Milviz C310R Official Thread

I had an engine out situation on a 2.5-hour flight yesterday – I think I hit the “high” setting on the fuel pump by accident and it flooded out – and everything went exactly as I’d have expected. Prop feathered correctly when the lever was pulled back, and I had to re-trim to reflect the change in dynamics from the feathered engine. Just like my mama told me! (Note: my mama did not tell me any of this.)

I was even able to do an air restart on it with very few problems. Great piece of work this plane is!


It’s finally on OrbX! Joining the party right now. #downloading

I’ll have to fly from KGSO and recreate my first time ever flying a real-life twin.


Hello Folks
Quick question: What am I doing wrong here - my 310R does not “remember” the settings I made (i.e. “owned/realism etc.” and therefore is always back to initial state when I load it again.
Any idea?

Your patience has been rewarded! Enjoy.

I broke down and bought it from Marketplace last week.

I convinced myself that this is one plane I want to feel as if it’s a part of the base game, not an add-on. Never to be deleted once I “own “ one, so it can have the honour of staying on my precious C Drive storage space alongside the sim and JustFlight planes!

My Orbx Library is on my D drive along with all other mods and so on, which is also rapidly running out of free space :frowning:

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There must be more to life than just following a Magenta in on a Moving map.

Agree. Thanks to all, I’ll fly this way every now and then, It’s funny also.

Hi again. I’m unable to assign this wonder to any bush trip using MissionChanger. Is it kinda disabled for missions? A pity, because now I’d like to replay some of them using the C310.

Make sure your shut down the aircraft, park it, turn the power off and exit your sim session to the main menu. Also ensure that you are using the same registration number between flights- the data gets tied to whatever reg you have set in the MSFS UI menu. This is all explained in a little more depth in the aircraft manual.

Long live to the Magenta line!.

Just kidding, my 75% of flights with this aircraft was with radio nav (VOR to VOR), I love this old school navigation.

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Hi all, does anyone know, if I change to Nav 2 to get the DME, does the CDI still track Nav1 for, example, an ILS which requires a separate DME? I’ve been jerry-rigging the GPS to use as a faux DME, but I’d really like to use actual DME for approaches.

thanks! Will check again!

Was wondering when the Subject of the DME was going to arise.

DME or GPS Horizontal distance

Then there is DME derived Speed (To-From the DME falility) as opposed to your Air Speed in whatever direction you are flying.

Yes, the GPS is horizontal distance, the DME is angular distance but for an approach the difference is small enough to be mostly usable, since you are so close to the ground. My question is whether the CDI swtiches over to Nav2 with the toggle, or remains tracking Nav1, in order to be able to fly ILS with separate DME approaches.

Currently the switch changes radio source for both HSI and DME display but not Autopilot which is electrically impossible. There has been considerable discussion on the support forum so perhaps this will change in the first update. The user consensus recomendation seems to be switch the DME display source only and leave HSI/AP feed on NAV1. This would allow DME approaches.

Maybe @Krazycolin can give us hint of which direction they are going in the update…

I’m not knowledgeable about that. I’m just a relayer of info

Can anyone point me to a resource that might explain why the KAP140 is always beeping at me? Not much in the Milviz manual as you would expect since they use the stock KAP140, but having a hard time understanding why all the alert beeps. I have the GitHub mod and it’s better for sure with my Bravo, but still a complicated mess between having to use the on screen controls and using some of my Bravo dials/buttons. Anyway thanks for solving the taxi light click thing for me, if I solve the AP beeping I will be happy. Thx.

You are probably hearing the ‘1000 to go’ chine sounding. Make sure the cruise altitude is wound up to a value higher than the 0 to 1000AGL to prevent hearing it on takeoff and initial climb.

75% of my flights (so far) have been hand-flown. VOR to VOR is the way to go, IMHO, and trimming the aircraft for (relatively) stable flight while minding the “tiller.”

It’s an amazing experience to be able to fly this way in MSFS, at medium altitude (5,500 - 6,500) and with OG avionics. I’m loving it! :slight_smile:


Have gotten so used to loading into planes in the sim with automatic 50% fuel loading that I had a little mishap yesterday that left me feeling very foolish indeed.

With an hour to go before Spanish GP coverage, i decided to take the C310 for a shuttle run between Shoreham and Goodwood, doing touch and go’s at each end until time ran out. I have all realism settings maxed out and have ownership of the plane with the livery with the critter on the tail.

Got into the plane at Shoreham and tried to memorise the checklists, got airborne and headed for Goodwood. My first landing was a touch heavy so elected to do another circuit and try another. This one was better so, carried out the touch and go and headed back to Shoreham.

On approach to Shoreham, I headed South over the channel to get into the left circuit for runway 20 as instructed.

Suddenly things went very wrong. I was down to circuit height at about 1200ft. The plane sounded weird and I couldn’t maintain airspeed. Started looking at gauges. I eventually spotted, after what seemed an eternity that the left engine had quit. I was struggling to keep plane straight and level when it dawned on me that it was fuel. I had NONE !!

Just at that moment the other engine quit and I was in big trouble. I knew that if i looked down at fuel switches whilst in VR, I would not be able to fly the plane but it was that or crash. I looked. I switched left engine to Aux tank. Left engine sparked back into life and when i looked up, a combination of low airspeed and sudden power from the left hand side, flipped the plane into a right handed stall and I went in to the sea inverted.


How could I be so stupid.

I just thought, despite knowing that I had about 60 pounds of fuel in each wingtip, that fuel wouldn’t be an issue on such a short trip and I guess I forgot that ownership means I have the same fuel in the plane that I ended my last flight with.

Also it’s worth noting that touch and go’s and circuit flying in the 310 uses a lot of fuel.

No excuses. Rookie error. Good job I am not a real pilot :slight_smile:


Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.

That’s a knarly situation you found yourself in. Aren’t you happy it is only a simulation?

Just flew in to KMRY at roughly 0520Z. In and out of the marine layer, cleared for approach to 28L, straight-in out of the Salinas Valley over the 3700’ hill in the “key.” It’s a knarly approach - hand flying - “following the needles.” I set the 310 down pretty nicely, but neglected to push the props to full fine. I wondered why I was coming in “hot.” However, I never took my eyes off the runway… when I could actually see it!

This is an amazingly done aircraft. MilViz has hit a Grand Slam for a walkoff… worth the wait for sure. :slight_smile:


One thing that makes this plane wonderful like no other is that it “remembers” the state if you own the plane. A few days ago I forgot to remove the pitot cover and I became aware of it just after takeoff when the air speed indicator was not working. Now I check the state of the aircraft just after the flight loads and once again before exiting, no excuses.

Does anyone know of any other aircraft with this feature? Please let me know.

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