indicator flags.
  3. The TO/FROM flag for HSI and CDI are correctly calculated in GPS operation when in OBS mode. HIS should agree with the CDI drawn on the 530 screen.
  4. When legacy Radio is used, the state of the hidden GPS units is ignored when calculating HSI/OBS indicators.

PMS50 and TDS GTN750 mods:

  1. This update includes latest recommended variable settings to correctly allow GPS selection using EFB tablet. When either GTN750 mod is present but not selected it is disabled.
  2. The GPS selection in tablet should be made on the ground before programming GPS. Switching selected GPS in the air is not recommended.
  3. Also suggest pilot restart flight after making change to selected GPS on the C310R tablet to make sure new GPS is correctly initialized.
  4. If user wishes to use PMS50 GTN750, need to download and install pms50-instrument-gtn750 and pms50-gtn750wtt-aircraft-milviz-cessna310 mods available from Using pms50-instrument-gtn750 alone is not recommended as WTT mode is not available.
  5. If user wishes to use TDS GTN750Xi recommended to remove all PMS50 mods from community

###Supported Configuration 1:

  • Community contains: no GTN750 GPS mod package
  • C310R tablet can switch Radio ↔ GNS530W

###Supported Configuration 2:

  • Community contains: TDS GTN750NXi package
  • C310R can switch Radio ↔ GNS530W ↔ TDS GTN750
  • Only switch GPS on ground before flight.

###Supported Configuration 3:

  • Community contains: pms50-instrument-gtn750 and pms50-gtn750wtt-aircraft-milviz-cessna310
  • see the aircraft page on
  • the second mod places gtn750 in WT mode
  • C310R can use only PMS50 GTN750 w/WTT as tablet is locked by PMS50 mode

###This Configuration is not recommended

  • pms50-instrument-gtn750 without the PMS50 WT patch
  • this is not supported because having GNS530 in WT autopilot mode is incompatible with GNT750 not also supporting WT