Milviz C310R Official Thread

Go to our webpage, you can find the link for the paint kit at the bottom of the 310R product page, along with links to the manual etc.


I normally use the very good MSFS Livery Tools that you can get from, to compile all of the files needed. Though I’m still struggling to get my head around it! But when I get it to work, it does a great job. Hats off to fswt for creating it.

Though with the 310R this tool doesn’t work as it needs the models gltf file, which isn’t available with the official Milviz 310R model.
So I resorted to using a mix of the paintkit and the texture files from the official Milviz 310R texture folder of a livery that I wanted as the base for my own livery.
The texture files were edited in Photoshop, and I used the UV files from the paintkit to guide. Though for the cockpit it was a case of finding the files for the components I needed to modify, as the cockpit isn’t a part of the paintkit.
The cockpit was trial and error until I got the look I was aiming for.
For the chrome effects it means that you need to play with the texture COMP files.

I’m very new to doing liveries, and I must say that, though it can be frustrating due to not being able to find a bolt that looks out of place. I’m finding that it’s relaxing and giving me something to focus my mind on.
Livery designing is fun. So give it a go!
Only Work With Copies!

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C310R - Circuit Breaker Issue (minor)

Ever since the C310r update from Marketplace last week I’ve had a minor problem that the circuit breaker switch being tripped (to red) for the Starter when I first start a new flight. It’s easy enough to press the breaker back in and all is well… until the next time I come back in through the main menu (World Map), pick an airport and parking ramp, and take my place in the cockpit. Each time I go through this routine, the starter’s circuit breaker is tripped.

Anyone else experiencing this?

sounds like state saving

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“sounds like state saving”

Agreed. Far as I can tell, however, all of the other states are saving okay. This includes cowl flaps, fuel lines, lights, fuel pump, ownership setting, previous flight’s remaining fuel levels, etc.

I used Content Manager yesterday to uninstall the C310R (‘delete’), then reinstall. Ended up with the same circuit breaker issue. I did a second uninstall of the plane again today, then reinstalled. No change. The issue is still there.

This is more of a puzzle than an issue. It’s easy enough as part of my start-up checklist to see that the breaker needs to be reset.

Just curious about it.

When you uninstall the aircraft, the state saving files won´t be deleted, you have to delete them manually. You can find them in:


And you don´t have to delete the entire aircraft, just the files inside this folder.


Be warned, that will also reset the accumulated Hobbs hours.


Thank-you (both Gollnick1848 & Baracus250), my issue is resolved.

Interestingly, my ‘state saving files’ were in a slightly different location. They were not in the …AppData\Local.… path, but rather in the …AppData\Roaming.… path, and even with that, there was a further slight variation. My location for the state files is: C:\Users[myname]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\milviz-aircraft-310\work

Don’t know if either of these influences the location, but I’m running Windows 11, and my sim comes from Steam.

Regardless of all that, I found the folder, made a backup copy, deleted the original, restarted the sim, and the stuck circuit breaker issue was resolved… and my Hobbs counter was reset to zero (as expected). I then restored the original files from my backup, then deleted only the State_N3938_Components.sav file (my favored registration), restarted the sim, and my circuit breaker issue was resolved and the Hobbs counter was back at 222.2 (my actual count).

So, again, my thanks to your quick and helpful replies.


Since the marketplace update, the elevator trim is fixed nose up and can’t be moved. I’ve reinstalled the airplane and still don’t work. Unflyable of course.

No issues with the trim here!

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Thanks. I’ve posted this issue at the Blackbird forum. Waiting the answer now.

We’re on Xmas holidays till the 4th.

However, it’s likely that your binding is messed up. Does the trim work by moving it manually?

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No, don’t move in any way. Thanks for your answer and nice new year to all Blackbird team.
A day later: Solved by changing the livery.

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Did the option for lower res textures ever come about?

No, just stock textures. MSFS has options to downscale rendering and reduce the memory footprint with very little quality loss.

The 310 has been one of the best planes in MSFS. I haven’t been using msfs for a couple of months and now that I am getting back to it I find the 310 will not get above about 110kts straight and level. All the engine gauges are reading right but the plane has no power or performance .I’ve checked the flaps are working correctly and nothing else seems wrong but the performance is way down on what it should be. I have deleted and reloaded the 310 through content manager . The load is at about 50% so not overloaded. I’ve done an inspection and overhaul via the notepad .Any ideas anyone.

deleting and reinstalling will not clear state saving.

Does the problem occur in all liveries ?

What sort of prop rpm are you getting ?

Do you have any spoiler mapped? If so make sure it’s not active.

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Thanks for the reply.
Blackbird Sims has found the answer.
I have a spoiler setting mapped for jets but haven’t used it lately and it was in the spoiler out position .
Strange that it should slow the 310 down but it does.

Thanks for the prompt reply and yes that was the problem .
All sorted now and thank you very much.