Milviz C310R Official Thread

Finally. I’ve gotten fatigued clicking around this page looking for precisely this post! :face_with_head_bandage:


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You have brought a new hope Master Colin Skywalker…
You have defeated the sith WU/SU the lord of bugs…

You and your Jedai nights (also known as the… Milviz army) are our only hope of defeating the dark emperor and Darth Vader of A32nx, PMDG and Carnado… boredom of tube and GA flying…

You must get your Jedai knights together and bring forwars those new Xwings plans (also known as the ATR72) deliver them to the masses, defeat the dark lord of boring tube 35,000ft flying, and Darth vadar GA 9000ft flying and bring in a new era (15-25000ft…) to the msfs universe …

The force is with you master Colin…

Da da Dada da da da da dadaa…

Hang on wrong theme tune… that was indian and the Jones… opps

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This is a quote from the A2A forums, posted 6 weeks ago. I much prefer their way of doing things over spending 6 months saying “real soon now”.

A2A is DEEPLY involved in FS2020 and WILL be releasing our first aircraft (The Comanche) fairly soon.

I know it’s getting old seeing me tell everyone to be patient. It’s been a long time and I know how rumors can start.
The road into FS2020 has not been an easy one for A2A due to the depth of fidelity built into Accusim. That and ONLY THAT is the reason we are late out of the gate. An A2A Accusimmed aircraft is a VERY complex bit of code and we spent years getting it to where we wanted it to be.
The reason we are so late is specifically because we didn’t want to release a product not to the A2A standard. We are now close to where we have to be so hang in there as I’ve said a hundred times. When we release trust me…you will NOT be disappointed!
Dudley Henriques

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You and me both!! It was always my favorite go to plane in P3D.

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Long time reader of this thread here, great to see this aircraft finally come to release. I thought the C414 would scratch the itch, but from what we have seen in videos and images this will be a truly remarkable aircraft. Thank you very much Milviz for the dedication you have put into this aircraft and hopefully it will live up to the “hype”.


There has been been any intention on my part or anyone else here to mislead you or anyone about release dates for the 310. There’ve been several points at which we all sincerely thought we were close to release, only to find something time-consuming that had to be fixed or upgraded to meet our standards.

We’re all new to MSFS here and it’s hard to estimate the time it will take, say, to get single-engine performance as correct as is possible in the sim. This is Milviz’s first twin. It took far longer than we estimated - but we aren’t going to release something that’s not right just to get it into your hands faster. I realize how frustrating this can be - no one is more eager to get the airplane out than the team that built it. We want you to enjoy it NOW - but not at the cost of an inferior product.

This is not “blaming Asobo” it’s just a fact. This is a new experience for all developers, and thinking they are deliberately playing games by “teasing” you isn’t accurate. We’re trying to keep our potential customers updated in an uncertain and ever-changing environment.

Personally, though, I’ve learned to not ever think something is about ready. The word “soon” will be banished from my vocabulary in future projects I lead.


I think the community should learn something, too. Many devs don’t give any indication on release timelines but people complain all the time. Now here’s an example that shows everyone why. SW development is complicated, especially with such a dynamic platform like MSFS. Devs simply don’t know the exact timeline and they don’t wanna be rushed, and nor should they be rushed.

So I hope everyone learns something and we can all stop nagging for release dates, it’s annoying. Nobody wants something released that has lots of bugs. We’ve seen that too, and people complain as well…

Anyway, thanks for your work! Looking forward to the 310 :slight_smile:


October 2021:

You wrote the above more than six months ago.

That sounds like a good plan.

Here’s hoping that it lives up to the enormous expectation that has been built up in this thread and we can all enjoy flying it and forget about the waiting.

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Compared with a few other planes promised that I’ve been waiting for for years in other sims, this wait wasn’t bad at all. It’s fun to know what’s coming. Making a good plane for FS seemed impossible a little while back, so we should be very thankful some companies have worked extra hard and accomplished it.

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First and foremost, thank you for all your efforts! The feature list sounds amazing and is exactly what I’m looking for! Please don’t take (all) our passion and interest as demands or complaints - speaking for myself at least, I know that I only desired a bit of an update here and there and to share my enthusiasm and hopes for the project along the way. Something like “we’re working on system X or feature Y” and a few WIP screenshots/previews now and then is enough to satisfy me for the most part.

One thing I will take away from this experience is to always try to remain patient and keep things in perspective. I think that’s never a bad habit to work on - especially with the organic nature of FS2020’s development and update system.

Back on subject, congratulations on your nearly-arrived release day! I can’t wait!!! I’ve upgraded to a yoke and I can’t wait to get started!! Now I really need to get going with my world flight planning!


may the schwartz be with you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly!!! It’s not the length of the wait that bothered me. It was the constant statements that the wait was almost over. It was Lucy and the football.

I totally appreciate @FurtiveRobin142’s explanation, and I probably would have done similarly in his position.
I’m eagerly awating May 4th.

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Little PC-6 Update tease!


C-310 in two days and a PC-6 steam gauge update down the road!


I am happy to see this. I’m tempted to wait for the PC-6 update before getting the 310, but if phase 2 isn’t far off now I’d reconsider!

TheFlyingFabio streamed this today, and it was the first time I was aware there are glass avionics options (the Garmin G5) for a couple of the steam gauges. The artificial horizon and the heading indicator, I think. Fabio had some sort of issue causing them to not work, but I was excited to see there are some more modern options available.

Is there a manual for this on the website yet? I wasn’t able to find one earlier.

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The website is up and the manual is there for download here :

We go live tmrw at 1pm EDT on our twitch : Twitch and will be available for sale directly after the show.

It will be available on the marketplace as soon as they pass acceptance on it but it will not work on the Xbox until they fix the WASM issue.

We’re very proud of what we’ve done on this and many thanks go out to the devs, the testers and everyone involved in making this the best product ever done by us.



Great to see some of our most well known streamers getting their hands on the 310R for a pre release test!

I thought I’d try my hand at making my own recording too, showing a short A - B IFR flight in the 310R using real world procedures. Forgive the volume of the narration during some parts of the flight video where the engine noise is at it’s loudest- it is my first time trying to create something like this!

Hopefully there are some points in here that are helpful to those new to the type! Huge kudos to FurtiveRobin142 and his team for creating a very impressive and highly immersive recreation of this airplane. :bowing_man:


I got a kick out of the C-OLIN registration I saw in a preview stream.

Best of luck with the release.

Can’t wait!